Foto del docente

Sara Bagassi

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-01/D Aerospace Structures and Design

Curriculum vitae


Associate Professor at the University of Bologna in the field of aerospace engineering.

Her research interest is targeting new aeronautical technologies and HMI (Human Machine Interfaces) evolution, as derived from increased complexity and autonomy of the aeronautical systems.

Sara Bagassi has shaped her research activity in the following three areas:

Extended reality (XR) technologies for aeronautics: this research stream aims at investigating the potential of mixed/augmented/virtual reality in aeronautical systems design and operations.

Sustainable aircraft configurations: preliminary design of a windowless aircraft concept that leads to fuel savings and embeds innovative visualization technologies to improve passengers’ comfort.

Additively manufactured metamaterials: numerical and experimental studies on acoustic metamaterials and negative stiffness materials with potential applications in aeronautics.


2005 - Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Bologna University

2009 - PhD in Design Methods of Industrial Engineering – aeronautical curriculum

Academic Positions

2006 - 2009 Assistant Researcher (PhD student)

2009 – 2012 Post-Doc Researcher

From 2012 Assistant Professor in Aerospace Structures and Design

May 2021 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale as Associate Professor

From 2022 Associate Professor in Aerospace Structures and Design


2007 – 2009 lecturer at the University of Bologna for the following courses: Technical Drawings, Aerospace Technical Drawings, Aeronautical Structure Design.

2009 – 2012 lecturer at the University of Bologna for the course of Aeronautical Structure Design, covering a module of 3 ECTS per year.

Associate Professor at the University of Bologna teaching in the following courses: "Aerospace Technology and Materials", "Aeronautical Structure Design", and “Laboratory of Aeronautical Structures”.

Research Projects

Leader of the University of Bologna activities PRIN 2022 TWINCRAFT (Digital Twin for Human Centered Design of Future Aircraft) Project 2023-2025.

Leader of the University of Bologna activities EIT Manufacturing ADAA (Advanced Design for Advanced Applications) Project 2023-ongoinG.

Leader of Solution 97.1-EXE-002 and leader of Solution 97 Dissemination within H2020 SESAR PJ05 DTT (Digital Technologies for Tower) Project 2019-2023.

Project Coordinator for the H2020 SESAR RETINA (Resilient Synthetic Vision for Advanced Control Tower Air Navigation Service Provision) Project 2016-2018.

Member of the research team in the H2020 SESAR MINIMA (MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation) Project 2016-2018.

Member of the research team in the H2020 SESAR AUTOPACE (Automation Pace) Project 2016-2018.

Member of the research team in the H2020 CLEAN SKY2 CASTLE (CAbin Systems design Toward passenger welLbEing) Project 2016-2021.

Leader of the University of Bologna activities within the research program FOAM (FOAM for Active Debris Removal) funded by EADS Astrium.

Member of the research team in the ERASMUS PLUS IN2SAI (Increasing young women’s participation in Science Studies and in the Aeronautic Industries) project.

Member of the research team in the TEMPUS SF-HEAT (Sustainable Framework for Higher Education in Aeronautical Technologies) project.

Member of the research team in the FP7 ALICIA (ALl condition operations and Innovative Cockpit InfrAstructure) project.

Contact point at the University of Bologna for the Clean Sky GRA project. Participation as member of the research team.

Other activities and Awards

Member of SESAR 3 JU Scientific Committee (Scientific Advisory Board).

Executive Committee Member of ICAS (International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences).

Associate Editor for Aircraft Design of CEAS Aeronautical Journal.

Contributing Editor for Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Journal (Taylor and Francis).

Governing Board Member of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Supervisor for Ph.D. candidates in Aerospace Sciences and Technologies.

Independent Expert Evaluator for the EC.

Awarded with SESAR Innovation Award 2021 for the H2020 SESAR RETINA Project.

Awarded with Jane’s 2018 ATC Award for the Best Enabling Technology H2020 SESAR RETINA Project.

William Sweet Smith Prize 2013 – Best Paper Award by the Aerospace Industries Division Board of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering for the “best paper on an aerospace subject published by the Institution in the previous year or for a contribution or for achievement in that field”.

Best Paper Award at INGEGRAF 2013 International Conference on Graphic Engineering, Madrid 19-21 June 2013.


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