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Sandro Manservisi

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-07/D Nuclear Power Plants


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Publications prior to 2004

Sandro Manservisi 

Scopus Journal papers

[1] G. Bornia, A. Chierici, L. Chirco, V. Giovacchini, and S. Manservisi. “A multigrid local
smoother approach for a domain decomposition solver over non-matching grids”. In: Numerical
Methods for Partial Differential Equations (2021).
[2] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, and S. Manservisi. “Optimal pressure boundary control of steady mul-
tiscale fluid-structure interaction shell model derived from koiter equations”. In: Fluids 6.4
[3] L. Chirco and S. Manservisi. “An optimal control approach to a fluid-structure interaction
parameter estimation problem with inequality constraints”. In: Computers and Fluids 226
[4] P. Maccari, F. Mascari, S. Ederli, P. Meloni, and S. Manservisi. “ASTEC code DBA analysis
of a passive mitigation strategy on a generic IRIS SMR”. In: Annals of Nuclear Energy 156
[5] P. Maccari, M. Massone, A. Bersano, F. Mascari, A. Cervone, and S. Manservisi. “ASTEC -
RAVEN coupling for uncertainty analysis of an ingress of coolant event in fusion plants”. In:
Fusion Engineering and Design 169 (2021).
[6] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and P. Zunino. “A multiscale heat transfer model for
nuclear reactor assemblies”. English. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design 367 (2020). issn:
00295493. doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110794.
[7] L. Chirco and S. Manservisi. “On the optimal control of stationary fluid-structure interaction
systems”. English. In: Fluids 5.3 (2020). issn: 23115521. doi: 10.3390;fluids5030144.
[8] R. Da Vià, V. Giovacchini, and S. Manservisi. “A logarithmic turbulent heat transfer model in
applications with liquid metals for Pr = 0.01-0.025”. English. In: Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
10.12 (2020). issn: 20763417. doi: 10.3390/app10124337.
[9] L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “VOF evaluation of the surface tension by using vari-
ational representation and Galerkin interpolation projection”. English. In: Journal of Compu-
tational Physics 395 (2019), pp. 537–562. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[10] L. Chirco and S. Manservisi. “An adjoint based pressure boundary optimal control approach for
fluid-structure interaction problems”. English. In: Computers and Fluids 182 (2019), pp. 118–
127. issn: 00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.02.017.
[11] R. Da Vià and S. Manservisi. “Numerical simulation of forced and mixed convection turbulent
liquid sodium flow over a vertical backward facing step with a four parameter turbulence
model”. English. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2019), pp. 591–603.
issn: 00179310. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.01.129.
[12] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “A projection method for coupling two-phase VOF
and fluid structure interaction simulations”. English. In: Journal of Computational Physics 354
(2018), pp. 646–671. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[13] D. Cerroni, D. Giommi, S. Manservisi, and F. Mengini. “Preliminary monolithic fluid structure
interaction model for ventricle contraction”. English. In: Lecture Notes in Applied and Compu-
tational Mechanics 84 (2018), pp. 217–231. issn: 16137736. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-59548-
[14] P. Battistoni, D. Tarabelli, L. Ferry, C. Gonnier, S. Manservisi, and M. Sumini. “Thermal-
hydraulic analysis of the LORELEI test design by means of CATHARE2 V2.5”. English. In:
Nuclear Engineering and Design 322 (2017), pp. 397–411. issn: 00295493. doi: 10.1016/j.
[15] S. Bnà, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, P. Yecko, and S. Zaleski. “Vofi - A library to initialize
the volume fraction scalar field”. English. In: Computer Physics Communications 200 (2016),
pp. 291–299. issn: 00104655. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2015.10.026.
[16] D. Cerroni and S. Manservisi. “A penalty-projection algorithm for a monolithic fluid-structure
interaction solver”. English. In: Journal of Computational Physics 313 (2016), pp. 13–30. issn:
00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[17] R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “A k-w-kt-wt four parameter logarithmic turbulence
model for liquid metals”. English. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101
(2016), pp. 1030–1041. issn: 00179310. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.05.084.
[18] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. “Numerical simulations of optimal control problems for the
Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes system closed with a two-equation turbulence model”. En-
glish. In: Computers and Fluids 125 (2016), pp. 130–143. issn: 00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.
[19] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. “Optimal control problems for the Navier-Stokes system coupled
with the k-w turbulence model”. English. In: Computers and Mathematics with Applications
71.11 (2016), pp. 2389–2406. issn: 08981221. doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2015.10.003.
[20] E. Aulisa, G. Bornia, and S. Manservisi. “Boundary Control Problems in Convective Heat
Transfer with Lifting Function Approach and Multigrid Vanka-Type Solvers”. English. In:
Communications in Computational Physics 18.3 (2015), pp. 621–649. issn: 18152406. doi:
[21] S. Bnà, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, P. Yecko, and S. Zaleski. “Numerical integration of implicit
functions for the initialization of the VOF function”. English. In: Computers and Fluids 113
(2015), pp. 42–52. issn: 00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.04.010.
[22] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “An improved monolithic multigrid fluid-structure
interaction solver with a new moving mesh technique”. English. In: International Journal of
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 9 (2015), pp. 227–234. issn: 19980140.
[23] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Numerical comparison of different solution meth-
ods for optimal boundary control problems in thermal fluid dynamics”. English. In: Interna-
tional Journal of Mechanics 9 (2015), pp. 1–10. issn: 19984448.
[24] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. “CFD simulations in heavy liquid metal flows for square lattice
bare rod bundle geometries with a four parameter heat transfer turbulence model”. English.
In: Nuclear Engineering and Design 295 (2015), pp. 251–260. issn: 00295493. doi: 10.1016/
[25] J. Pacio, K. Litfin, A. Batta, M. Viellieber, A. Class, H. Doolaard, F. Roelofs, S. Manservisi,
F. Menghini, and M. Böttcher. “Heat transfer to liquid metals in a hexagonal rod bundle
with grid spacers: Experimental and simulation results”. English. In: Nuclear Engineering and
Design 290 (2015), pp. 27–39. issn: 00295493. doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.11.001.
[26] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. “A CFD four parameter heat transfer turbulence model for
engineering applications in heavy liquid metals”. English. In: International Journal of Heat and
Mass Transfer 69 (2014), pp. 312–326. issn: 00179310. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.
[27] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. “Triangular rod bundle simulations of a CFD k-e- kt-et heat
transfer turbulence model for heavy liquid metals”. English. In: Nuclear Engineering and Design
273 (2014), pp. 251–270. issn: 00295493. doi: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.03.022.
[28] G. Bornia, M.D. Gunzburger, and S. Manservisi. “A distributed control approach for the bound-
ary optimal control of the steady MHD equations”. English. In: Communications in Computa-
tional Physics 14.3 (2013), pp. 722–752. issn: 18152406. doi: 10.4208/cicp.160312.071112a.
[29] G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “On the properties and
limitations of the height function method in two-dimensional Cartesian geometry”. English. In:
Journal of Computational Physics 230.4 (2011), pp. 851–862. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[30] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “An optimal constrained approach for divergence-
free velocity interpolation and multilevel VOF method”. English. In: Computers and Fluids 47.1
(2011), pp. 101–114. issn: 00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.02.014.
[31] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A fem solver coupled to a multilevel vof method
for simulation of axisymmetric jets and to a front-tracking method for simulation of spreading
droplets”. English. In: Atomization and Sprays 20.2 (2010), pp. 115–131. issn: 10445110. doi:
[32] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Simulation of axisymmetric jets with a finite
element Navier-Stokes solver and a multilevel VOF approach”. English. In: Journal of Com-
putational Physics 229.19 (2010), pp. 6853–6873. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[33] E. Aulisa, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. “A multilevel domain decomposition ap-
proach for studying coupled flow applications”. English. In: Communications in Computational
Physics 6.2 (2009), pp. 319–341. issn: 18152406. doi: 10.4208/cicp.2009.v6.p319.
[34] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “A geometrical predictor-corrector
advection scheme and its application to the volume fraction function”. English. In: Journal of
Computational Physics 228.2 (2009), pp. 406–419. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[35] S. Manservisi and R. Scardovelli. “A variational approach to the contact angle dynamics
of spreading droplets”. English. In: Computers and Fluids 38.2 (2009), pp. 406–424. issn:
00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2008.05.001.
[36] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. “A multilevel domain decomposition approach
to solving coupled applications in computational fluid dynamics”. English. In: International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 56.8 (2008), pp. 1139–1145. issn: 02712091. doi:
[37] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “Interface reconstruction with least-
squares fit and split advection in three-dimensional Cartesian geometry”. English. In: Journal
of Computational Physics 225.2 (2007), pp. 2301–2319. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[38] S. Manservisi. “An extended domain method for optimal boundary control for Navier-Stokes
equations”. English. In: International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 4.3-4 (2007),
pp. 584–607. issn: 17055105.
[39] F. Aubert, E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Interface tracking with dynamically-
redistributed surface markers in unstructured quadrangular grids”. English. In: Computers and
Fluids 35.10 (2006), pp. 1332–1343. issn: 00457930. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2005.03.004.
[40] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A novel representation of the surface tension
force for two-phase flow with reduced spurious currents”. English. In: Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195.44-47 (2006), pp. 6239–6257. issn: 00457825. doi:
[41] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. “A computational multilevel approach for solving 2D
Navier-Stokes equations over non-matching grids”. English. In: Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 195.33-36 (2006), pp. 4604–4616. issn: 00457825. doi: 10.1016/
[42] R.V. Iyer and S. Manservisi. “On a low-dimensional model for magnetostriction”. English. In:
Physica B: Condensed Matter 372.1-2 (2006), pp. 378–382. issn: 09214526. doi: 10.1016/j.
[43] S. Manservisi. “Numerical analysis of vanka-type solvers for steady Stokes and Navier-Stokes
flows”. English. In: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 44.5 (2006), pp. 2025–2056. issn:
00361429. doi: 10.1137/060655407.
[44] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. “A non-conforming computational methodology for
modeling coupled problems”. English. In: Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applica-
tions 63.5-7 (2005), e1445–e1454. issn: 0362546X. doi: 10.1016/
[45] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A surface marker algorithm coupled to an area-
preserving marker redistribution method for three-dimensional interface tracking”. English. In:
Journal of Computational Physics 197.2 (2004), pp. 555–584. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[46] S. Manservisi, V. Molinari, and F. Rocchi. “Bremsstrahlung emission spectrum for electron
microprobe analysis”. English. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Sec-
tion B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 213 (2004). Ed. by J.E. Fernandez, A.
Tartati, R.P. Gardner, and W. Dunn, pp. 134–138. issn: 0168583X. doi: 10 . 1016 / S0168 -
[47] S. Manservisi, V. Molinari, and F. Rocchi. “Fokker-Planck modeling for particle slowing down
and thermalization in a Maxwellian plasma”. English. In: European Physical Journal D 29.3
(2004), pp. 379–389. issn: 14346060. doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2004-00036-0.
[48] V.G. Molinari, S. Manservisi, F. Rocchi, and F. Teodori. “Modelling of radiation transport”.
English. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interac-
tions with Materials and Atoms 213 (2004). Ed. by J.E. Fernandez, A. Tartati, R.P. Gardner,
and W. Dunn, pp. 75–81. issn: 0168583X. doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(03)01537-4.
[49] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A mixed markers and volume-of-fluid method for
the reconstruction and advection of interfaces in two-phase and free-boundary flows”. English.
In: Journal of Computational Physics 188.2 (2003), pp. 611–639. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[50] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “A geometrical area-preserving Volume-
of-Fluid advection method”. English. In: Journal of Computational Physics 192.1 (2003), pp. 355–
364. issn: 00219991. doi: 10.1016/
[51] M.D. Gunzburger, K. Hongchul, and S. Manservisi. “On a shape control problem for the sta-
tionary Navier-Stokes equations”. English. In: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
34.6 (2000), pp. 1233–1258. issn: 0764583X. doi: 10.1051/m2an:2000125.
[52] M.D. Gunzburger, H.-C. Kim, and S. Manservisi. “Shape design of channel flows for steady,
incompressible flows”. English. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
5 (2000), pp. 4473–4478. issn: 01912216. doi: 10.1109/CDC.2001.914612.
[53] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. “Analysis and approximation for linear feedback control
for tracking the velocity in Navier-Stokes flows”. English. In: Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and Engineering 189.3 (2000), pp. 803–823. issn: 00457825. doi: 10.1016/S0045-
[54] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. “Analysis and approximation of the velocity tracking prob-
lem for Navier-Stokes flows with distributed control”. English. In: SIAM Journal on Numerical
Analysis 37.5 (2000), pp. 1481–1512. issn: 00361429. doi: 10.1137/S0036142997329414.
[55] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. “The velocity tracking problem for Navier-Stokes flows
with boundary control”. English. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 39.2 (2000),
pp. 594–634. issn: 03630129. doi: 10.1137/S0363012999353771.
[56] S. Manservisi. “Optimal control approach to an inverse nonlinear elastic shell problem applied to
car windscreen design”. English. In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
189.2 (2000), pp. 463–480. issn: 00457825. doi: 10.1016/S0045-7825(99)00302-3.
[57] S. Manservisi and M.D. Gunzburger. “Variational inequality formulation of an inverse elasticity
problem”. English. In: Applied Numerical Mathematics 34.1 (2000), pp. 99–126. issn: 01689274.
doi: 10.1016/S0168-9274(99)00042-2.
[58] S. Manservisi and K. Heusermann. “On some optimal control problems for the heat radiative
transfer equation”. English. In: ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 5
(2000), pp. 425–444. issn: 12928119. doi: 10.1051/cocv:2000116.
[59] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. “Velocity tracking problem for Navier-Stokes flows with
bounded distributed controls”. English. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 37.6
(1999), pp. 1913–1945. issn: 03630129. doi: 10.1137/S0363012998337400.
[60] M.D. Gunzburger, L.S. Hou, S. Manservisi, and Y. Yan. “Computations of optimal controls
for incompressible flows”. English. In: International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
11.1-2 (1998), pp. 181–191. issn: 10618562. doi: 10.1080/10618569808940872.
[61] S. Manservisi, V. Molinari, and A. Nespoli. “Space distribution and energy straggling of charged
particles via Fokker-Planck equation”. English. In: Il Nuovo Cimento D 18.4 (1996), pp. 435–
448. issn: 03926737. doi: 10.1007/BF02451806.
[62] S. Manservisi, V. Molinari, and A. Nespoli. “Space distribution and energy straggling of charged
particles via Fokker-Planck equation”. English. In: Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di
Fisica D - Condensed Matter, Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, Biophysics 18.4 (1996),
pp. 435–448. issn: 03926737. doi: 10.1007/BF02451806.
[63] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. “Charged-particle distribution in velocity, angle and time
by Fokker-Planck equation”. English. In: Il Nuovo Cimento D 14.1 (1992), pp. 9–25. issn:
03926737. doi: 10.1007/BF02455340.
[64] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. “Slowing-down time of fast electrons in plasmas via the
fokker-planck equation”. English. In: Nuclear Science and Engineering 112.4 (1992), pp. 296–
300. issn: 00295639. doi: 10.13182/NSE92-A23979.

Scopus International conference papers

[65] P. Maccari, F. Mascari, S. Ederli, and S. Manservisi. “SBO analysis of a generic PWR-900
with ASTEC and MELCOR codes”. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1868.
2021. Chap. 1.
[66] D. Cerroni, R. Da Via, S. Manservisi, and P. Zunino. “A computational 3D model for the
multiscale analysis of nuclear reactors assembly”. English. In: ed. by Bortolin S. Del Col D.
Rossetto L. Vol. 1599. 1. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1599/1/012047.
[67] A. Cervone, A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Via, V. Giovacchini, and S. Manservisi. “CFD simu-
lation of turbulent flows over wire-wrapped nuclear reactor bundles using immersed boundary
method”. English. In: ed. by Bortolin S. Del Col D. Rossetto L. Vol. 1599. 1. IOP Publishing
Ltd, 2020. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1599/1/012022.
[68] A. Cervone, A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R.D. Vià, and S. Manservisi. “Validation of a multiscale
coupling algorithm by experimental tests in tall-3D facility”. English. In: ed. by R. Owen, R.
De Borst, J. Reese, and C. Pearce. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
CIMNE, 2020, pp. 1605–1616. isbn: 9788494731167.
[69] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, P. Maccari, and S. Manservisi. “Optimal pressure boundary
control of steady fluid structure interaction systems”. English. In: ed. by R. Owen, R. De Borst,
J. Reese, and C. Pearce. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE,
2020, pp. 3292–3303. isbn: 9788494731167.
[70] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, V. Giovacchini, S. Manservisi, and G. Santesarti. “A multiscale fluid
structure interaction model derived from Koiter shell equations”. English. In: ed. by Bortolin
S. Del Col D. Rossetto L. Vol. 1599. 1. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020. doi: 10 . 1088 / 1742 -
[71] L. Chirco, V. Giovacchini, and S. Manservisi. “An adjoint-based temperature boundary optimal
control approach for turbulent buoyancy-driven flows”. English. In: ed. by Bortolin S. Del Col D.
Rossetto L. Vol. 1599. 1. IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1599/1/012041.
[72] R. Da Vià, A. Chierici, L. Chirco, and S. Manservisi. “Numerical simulation of a liquid sodium
turbulent flow over a backward facing step with a four parameter logarithmic turbulence
model”. English. In: ed. by R. Owen, R. De Borst, J. Reese, and C. Pearce. International Centre
for Numerical Methods in Engineering, CIMNE, 2020, pp. 1766–1776. isbn: 9788494731167.
[73] A. Abbati, A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “Projection algorithm for
simulation of fluid flow around moving objects with immersed boundary method”. English. In:
ed. by Fichera A. Pagano A. Volpe R. Vol. 1224. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019. doi:
[74] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, M. Manservisi, and S. Magnaniand. “Distributed optimal
control applied to Fluid Structure Interaction problems”. English. In: ed. by Pagano A. Volpe
R. Fichera A. Vol. 1224. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/
[75] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “Numerical simulation of a turbulent Lead
Bismuth Eutectic flow inside a 19 pin nuclear reactor bundle with a four logarithmic parameter
turbulence model”. English. In: ed. by Fichera A. Pagano A. Volpe R. Vol. 1224. 1. Institute
of Physics Publishing, 2019. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1224/1/012030.
[76] L. Chirco, A. Chierici, R. Da Vià, V. Giovacchini, and S. Manservisi. “Optimal Control of
the Wilcox turbulence model with lifting functions for flow injection and boundary control”.
English. In: ed. by Volpe R. Pagano A. Fichera A. Vol. 1224. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing,
2019. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1224/1/012006.
[77] L. Chirco, A. Chierici, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “A new surface tension VOF evaluation
by using variational representation and Galerkin interpolation projection”. English. In: ed.
by Fichera A. Volpe R. Pagano A. Vol. 1224. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019. doi:
[[78] D. Cerroni, L. Chirco, R.D. Vià, and S. Manservisi. “Numerical simulation of a falling drop on
a bending wall by coupling a VOF method with a fluid structure interaction solver”. English.
In: ed. by T. Simos and C. Tsitouras. Vol. 1978. American Institute of Physics Inc., 2018. isbn:
9780735416901. doi: 10.1063/1.5043897.
[79] R. Da Vià, L. Chirco, and S. Manservisi. “Natural convection in a squared cavity via a numerical
coupling between a FEM code and OpenFOAM”. English. In: ed. by T. Simos and C. Tsitouras.
Vol. 1978. American Institute of Physics Inc., 2018. isbn: 9780735416901. doi: 10.1063/1.
[80] G. Pozzetti, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and B. Peters. “Multiscale-multiphysics Approaches
for Engineering Applications 2017”. English. In: ed. by T. Simos and C. Tsitouras. Vol. 1978.
American Institute of Physics Inc., 2018. isbn: 9780735416901. doi: 10.1063/1.5043894.
[81] A. Attavino, D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Adjoint optimal control
problems for the RANS system”. English. In: vol. 796. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017.
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/796/1/012008.
[82] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Multiscale simulation of a power-
cooling system”. English. In: ed. by T.E. Simos and Ch. Tsitouras. Vol. 1863. American Institute
of Physics Inc., 2017. isbn: 9780735415386. doi: 10.1063/1.4992367.
[83] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, F. Menghini, and R. Scardovelli. “CFD and Neutron
codes coupling on a computational platform”. English. In: vol. 796. 1. Institute of Physics
Publishing, 2017. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/796/1/012047.
[84] A. Chierici, L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A multiscale numerical
algorithm for heat transfer simulation between multidimensional CFD and monodimensional
system codes”. English. In: ed. by Ricci R. D’Alessandro V. Vol. 923. 1. Institute of Physics
Publishing, 2017. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/923/1/012025.
[85] L. Chirco, R. Da Vià, and S. Manservisi. “An optimal control method for fluid structure
interaction systems via adjoint boundary pressure”. English. In: ed. by Ricci R. D’Alessandro
V. Vol. 923. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/923/1/012026.
[86] D. Cerroni, R. Da Via, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Numerical validation of a four pa-
rameter logarithmic turbulence model”. English. In: ed. by G. Stefanou, V. Papadopoulos, V.
Plevris, and M. Papadrakakis. Vol. 1. National Technical University of Athens, 2016, pp. 865–
877. isbn: 9786188284401. doi: 10.7712/100016.1857.6906.
[87] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vı̀a, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Coupling of fluid structure interaction
solver with a VOF method for multiphase structure interaction”. English. In: ed. by G. Stefanou,
V. Papadopoulos, V. Plevris, and M. Papadrakakis. Vol. 1. National Technical University of
Athens, 2016, pp. 788–805. isbn: 9786188284401. doi: 10.7712/100016.1852.6903.
[88] D. Cerroni, R. DaVià, S. Manservisi, F. Menghini, and L. Zaniboni. “Adjoint optimal con-
trol problems for fluid-structure interaction systems”. English. In: ed. by G. Stefanou, M. Pa-
padrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, and V. Plevris. Vol. 2. National Technical University of Athens,
2016, pp. 3280–3292. isbn: 9786188284401. doi: 10.7712/100016.2034.6528.
[89] D. Cerroni, L. Fancellu, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Fluid structure interaction solver cou-
pled with volume of fluid method for two-phase flow simulations”. English. In: ed. by T.E. Simos
and C. Tsitouras. Vol. 1738. American Institute of Physics Inc., 2016. isbn: 9780735413924.
doi: 10.1063/1.4951780.
[90] D. Cerroni, R. Da Viá, S. Manservisi, F. Menghini, G. Pozzetti, and R. Scardovelli. “Numerical
validation of a k-w-kt-wt heat transfer turbulence model for heavy liquid metals”. English. In:
ed. by Ambrosini D. Sfarra S. Paoletti D. Vol. 655. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015.
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/655/1/012046.
[91] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and G. Pozzetti. “A preliminary investigation of the growth of an
aneurysm with a multiscale monolithic Fluid-Structure interaction solver”. English. In: ed. by
Ambrosini D. Sfarra S. Paoletti D. Vol. 655. 1. Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015. doi:
[92] D. Cerroni, A. Cervone, P. Meloni, M. Polidori, and S. Manservisi. “Preliminary results on
the coupling of a three-dimensional lead fast reactor model and a one-dimensional external
loop”. English. In: vol. 4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2014. isbn:
9780791845943. doi: 10.1115/ICONE22-31052.
[93] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Multiscale techniques for the coupling of 3D-1D
FSI equations system in compliant vessels”. English. In: ed. by Oliver X. Huerta A. Onate
E. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, pp. 5857–5873. isbn:
[94] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. “Numerical validation of a k-w-kt-wt heat transfer
turbulence model for low prandtl number fluids”. English. In: ed. by Oliver X. Huerta A.
Onate E. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, pp. 5460–5473.
isbn: 9788494284472.
[95] S. Bnà, A. Cervone, V. Le Chenadec, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Review of split
and unsplit geometric advection algorithms”. English. In: vol. 1558. 2013, pp. 875–878. isbn:
9780735411845. doi: 10.1063/1.4825636.
[96] S. Bnà, S. Manservisi, and E. Aulisa. “A multilevel domain decomposition solver for mono-
lithic fluid-structure interaction problems”. English. In: vol. 1558. 2013, pp. 871–874. isbn:
9780735411845. doi: 10.1063/1.4825635.
[97] S. Bnà, S. Manservisi, and G. Bornia. “A penalty-projection algorithm for incompressible Fluid-
Structure Interaction”. English. In: 2012, pp. 6472–6491. isbn: 9783950353709.
[98] G. Bornia and S. Manservisi. “Coupled boundary optimal control problems in thermal fluid
dynamics with lifting function approach and Vanka-type solvers”. English. In: 2012, pp. 3310–
3328. isbn: 9783950353709.
[99] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Simulation of jets with a finite element Navier-
Stokes solver and a multilevel VOF approach”. English. In: ILASS Americas/Professor Scott
Samuelsen UCI Combustion Laboratory University of California Irvine, CA 92697-3550, 2009.
isbn: 9781617826535.
[100] S. Manservisi, E. Aulisa, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. “FEM Navier-Stokes solver coupled to a
front-tracking algorithm for two-phase flows”. English. In: 2005, pp. 751–754. isbn: 0080444814;
[101] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. “Applications of non-conforming finite element
methods to fluid dynamics”. English. In: 2004.
[102] R. Scardovelli, E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and V. Marra. “Front tracking with an area-preserving
arker redistribution algorith kineatic and dynaic tests”. English. In: 2004.
[103] R. Scardovelli, E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and V. Marra. “A marker-VOF algorithm for incom-
pressible flows with interfaces”. English. In: ed. by Rohatgi U.S., Mewes D., Betaille J., and
Rhodes I. Vol. 257. 1 B. 2002, pp. 905–910. doi: 10.1115/FEDSM2002-31241.

Other articles on book

[104] M. Lanconelli, M. Sumini, and S. Manservsi. A Multiphysics Approach To LFR Analysis in
Benefits and Challenges of Small Modular Fast Reactors. TECDOC Series 1972. Vienna: IN-
TERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, 2021. isbn: 978-92-0-124021-7.
[105] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. A FEM Navier-Stokes solver coupled
to a front tracking algorithm for two-phase flows, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics
(J.Bathe eds.) Spring, Cambridge, USA (2005).
[106] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. A computational domain decomposition approach for
solving coupled flow- structure-thermal interaction problems, Electronic Journal of Differential
Equations, Vol. 17 (2009), pp. 1331-1349 (2009).
[107] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. An improved monolithic multigrid Fluid-Structure
Interaction solver with a new moving mesh technique, International journal of mathematical
models and methods in applied sciences, ISSN: 1998-0140, Vol 9, pp 227-234 (2015).
[108] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and F. Menghini. Numerical comparison of different solution meth-
ods for optimal boundary control problems in thermal fluid dynamics, International journal of
mechanics, ISSN: 1998-4448, Vol 9, pp 1-10 (2015).
[109] A. Fursikov, S. Hou, M.D. Gunzburger, and S. Manservisi. Optimal control problems for the
Navier-Stokes equations, Lectures on Applied Mathematics (H.J. Bungartz, R.H.W.Hoppe and
C. Zenger editors.), Springer, Berlin, pp. 143- 157 (2000).
[110] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. Flow matching by shape design for the Navier-Stokes
system, Optimal control of complex structures (Oberwolfach, 2000), International Series of Nu-
merical Mathematics, (K.-H. Hoffmann, I. Lasiecka, G. Leugering, J. Sprekels and F. Trotzsch.
eds) Vol. 139, pp. 279–289, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel (2002).
[111] S. Manservisi. Optimal boundary and distributed controls for velocity tracking problem for
Navier-Stokes flow, Ph.D thesis, published by UMI (MI) USA (1997).
[112] S. Manservisi. Some shape optimal control computations for Navier-Stokes flows, International
Series of Numerical Mathematics, Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems
(W. Desch, F. Kappel, K. Kunisch eds), Birkhauser, Switzerland, Vol 143, pp. 231-248 (2002).
[113] S. Manservisi and E. Aulisa. A multigrid approach to optimal control computations for Navier-
Stokes flows, Robust optimization-directed design, Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applica-
tions, Vol. 81, pp. 3–23, Pardalos, Panos (Ed.), Springer, New York (2006).
[114] S. Manservisi and F. Menghini. Four Parameter Heat Transfer Turbulence Models for Heavy
Liquid Metals, J. Energy Power Sources, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 63-74 (2015).
[115] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. Slowing down distributions in the frame of Fokker-Planck
equation, Rarefied gas Dynamics, (A.E. Beylich ed.), VCH, New York-Cambridge, p.462-465
[116] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. Time-dependent slowing down spectrum for statistical systems:
Fokker-Planck theory, SIF - Nuovo Cimento D (now European Physical Journal D), Vol. 20D/5,
p.613-636 (1998).
[117] S. Manservisi, V.G. Molinari, and A. Nespoli. X-rays emission from the linear plasma of spher-
ical pinch: the electron distribution function in a strong electric field, ANS - Fusion Technology,
Vol. 27/3, p.237-241 (1995).
[118] S. Manservisi and R. Scardovelli. Termoidraulica dei flussi bifase, Volume unico di Pagine 320
ISBN: 9788874884803, Esculapio editore, I Edizione (2012).
[119] N. Siedow, H. Loch, and S. Manservisi. Shape optimization of flanges , Mathematical simulation
in glass technology, (Dr. Krause and H.Loch eds.) ISBN 3-540-43204-3, pp.209-237, Springer-
Verlag, New York (2002).
[120] N. Siedow and S. Manservisi. Optimal Design of Thermo-Electrical Flanges, Progress in In-
dustrial Mathematics, (A. Anile, V. Capasso, A. Greco eds.), Springer-Verlag , New York, pp.
225-229 (2002).
[121] S. Tiwari, and S. Manservisi. Modeling incompressible flows by least-squares approximation,
The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report Journal, Vol 20 (1-2), pp.1-23, (2002).
International conference before 2004
[122] F. Aubert, E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. A coupled marker and
local area conservation method for interface tracking, with MACSI-net Workshop, Industrial
challenges in the numerical simulation of evolving interfaces Brussels, Belgium (2003).
[123] E. Aulisa and S. Manservisi. A multigrid approach to the optimal velocity tracking problem
for Navier-Stokes flows, Proceedings of Conference on Robust Optimization-Directed Design
(RODD), GERC, Shalimar, Florida, pp.5-25 (2004).
[124] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. A mixed markers-vof methods for two-
phase flow with interfaces, Proceedings of 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer
Meeting (FEDSM’02), Montreal, Canada, pp.1-6 (2002). 77. Manservisi, S., Some shape opti-
mal control computations for Navier-Stokes flows , Proceedings of 8th conference on Distributed
Parameter Systems Gratz, austria, pp.1-18 (2002).
[125] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. Modeling two-phase flow with a FEM
method and a new hybrid marker-VOF algorithm, Proceedings of Workshop 2003, Montecucol-
ino, Italy, Pitagora ed., Vol 1, pp.87-110 (2003).
[126] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, and R. Scardovelli. Numerical investigation and design of
phase and pressure distributions in pipeline systems with CFD-VOF methods, with Proceedings
of Workshop 2003, Montecucolino, Italy, Pitagora ed., Vol 1, pp.49-66 (2003).
[127] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, R. Scardovelli, and Terenzi. Application of CFD methods to
the study of phase distribution at an impacting T, with Proceedings of the 8th international con-
ference on Multiphase flow in industrial plants, ANIMP, Alba, Cuneo, Italy, pp.51-68 (2002).
[128] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, V. Marra, R. Scardovelli, and Terenzi. Determination of phase and
pressure distribution in pipeline systems by CFD Modeling and Simulation, Proceedings of the
8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, ANIMP, Alba, Cuneo,
Italy, pp.31-50 (2002).
[129] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. Front tracking with an area-preserving marker
redistribution algorithm: kinematic and dynamic tests, P. Neittaanmaki, P. and Rossi,T. Ko-
rotov,S. and Onate,E. and Periaux,J. and Knorzer eds, ECCOMAS 2004, Vol 527 (2),pp.1-20
ECCOMAS Finland (2004).
[130] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. Three-dimensional reconstruction for incompress-
ible and compressible two-phase flow, with Proceedings of the 21th UIT, Universita’ degli studi
di Udine, Udine, Italy, pp.33-38 (2003).
[131] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. A non-conforming computational methodology for
modeling coupled problems, with Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis,
Orlando, Florida, USA, pp.1-18 (2004).
[132] E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, and P. Seshaiyer. Applications of non-conforming finite element meth-
ods to fluid dynamics, Proceedings of ECCOMAS 2004, Finland, Vol. 2, 524 pp.1-27 (2004).
[133] M.D. Gunzburger, L.S. Hou, Y. Yan, S. Manservisi, and J. Turner. Computations of optimal
control problems for incompressible flows, Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting ’97,
(ASME-Fedsm97), USA, pp.1-6 (1997).
[134] M.D. Gunzburger, H. Kim, and S. Manservisi. A Shape control problem for the stationary
Navier-Stokes equations, Proceedings of the 7th international applied mathematical forum, Seul,
Korea (2001).
[135] M.D. Gunzburger, H. Kim, and S. Manservisi. Shape control of channel flows for steady, in-
compressible flows, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sidney,
Australia, Vol. 5, pp. 4473-4478,(2000).
[136] M.D. Gunzburger and S. Manservisi. Flow matching by shape design for the Navier-Stokes
system, Proceedings of Oberwolfach Workshop on Control of Complex Systems, Oberwolfach,
pp.1-11 (2000).
[137] S. Manservisi. Control and Optimization of the sag bending process in glass windscreen design,
Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Consortium for mathematics in Industry,
Goteborg, Sweden pp.1-6 (1998).
[138] S. Manservisi. On some optimal shape problems TMR-Workshop: Differential Equations in Real
World Problems, University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany (1999).
[139] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. Energy spectrum of runway electrons in a uniform electric
field, in Proceedings of the 32th annual meeting American Physical society - Division of Plasma
physics, Cincinnati, Ohio USA (1990).
[140] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. Equilibration time of fast electrons in a plasma via Fokker-
Plank equation, Proceedings of the 12th international conference on transport theory, Sheraton
Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico USA (1991).
[141] S. Manservisi and V.G. Molinari. The slowing down distribution in the frame of Fokker-Planck
equation, in Proceedings of 17th International symposium on rarefied gas dynamics, Aachen,
Germany, Vol. 2, pp.504 (1990).
[142] S. Manservisi, V.G. Molinari, D. Mostacci, and K. Kaway. Energy spectrum of runway electrons
in a uniform electric field, Proceedings of 1st symposium on plasma dynamics: theory and
applications, Trieste, Italy, p.105-118 (1991).
[143] S. Manservisi, V.G. Molinari, and A. Nespoli. Electron distribution function in a strong electric
field with Molinari, V.G.. Nespoli, A. International conference on plasma science, IEEE Record-
Abstract, Canada, pp.107, (1993).
[144] S. Manservisi, V.G. Molinari, and F. Rocchi. Bremsstrahlung emission spectrum for electron
microprobe analysis, Proceeding-abstract book of the 5th International Topical meeting on indus-
trial radiation and radioisotope measurement and applications Editrice Compositori, Bologna,
Italy (2002).
[145] S. Manservisi, V.G. Molinari, and F. Rocchi. Modeling of Radiation Transport, Proceeding-
abstract book of the 5th International Topical meeting on industrial radiation and radioisotope
measurement and applications, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy, pp.5 (2002).
[146] N.Siedow and S. Manservisi. Optimal Design of Thermo-Electrical Flanges, Proceedings of
ECMI 2000, Palermo, Italy, pp.1-5 (2002).
[147] S. Popinet, R. Scardovelli, S. Zaleski, and S. Manservisi. Two front-tracking algorithms for
2D interface problems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multiphase Flow
(ICMF’98), Lyon, France, pp.1-7 (1998).
[148] R. Scardovelli, S. Popinet, S. Zaleski, and S. Manservisi. Two front-tracking algorithms, Pro-
ceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Multiphase Flow Modelling and Experimental,
ETS editions, Pisa, Italy, p.1545-1551 (1999).

Other conferences before 2004
[149]E. Aulisa, S. Manservisi, Tomassini R., and R. Scardovelli. “Tecniche per la ricostruzione di
interfacce con porzioni di superfici piane with E. Aulisa, R. Tomassini and R. Scardovelli
Proceedings of the 19th UIT, Universita’ di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, pp 183-
187, (2001).”
[150] G. Bandini, C. Lombardo, S. Manservisi, P. Meloni, M. Polidori, R. Scardovelli, P. Vestrucci,
and M. Zaccarelli. “Sviluppo di un modello termo-fluidodinamico dell’impianto sperimentale
SPES-99 con il codice di sistema nucleare CATHARE, Proceedings of the 28th UIT Heat
Transfer Congress. Brescia, Italia. 21-23, Giugno, 2010. (vol. 1, pp. 349 - 354). ISBN: 978-88-
89252-14-7. Brescia, Italy (2010)”.
[151] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A comparison be-
tween a pressure projection method and a fully coupled multigrid FEM Navier-Stokes solver,
Proceedings of the 28th UIT Heat Transfer Congress. Brescia, Italia. 21-23, Giugno, 2010. (vol.
1, pp. 213 - 218). ISBN: 978-88-89252-14-7, Brescia, Italy (2010)”.
[152] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Extended boundary
approach for optimal control of incompressible steady MHD equations, Proceedings of the 28th
UIT Heat Transfer Congress. Brescia, Italia. 21-23, Giugno, 2010. (vol. 1, pp. 207 - 212). ISBN:
978-88-89252-14-7. Brescia, Italy (2010)”.
[153] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Three-dimensional
simulations of a jet with finite element and VOF method, Proceeding of the 28th UIT Confer-
ence, pp.285-290, Bergamo (2009)”.
[154] F. Bassenghi, F. Donato, G. Bandini, M. Polidori, C. Lombardo, P. Meloni, and S. Manservisi.
“Analysis of the full scale PERSEO test for Decay Heat Removal in LWRs by coupling CATHARE
V2.5 and NEPTUNE-CFD codes, Proceedings of the XXX UIT Congress, ISBN 9788874885091,
Vol.1 pp. 369-374, University of Bologna, Bologna (2012)”.
[155] S. Bna, F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, C. Carraria Martinotti, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli.
“Thermo-hydraulic analysis of a LFR generation iv reactor with a porous medium approach,
Proceedings of the XXIX UIT Congress, Vol.1 pp. 323-329, University of Torino, ISBN: 978-
88467- 3072- 5, Pisa, ETS (2011)”.
[156] G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “A study on the approxi-
mation of an interface line with the height function method with G.Bornia,G. and Cervone,A.
and Manservisi,S. and Scardovelli,R. and Zaleski,S. Proceeding of the 27th UIT Conference,
pp.239-244, Parma (2009)”.
[157] C. Carraria Martinotti, F. Bassenghi, S. Bna, G. Bornia, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli.
“Effects of buoyancy on mixed turbulent heat transfer to heavy liquid metals in vertical annuli,
Proceedings of the XXIX UIT Congress, Vol.1 pp. 335-341, University of Torino, ISBN: 978-
88467- 3072- 5, Pisa, ETS (2011)”.
[158] A. Cervone, L. Malservisi, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Three-dimensional simulations of
a jet with finite element and VOF method, Proceeding of the 27th UIT Conference, pp.285-290,
Reggio-Emilia (2009)”.
[159] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “A new VOF unsplit predictor-corrector algo-
rithm for two-phase flow, Proceedings of the 25th UIT congress, pp. 483-488, Edizioni ETS,
Trieste, Italy 2007”.
[160] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Coupling a VOF method and an interface
normal transport equation for two-phase flow, Proceedings of the 26th UIT congress, Palermo,
pp. 255-259, Edizioni ETS, Italy 2008”.
[161] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Droplet spreading simulations by using a vari-
ational FEM approach, Proceedings of the 25th UIT congress, Trieste , pp. 489-494, Edizioni
ETS, Italy 2007”.
[162] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and S. Zaleski. “A study on the approximation of
an interface line with the height function method, Proceeding of the 27th UIT Conference,
pp.239-244, Parma (2009)”.
[163] L. Deon, S. S. Bna, G. Bornia, P. Meloni, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Numerical simula-
tions of heterogeneous nucleate boiling from a single site Proceedings of the XXX UIT Congress,
ISBN 978-887-7488-5091, Vol.1 pp. 189-194, University of Bologna, Bologna (2012)”. In:
[164] G. Ferrara, V. Marra, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. “Modelli numerici per la tensione
superficiale e loro performance, Proceedings of the 19th UIT, Universita’ di Modena e Reggio
Emilia, Modena, Italy, pp. 190-195 (2001)”.
[165] R. Scardovelli, E. Aulisa, and S. Manservisi. “An overview of front tracking methods for two-
phase flows, in SIMAI 2006 - VIII Congresso Societa’ Italiana di Matematica Applicata e
Industriale - Abstracts. Baia Samuele (Ragusa), 22-26 Maggio, 2006, MESSINA: Universita’
degli Studi di Messina, p. 161”.
[166] R. Tomassini, R. Scardovelli, and S. Manservisi. “Numerical analysis of spurious currents for
two-phase incompressible flows, Proceedings of the 20th UIT, Maratea, Edizioni ETS, Pisa,
Italia, pp. 259-263 (2002)”.

Technical Reports
[167] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, A. Cervone, L., and S. Manservisi. Validation of the FEMLCORE-
CATHARE coupling model by TALL-3D Facility experimental tests. Report RL 3300/CERSE-
UNIBO, CIRTEN Milano, 2017.
[168] A. Attavino, D. Cerroni, L. Fancellu, L., and S. Manservisi. Femlcore-Catare coupling on salome
platform. Report RL 1361/CERSE-UNIBO, September 2015, CIRTEN Pisa, 2016.
[169] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, F. Donato, C. Lombardo, and M. Poli-
dori. Optimization and validation of the cfd modules in the nurisp platform. Technical Report
RdS/2012/1352, CIRTEN, Pisa and Technical Report NNFISS-LP2-089, ENEA, 2016.
[170] R. Da Vià, Chirco, A. Cervone, L., and S. Manservisi. FEMLCORE-SALOME-CATHARE
coupling model of the TALL-3D Facility with turbulence models. RL 3200, CIRTEN, ENEA,
[171] R. Da Vià, Chirco, A. Cervone, L., and S. Manservisi. FEMLCORE-SALOME-CATHARE
coupling model of the TALL-3D Facility with turbulence models. RL 3200, CIRTEN, ENEA,
[172] D. Cerroni, R. Da Vià, A. Cervone, L., S. Manservisi, F. Menghini, and G. Pozzetti. Inte-
gration of the FEMLCORE code in the SALOME platform. Technical Report CERSE-UNIBO
RL1355/2013, CIRTEN, Pisa and Technical Report MSE-ENEA, 2014.
[173] D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, and E. Vincenzi. Developing multiscale transient simulations with
FEM-LCORE code. Technical Report Report RdS/2013/1355-UNIBO, pp. 1-78, Bologna, CIRTEN,
CIRTEN, Pisa, and Technical Report ENEA, 2013.
[174] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, L. Deon, S. Manservisi, F. Donato, C. Lombardo, and M. Polidori.
Enea activity in NURISP users’ group. Technical Report UTFISSM-POOO-002, ENEA, 2012.
[175] G. G. Bornia, D. Cerroni, S. Manservisi, M. Polidori, and F. Donato. FEM-LCORE code: paral-
lelization, turbulence models and code integration. Technical Report RdS/2012/1351, CIRTEN,
Pisa and Technical Report NNFISS-LP3-059/0, ENEA, 2012.
[176] F. Bassenghi, G. Bornia, L. Deon, S. Manservisi, P. Meloni, and M. Polidori. Implementation
and validation of the NURISP platform. Technical Report Cerse-Unibo 1308/2011, CIRTEN,
Pisa and Technical Report NNFISS-LP5-020 Rev. 0, ENEA, 2011.
[177] G. Bornia, M. Finelli, S. Manservisi, V. Mikhin, M. M. Polidori, and K. K. Voukelatou. Devel-
opment and validation of FEM-LCORE code for the thermal hydraulics of open cores. Technical
Report Cerse-Unibo 1307/2011, CIRTEN, Pisa and NNFISS-LP3-016 Rev. 0, ENEA, 2011.
[178] S. Manservisi, R. Scardovelli, and M. Polidori. Development and validation of the thermal
hydraulics code CATHARE-2 for liquid metal cooled reactors. Report Cerse-Unibo 1309/2011,
CIRTEN, Pisa, 2011.
[179] F. Bassenghi, S. Bnà, G. Bornia, A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, and R. Scardovelli. Fissicu platform
on cresco-enea grid for thermal-hydraulic nuclear engineering. Technical Report Cerse-Unibo
1302/2010, CIRTEN, Pisa and Technical Report RdS/2010/138, XCIRTEN-LP5-004 Rev. 0,
ENEA, 2010.
[180] S. Bnà, S. Manservisi, and 0. Le Bot. Simulation of the thermo-hydraulic behaviour of liquid
metal reactors using a three-dimensional finite element model. Technical Report Cerse-Unibo
1301/2010, CIRTEN, Pisa and Technical Report XCIRTEN-LP3-002 Rev. 0, ENEA, 2010.
[181] A. Cervone, S. Manservisi, M. Polidori, and P. Meloni. Valutazione e modifica del codice ter-
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