Home > Avvisi > Invitation to a lecture concert of the Finnish string instrument kantele, May 22 at 17:30
Invitation to a lecture concert of the Finnish string instrument kantele, May 22 at 17:30
Come and enjoy some kantele music!
A performer and acoustic researcher of string instruments at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Henna Tahvanainen, will take you through the origins, acoustics, performance and the contemporary status of the Finnish string instrument kantele in a this mini lecture concert.
Lecture concert: Finnish string instrument kantele
Henna Tahvanainen, Post-doctoral researcher in the NEMUS project, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, UniBo
Date: Monday May 22
Time: 17:30 (duration appr. 30 min)
Place: Aula 1.3 (Facolta di Ingegneria, Viale del Risorgimento 2)
Pubblicato il: 09 maggio 2023