Foto del docente

Sandro Mezzadra

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GSPS-01/A Political Philosophy


Keywords: contemporary capitalism globalization borders migration logistics colonialism/postcolonialism

1. Classical authors in the history of European Political Thought (Hobbes, Spinoza, Marx).
2. History and current transformations of the concept of citizenship.
3. Contemporary critical theory (most notably the developments of so-called "post-operaism").
4. Globalization and contemporary migration.
5. Postcolonial studies.
6. Analysis and critique of contemporary capitalism.
7. Transformations of borders in the global age.

In my research work the original interests in classical authors of the history of European moderno political thought (above all Hobbes, Spinoza and Marx) and for the development of political, social and legal sciences in Germany between the 19th and the 20th century have been enriched by a series of projects focussing on key issues at stake in contemporary debates in the field of political theory and philosophy. Many of my recent works have centered upon the concept of citizenship: I have offered a historical account of its development in modern times and contemporary tensions and transformations, particularly with regard to migratory movements and globalization. In the framework of this resaerch I started to work in the field of postcolonial studies and theory: I have published several essays and a monograph on the issue, where I particularly try to promote and foster a dialog between postcolonial criticism and so-called "post-operaism" . Moreover I am currently involved in a research project on the political thought of W.E.B. Du Bois: I have edited a reader of his work in Italian and I have published several essays on on his work. An other topic taht figures prominently in my research work and writing are the current transformations of borders in the framework of globalization processes. I have published a book on this topic with my friend and colleague Brett Neilson (Western Sydney University), entitled "Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor" (Duke University Press 2013). Over the last years I have continued to closely cooperate with Brett, focusing our collaborative research and writing on the transformations of contemporary capitalism: a first outcome of this work is a further monograph, "The Politics of Operations. Excavating Contemporary Capitalism" (Duke University Press 2019).