Foto del docente

Serena Baiesi

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ANGL-01/A Letteratura inglese

Coordinatrice del Corso di Dottorato in Lingue, letterature e culture moderne: diversità ed inclusione


Collaborazione formale con:
CISR (Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo)
Il CISR (Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo) si propone di promuovere, sostenere e coordinare attività di formazione e collaborazione accademica, di ricerca scientifica e di documentazione interdisciplinare sul Romanticismo. Tale attività di ricerca è condotta anche attraverso l’approfondimento delle correnti che animarono il Romanticismo e che si rapportarono, talvolta anche in termini conflittuali, con periodi, autori, e movimenti precedenti (fonti classiche, poetiche rinascimentali, teatro shakespeariano, neoclassicismo, ecc.). Il Centro intende promuovere indagini teoriche, letterarie, storiche, e linguistico-formali nonché avvalersi di strumenti interdisciplinari per affrontare anche le influenze che il Romanticismo ha esercitato su estetiche, costumi, e movimenti culturali successivi al periodo in questione fino a raggiungere l’epoca contemporanea. Web site:
Collaborazione con:
ERA (European Romanticisms in Association)
Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord
ERA (European Romanticisms in Association) is a pan-European organization, bringing together individual researchers, scholarly associations and heritage institutions such as libraries, museums, and galleries in both real and virtual spaces. It functions as an interdisciplinary forum to facilitate productive dialogue on the diverse forms of Romanticism across Europe, exploring how romantic writers and their works have moved across national borders and periods in ways that illuminate, investigate, and challenge romanticism’s installation of the idea of national literatures and cultures.
Collaborazione con:
AIA - Associazione Italiana di Anglistica
Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (A.I.A.) è stata costituita con l'obiettivo principale di promuovere e incoraggiare gli studi di anglistica in Italia, sostenendo e coordinando la ricerca scientifica in questo settore e facilitando i contatti fra gli studiosi italiani e gli studiosi dei paesi di lingua inglese.
Collaborazione con:
ESSE - The European Society for the Study of English
The Society is a European federation of national higher educational associations for the study of English. The Society endeavours to reflect the cultural and geographical diversity of Europe in its institutions. The aim of the Society is to advance the education of the public by promoting the European study and understanding of English languages, literatures in English and cultures of English-speaking peoples.
Collaborazione con:
BARS - British Association for Romantic Studies
Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord
The British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) is the UK's leading national organization for promoting the study of Romanticism. With over 400 members worldwide, BARS acts as a hub for scholarship by supporting conferences, disseminating news and events, providing bursaries and prizes to early career researchers, publishing a Bulletin, and establishing links with sister organisations.
Collaborazione con:
NASSR (North American Society for the Study of Romanticism)
Stati Uniti D'America
The North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR) was founded at the University of Western Ontario in 1991 by a group of faculty members and graduate students. NASSR was established to provide a forum for the discussion of a wide variety of theoretical approaches to Romantic works of all genres and disciplines. NASSR members from North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia work in a wide range of disciplines, including History, Art History, Women's Studies, Philosophy, Music, Political Economy, and Literature; their interests encompass American, Canadian, English, French, German, Irish, Italian, Russian, Scottish, and Spanish Romanticism.
Collaborazione con:
Chawton House Library
Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord
Chawton House Library is an internationally-renowned research institution, working in partnership with scholars and universities across the globe. []