Computational Thinking and Programming: rules for remote written examinations
The examination will be entirely held remotely by means of the framework EOL (Esami On-Line) + Zoom provided by the University – if you want to download Zoom in advance, please go to the vendor download page (the tool is named "Zoom Client for Meetings"). The instructions to access to the session are available online at the "Online lessons and exams" page, after clicking on the heading "How to take a written exam online via Zoom". Please follow strictly these instructions to join the exam – in case of need, please contact privately the teacher using the Telegram group of the course. Remember that only the people who booked a seat on AlmaEsami for the particular exam session can participate in the examination.
To access the written examination, you have to use a computer equipped with a webcam and a mic – in principle, no smartphones nor tablets are permitted. Your computer will be used only to show the text of the examination, i.e. the PDF file containing all the exercises you have to do which will be provided at the beginning of the test. While using Zoom, your mic and webcam must be always active, and your screen must be shared to the teacher, following the instructions provided above.
To do the exam, you should be equipped with only one black/blue pen (pencils are not allowed) and only one blank white paper sheet that will be used to write down your answers to the various questions. If needed, you can use additional blank white sheets for drafting the answers to the exercises. All the sheets you are going to use during the examination must be carefully checked by the teacher through the webcam. Please, check carefully before the examination that your pen is working correctly.
In addition, the computer must be put on a desk at a reasonable distance from you and the webcam must be positioned to allow the teacher to see yourself, the desk you are using, and the furniture needed for the exam (pen, sheets, etc.). In addition to the paper sheets and the pen, you can have on your desk only a bottle of water and your University badge containing your University information that will be used during the examination, as usual. Any other stuff is not allowed.
The link to the PDF containing the text of the exercises will be shared with you at the beginning of the exam. Once downloaded, you have to open it in full-screen mode using your favourite PDF reader (e.g. Acrobat Reader or Apple's Preview). All the other applications on your computer must be closed – it will be carefully checked by the teacher by looking at the screen you have shared via Zoom.
From now on, you cannot use your computer anymore – in particular, the keyboard – during the exam if you are not explicitly allowed by the teacher. Only the mouse can be used, rarely, to change the page visualised using the PDF reader containing the text of the examination. An exception to the previous rule is when you want to ask a question to the teacher. In this case, you have to tell your intention to ask through the mic and, after the teacher enabled you, you write (using your keyboard) the question to the teacher using the Zoom chat and you send it as a private message to the teacher only.
At the end of the examination, the teacher will ask all the students to take pictures of both the sides of the sheet containing the answers to the examination questions, e.g. by using a smartphone. The two pictures must be sent to the teacher's email address using your institutional account. All the remaining sheets used for drafting the solutions to the exercise must not be sent.
The teacher
may ask the students, responsible
not to follow the aforementioned rules and/or
to show inappropriate behaviour, to abandon the examination.
Pubblicato il: 10 maggio 2020