Foto del docente

Sanna Maria Martin

Adjunct professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Curriculum vitae

Sanna Maria Martin

Born in Raahe, Finlandia, 2.2.1976


  • B.A. in Finnish language and literature, University of Oulu (Finland), 1999.
  • M.A. in Finnish language and literature, University of Oulu (Finland), 2002.

Academic Career

  • 2002-2015. Contract Professor, the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators, University of Bologna
  • 2007-2015. Contract Professor, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna.
  • 2015-2020. Junior researcher in L-LIN/19 Fino-ugric philology
  • 2020-present Contract Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (LILEC )

In Editorial Board - RiLUnE

Collaborates in international project ILOCALAPP (Incidentally Learning Other Cultures and Languages through an APP; coordinated by Università di Bologna. International partners: University of Lapland, University of Coimbra, Adam Mickiewicz University.

Conference presentations:

    • X Convegno dei Giovani Europei - Associazione culturale "nube": ['est_nell'ovest.pdf] (Verona, 6-7 Dicember 2016)
    • IX Convegno dei Giovani Europei - Associazione culturale "nube":[] (Bologna, 19-20 November 2015)
    • Convegno internazionale “Editoria e traduzione: focus sulle lingue di minore diffusione” (Padova, 16-17 January 2014).
    • Convegno internazionale “Sul cammino delle metamorfosi tra gli Urali e il Mediterraneo” (Bologna, 1-2 March 2012).


  • Member of the Finno-Ugric Society (Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, Helsinki)
  • Member of The Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA).
  • Member di European Second Language Association (Eurosla).
  • Member of Finnish Literary Research Society (Kirjallisuudentutkijain Seura).