Foto del docente

Simona Tondelli

Full Professor

Department of Architecture

Academic discipline: CEAR-12/A Urban and Regional Planning

Deputy Rector

Curriculum vitae

Academic position

Full Professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture,  Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Department of Architecture, Viale Risorgimento, 2 – 401236 Bologna (Italy)


Associate Professor in the field of Spatial planning and techniques (sector ICAR/20)


Researcher / Assistant Professor in the field of Spatial planning and techniques (sector ICAR/20)


2003 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Ph. D. Building and Spatial Engineering. Doctoral dissertation: Spatial networks for environmental sustainability

1998 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Master Degree in Environmental and Spatial Engineering. Master Degree thesis: Applications of Air quality models for Urban Planning (Advisor: Piero Secondini)

Awards and Fellowships

2004-05 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Post doctoral Fellowship in Engineering Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture. Research project: Spatial pattern of urban sprawl in Emilia-Romagna Region

1999 Faculty of Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Grant awarded on a competitive basis for pursuing a research period at the Institut für Landesplanung und Raumforschung of Hannover University. Research project: Sustainable urban planning

2001 I.R.I.S. - Istituto di Ricerche e Interventi Sociali di Prato. Scholarship for participating to the post-degree course  "Pratesi encounters on Local Development”

2000 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, “Young researchers” Project. Fellowship for developing the research: About new forms of urban pattern organization and self-organisation: fragmentation, polarization and networking

1999 Alma Mater Studiorum – university of Bologna, “Young researchers” Project. Fellowship for developing the research: Ecological corridors and infrastructural networks

1998 Mountain Community High and Medium Reno Valley. Fellowship for the development of the Geographic Information System for the Mountain Community



2018-19 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Associate professor of Urban Planning

2017-18 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Associate professor of Urban Planning

2017-18 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Director of the Professional Master’s Programme (2nd level) in “Sustainable Regeneration: multidiscipliary project for re-constructing the resilient city ”

2017-18 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Degree programme in Civil Engineering, Associate professor of Territorial Planning

2016-17 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Degree programme in Civil Engineering, Associate professor of Territorial Planning

2016-17 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Associate professor of Urban Planning

2015-16 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Associate professor of Urban Planning

2014-15 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Associate professor of Urban Planning

2013-14 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Assistant professor of Urban Planning Techniques

2013-14 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Director of the Professional Master’s Programme (2nd level) in “Sustainable Design: building restoration and Urban regeneration”

2011-12 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Director of the Professional Master’s Programme (2nd level) in Sustainable Architecture

2005-12 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building and urban Systems, Assistant Professor of Spatial Planning M and of Assistant Professor of Urban Planning

2002-05 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Degree programme in Building Engineering, Contract Professor of Urban Planning Techniques and of Spatial and Urban Systems Analysis

2001 Invited professor at the University of the West of England, Bachelor of Town Planning e Master of Town Planning, Course of European Comparative Planning Implementation. Lectures: The Italian Planning System

2002 Invited professor at the University of the West of England, Bachelor of Town Planning e Master of Town Planning, Course of European Comparative Planning Implementation. Lectures: Democracy and participation in the Italian planning system

‘98- 2010 Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Faculty of Engineering, Second Cycle Degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture, Assistant of Urban Planning

1998 - Invited lecturer in many Master courses and post-graduate specialization courses on spatial planning and strategic environmental assessment.

Doctoral Advising

2029- Hanna Elisabeth Aberg, PhD candidate in Architecture and Design Cultures

2017- Claudia De Luca, PhD candidate in Architecture and Design Cultures

2016- Sara Maldina, PhD candidate in Architecture and Design Cultures

2015- Angela Santangelo, PhD candidate in Architecture and Design Cultures

2012-15 Giorgia Rambaldi, Ph.D. in Urban Studies.

2007-10 Elisa Conticelli, Ph.D. in Urban Studies.

2007-10 Stefania Proli, Ph.D. in Urban Studies.

2006-09 Florinda Boschetti, Ph.D. in Urban Studies.

Degree Thesis Advising

Advisor for over 80 degree thesis in Environmental Engineering (Second Cycle Degree programme) and Building Engineering (Degree programme)

Advisor for over 30 degree thesis in Building Engineering and Architecture (Unique Cycle Degree programme).

Research fellowships Tutor

2018- Enrico Bruni: Modal interchange and walkability as key strategies for boosting sustainable and livable cities

2016-18 Elisa Conticelli: Policies and methods for improving pedestrian networks in cities

2015-16 Elisa Conticelli: Modal interchange: a new deal between urban mobility and the city to foster low-carbon societies

2014-15 Elisa Conticelli. Research theme: Resilient and low carbon city

2013-14 Angela Santangelo. Research theme: Sustainability at building and Urban scale

2012-14 Gorgia Rambaldi. Research theme: External costs of transport and land equalisation

2011-15 Stefania Proli. Research theme: The governance of cohesion and diversity for a sustainable urban development: the role of social housing in town planning policies of Region Emilia-Romagna.

2011-13 Elisa Conticelli. Research theme: Assessing the sustainability of urban densification

2011-12 Claudia Manenti, PhD. City building processes and the role of “sacre”.

2008-10 Elisa Conticelli. Research theme: Urban regeneration from Eco-Industrial Parks to brownfields recovery.

Service / Outreach

International Conferences organization

2011 Workshop Urbanpromo Giovani. Within the Cultural Event UrbanPromo 2011, organization of the Workshop open to students in urban Planning

2011 First International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable cities – GBSC2011 (Bologna, Italy, 15-16 Sept. 2011) – Co-Chair



Journal of Urban Planning and Development

Green Buildings and Sustainable cities – GBSC2012 Proceedings (published in: Procedia Engineering)

Tema. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment

Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

International/ National Outreach

2018 – Contract as senjor expert for the EU Urban Agenda Partnership for Land use and nature based q solutions (Ecorys UK contract NO: C5696)

2017- Board member of the National Institute of Urban Planning (Treasurer)

2016-17 President of the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2014 -16 Secretary of the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2014 - Delegate for the Continuing Education requirements for Engineers within the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2014 Vice-Director of the Emilia-Romagna section of the National Urban Planning Institute -INU

2010 - Coordinator of the Environment Commission within the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2010 - Coordinator of the Urban Planning Commission within the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2009 - Board member of the Bologna Province Engineers Association

2009 Award Committee for the “Franco Tinti scholarship” for degree and PhD students in Town Planning

2008 - Regional Editor for Urbanistica Informazioni

Coordinator of the Organization in Emilia-Romagna Region of Training Courses on Urban Planning by INU and Astengo Foundation

2006 -14 Secretary for the Emilia-Romagna section of the National Urban Planning Institute -INU

2005 -11 Member of the Commission for Urban Quality and Landscape of Bologna Municipality

Departmental Committees (Dept. of Architecture)

2018- Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Bologna of Department of Architecture

2011 - Director of the Centre for Sustainable Architecture

2009 - 12 Member of the Departmental Library Advisory Committee

2012- 15 Member of the Departmental Council. Delegate for Research.

2004 - 10 Member of the Departmental Council

2003 - 11 Member of the Centre for Sustainable Architecture

University Committees

2018- Responsible for the Bologna Operative Unit of the Department of Architecture

2017- Vice President of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research (CIRI) in “Building and Constructions”

2016- Scientific Responsible of the Operative Unit: Building Restoration and Recovery of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research (CIRI) in “Building and Constructions”

2012 -14 Member of “08 Committee” for the assessment of research quality within Civil Engineering and Architecture areas

2011-12 Member of the Faculty of Engineering Didactic Commission

2010- Member of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research (CIRI) in “Building and Constructions”

2008- Member of the Commission for Placement Examination (second cycle degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture)

2008 - Member of the Commission for Degree Thesis Laboratory Examination for the students attending the second cycle degree programme in Building Engineering and Architecture

2007 - Member of the Doctoral Committee in Urban studies “City Spaces and Times”, Brescia University

2005- Coordinator of for the following Socrates Erasmus Exchange Programs:

  • Université François Rabelais, Tours (Regional Planning)
  • Universidade de Aveiro (Architecture, Urban and regional planning)
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Civil Engineering)
  • Universidade do Minho, Braga (Civil Engineering)
  • Radbourn Universitat Nijmegen (Regional Planning)
  • Hannover University (Architecture, Urban and regional planning)

2004 - Member of the Commission for the Engineers qualifying examination

2003 - Member of the Committee for Students’ Transfer to the Degree course in Building Engineering

1998 - Member of Degree Commissions in the programmes: Building Engineering, Building Engineering and Architecture, Environmental Engineering

Research projects:

Project coordinator – Principal Investigator of EU projects

2018- Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 3, scientific coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit ICARO- Innovative qualifications for technological and organizational innovation in building sector (January 2019-December 2021)

2018- Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2, scientific coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit UNINET- Cultural Heritage – University Network for Cultural Heritage – Integrated Protection, Management and Use (October 2018-August 2021)

2018- H2020 SC5-21, Project coordinator RURITAGE - Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies (June 2018-May 2022)

2018- Interreg Europe (third call), Project coordinator MATCH-UP - The role of modal interchange to foster a low-carbon urban mobility (June 2018-November 2022)

2018- H2020 H2020-SwafS-2018-1, scientific coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit SeeRRI - Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation

2018-18 Knowledge and Innovation Community EIT RawMaterials (KIC LE), scientific coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit NBSIER - Nature-Based Solutions Innovation Ecosystem Road-Map (21 May 2018-30 September 2018)

2017- Erasmus Strategic partnership (co-coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit with prof. Cesare Sangiorgi) Design4all - required capabilities for educators to include the d4all (design for all) principles within current teaching practices

2016- JPI ENSUF, scientific coordinator of the UNIBO Research Unit Smart Pedestrian network: Smart cities are walkable: SPN - a model to plan a pedestrian network and a pedestrian navigation system

2014-14 Central Europe 2007-2013 , Consultant of ITL- Istituto Trasporti e Logistica AIRLED - Local economic development in airport catchment areas

2013-14 South East Europe, of the UNIBO Research Unit BUILD SEE: Addressing the divide between EU indications and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco-social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe regions

2012-14 Interreg IVC Programme, Project coordinator ECOTALE – External Costs of Transport and Land Equalization

Project coordinator – Principal Investigator of national/local research projects

2018- Castelfranco Emilia Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the new Local urban plan of the Sorbara Union Municipalities

2017- Bologna Municipality. Support to the municipality for the coordination of the Partnership on Liveable compactness and Nature Based Solutions of the EU Urban Agenda

2017- Nonantola Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the new Local urban plan

2013-15 Faenza Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Municipal Building Regulations

2011 Region Emilia-Romagna, Dept. for Landscape and Historical Centers Protection. Updating of the definition and classification of depleted landscapes and proposal of restoration and requalification policies for the creation of new landscape values according to the Regional Landscape Plan strategies

2010 Forlì-Cesena Province, Spatial Planning Department. Analysis of Municipal urban and Building Regulations with particular reference to the themes relating sustainability, urban quality, historical city centers (with Valentina Orioli)

2008 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Environment and Urban Quality. Strategic Environmental Assessment of new developments

2008 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Environment and urban quality. Landscape and urban suitability of telecommunications plants

2007 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Environment and urban quality. Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Municipality Structure Plan (PSC)

2006 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Urban Mobility. Analysis and assessment of mobility in the Roveri Industrial Park

2006 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Urban Mobility. Trips analysis and assessment supporting the drawing of the Local Mobility Plan (PGTU)

Project Team member:

2009 Confartigianato (Artisans’ association) of Cesena, Bank of Cesena, API (Small Enterprises Association) of Cesena. Analysis of the Municipal Urban Plans implementation with reference to industrial development (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2009 Emilia-Romagna Region, Dept. for Landscape and Historical Centers Protection. Definition and classification of depleted landscapes and proposal of restoration and requalification policies for the creation of new landscape values according to the Regional Landscape Plan strategies (Scientific coordinator: Carlo Monti)

2008 Bologna Municipality, Dept. Environment and Urban Quality. Definition of Sustainability requirements at building and urban scale for the Bologna Municipality “Urban Design and Building Regulations” (RUE) (Scientific coordinator: Carlo Monti)

2008 Emilia-Romagna Region, Dept. for Urban Regeneration. Definition of Sustainability requirements at building and urban scale for updating the “Regional Building Regulation Model” (Scientific coordinator: Carlo Monti)

2007 Raibano Agency for Promoting Industrial Development. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the supra-municipal industrial settlement “Raibano” (Rn) and definition of sustainability criteria for an Eco-Industrial park (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2004 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 2004. Emilia Romagna Present and Future Urban System Pattern in the Provinces Spatial Coordination Plans (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2004 Emilia-Romagna Region, Dept. for Spatial Planning. Atlas of settlements pattern in Emilia-Romagna Region: a first structuring hypothesis (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2003 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 2003. Wide area Planning assessment: the case study of Bologna and Forlì-Cesena PTCP (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2003 Dept. of Architecture and Spatial Planning, “Structure research”. Plan and project for Urban quality (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2003 National Agency for Environmental Protection. Creation of the National Observatory for sustainable mobility measures (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2002 Ireccop Emilia-Romagna. Consultant for the analysis of the social housing for immigrants in Emilia-Romagna region (Scientific coordinator: Roberto Mingucci)

2002 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 2002. Assessment and urban planning: concepts, measures, models (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2001 National Researches Council. “QUATER- Outiline of spatial planning in Italy. Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany (Scientific coordinator: Gian Ludovico Rolli)

2001 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 2001. Methods for assessing urban regeneration experiences and processes (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2001 Dept. of Architecture and Spatial Planning, “Structure research”. Urban quality and environmental sustainability (Scientific coordinator: Carlo Monti)

2001 Riccione Municipality. Strategic Environment Assessment of Riccione Municipality Structure Plan (PSC) (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2001 National Researches Council. “QUATER- Updating of the outiline of spatial planning in Italy. Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany (Scientific coordinator: Gian Ludovico Rolli)

2000 Alma Mater Foundation of Bologna University. Development of the Multimedia Geographic Information System for the Malta fortification system and Santa Caterina Church (in the framework of a cooperation agreement with the Malta Republic Ministry of the Environment) (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2000 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 2000. Urban planning and local development (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

2000 Ministry of university and Scientific research, National Committee for University Systema Assessment. Definition of a procedure for assessing the scientific research activity of University Departments (Scientific Coordinator: Massimo Rudan)

1999 Institut für Landesplanung und Raumforschung of Hannover University. German-Turkish Cooperation Project “Air quality and urban development in Izmir – Turkei” (Coordinator Hans Guenter Barth)

1999 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 1999. Urban planning Theory and practice in the Bologna area: analysis and assessment methods (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

1998 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Research project ex 60% E.F. 1998. Discipline, methods and tools for new urban plans forms (Scientific coordinator: Piero Secondini)

1998 Dept. of Architecture and Spatial Planning, “Structure research”. Mobility measures for urban quality planning and design (Scientific coordinator: Carlo Monti)



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