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Simone Tuzza

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-07/B Sociology of Law and Deviance

Curriculum vitae


- 2015 - 2020: Doctorat de recherche en Criminologie at Université de Montréal, École de Criminologie. Thesis (April/August 2020): "Police et politique dans la gestion des manifestations: un cas d'étude". Final grade: excellent. Research interests: policing protest, police sociology, internal security, police policies and new medias.

- 2013 - 2015: Ongoing enrollment as a student at the Doctorat de recherche en Criminologie at the Université de Montréal. Achieved final examination of synthesis, change of status from student to doctoral candidate and drafting of the dissertation in April 2015.

- 2009 - 2012: Master degree in Criminological Sciences for Investigation and Security (LM-88) at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science "Roberto Ruffilli" (A. A. 2011/2012). Thesis in criminology and victimology entitled: "Victims of the city: between insecurity and criminalization. Analysis and operational proposals".

- 2010 - 2011: Study period abroad through the Erasmus project at the Université Paris X Nanterre La Défence. Exams sustained: contact de cultures et copetences interculturelles, droit pénal intérnational, français des sciences humaines, ville comme laboratoire sociale.

- 2005 - 2009: Bachelor's degree in Culture and Human Rights, University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science (A.A. 2009/2010). Thesis in History and Institutions of North American countries entitled: "Cultural realignment and penal system in the United States after the 1960s".

- High School Diploma at the Pacinotti Institute, La Spezia. (Year, 2005).


Research activities:

- 2020-2021: Research project: “La protezione dei minori: sfide e proposte formative per gli operatori”, funded on the project: "Ue Justice - SAFE", for the needs of the Department of Sociology and Law of Economics of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Tutor: Raffaella Sette.

- 2015 - 2016: Research project: "Après le Printemps Erable: culture policière et mouvements sociaux". Data collection and analysis, literature on the subject. Supervision: Professor Massimiliano Mulone.

- 2014 - 2015: Research project: "Enjeux pratiques et theoriques de la commercialisation des services policiers". Data collection and analysis, literature on the subject. Supervision: Professor Massimiliano Mulone.

- 2010 - 2011: Interdisciplinary research project: "La ville comme laboratoire sociale" in the framework of the multi-year contract "UrbAmbiancE" between L'Université Paris X and the security department of the city of Paris. Supervision: Professor José Sanchez Garcia.

Teaching activity:

- Expert in Applied Criminology and Security Policies at University of Bologna (2020).

- A.A. 2017-2018 (SP1000): Teaching Professor "Sécurité intérieure: Nature et Mission", Baccalauréat en criminologie, Baccalauréat en sécurité et études policières. Teaching of: concepts of internal security, law enforcement, police, public order, prevention and repression. Historical overview of the police. Private and public police. Responsibility, legitimacy and control of the police and security. Lectures, seminars, organisation of group work. Preparation and correction of examinations.

- November 2015: Lecturer at the study seminar “Folla, polizia e in-sicurezza” a seminar lecture on “Gestire la protesta: sfide, problemi e nuove pratiche di polizia durante le manifestazioni”. University of Perugia, Degree Course in Science for Investigation and Security, Laboratory of Criminology, Criminalistics and Investigation. Participation in the correction of the final test for students.

- 2014 - 2015: Teaching Assistant "Renseignement et enjeux sociopolitiques", Université de Montréal, Maîtrise en criminologie. Exam correction activities, tutor of the course for students.

Participation in conferences:

- March 2019: presentation of: “Polizia e politica: un caso di studio nella gestione delle manifestazioni”, during the congress: “La violenza politica una ridefinizione del concetto oltre la depoliticizzazione”, University of Genoa.

- June 2018: presentation during the congress AICLF (Association Internationale Criminologues de Langue Française), Université de Lausanne: "Police et politique dans la gestion des foules: un cas d'étude".

- May 2016: presentation during the AICLF (Association Internationale Criminologues de Langue Française) Université de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines congress: "La police face au virtuel: Stratégies, pratiques et communication policière sur Twitter lors des manifestations".

- February 2015: Participation in the COSPOF congress of the AFSP (Association Française de Science Politique), Université de Lausanne, with Professor M. Mulone presenting: "Entre le pavé et le bâton: le travail des médiateurs dans la gestion de foule".

- November 2014: presentation at the Congress "Which policies for security" of the journal Studi sulla questione criminale, University of Perugia: “Protesta studentesca e ordine pubblico: il ruolo de l’agent de liaison tra manifestanti e polizia”.

- May 2014: presentation at the Congress AICLF (Association Internationale Criminologues de Langue Française) Université de Liège, with Professor M. Mulone, presenting: "A l'intersection du policier et du demonstrant: le travail des agents de médiation dans la gestion des foules".


- 2020 - under review for publication: “Polizia: indipendente, attore politico o strumento del potere? Una disamina della polizia ‘politica’ nella gestione dell’ordine pubblico”[book chapter].

- 2018: "La police face aux outils numériques: stratégies, pratiques et communication policière sur Twitter lors des manifestations", Tuzza S., Tanner S., Carpentier-Laberge C., Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vol. Volume 60 Issue 3, June 2018, pp. 354-386.

- 2015: “Tra lo striscione e il manganello: gli agenti mediatori all’interno delle manifestazioni”, Tuzza S., Mulone M., Studi sulla Questione Criminale (nr. 1-2015).

Member and participation in:

AICLF: Association Internationale Criminologues de Langue Française

ICCC: International Center of Compared Crimonology (Université de Montréal)

École de Criminologie (Université de Montréal).

IJLS: Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Law and Society

Awards and scholarships:

2019: Bourse participiation colloque intérnational, Université de Montréal.

2017: Bourse d'excellence de l'Ecole de Criminologie (Hiver, 2017)

2016: Bourse de soutien aux études doctorales (Automne 2016).

2016: Bourse de soutien aux études doctorales (hiver 2016).

2015: Bourse de cueillette de données internationale (Hiver 2015).

2014: Bourse de soutien aux études doctorales (Automne 2014).

2014: Bourse colloque du Centre International de Criminologie Comparée (Janvier 2014).

2014: Bourse d'excellence de l'École de Criminologie (Hiver 2014).

2010-2011: Erasmus grant at the Université Paris X Nanterre La Défense. (A.Y. 2009/2010)

Language skills

- Italian mother tongue

Foreign languages:

- French: excellent oral and written knowledge (C2 level) implemented with periods abroad in France and PhD in Canada (Québec) as well as teaching in French. - French Language Diploma B2 issued by Université Paris X.

- English: excellent written and oral knowledge implemented after study abroad in Canada. University level language examinations at the University of Bologna, Department of Languages.

Other skills

- Good communication skills and adaptability and management of working groups matured in volunteer activities at the Cultural Association Harambe; and thanks to a volunteer trip to Kenya with the NGO "Karibu Afrika" where I did counseling and assistance to tuberculosis and HIV patients.

- Good organizational skills derived both from work experience, volunteering and university experience in terms of working group management and activity coordination.

Digital skills

- Consolidated experience in the operation of Windows Operating Systems,

Machintosh and Ubuntu Linux.

- Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook)

- Software: professional knowledge of Microsoft Office suite; excellent skills

in Internet browsing. Basic knowledge of some analysis programs

(NVIVO, Excel), excellent knowledge of Open Office, Social Networks