Foto del docente

Salvatore Nesci

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry


Nesci S.; Bernardini C.; Salaroli R.; Zannoni A.; Trombetti F.; Ventrella V.; Pagliarani A.; Forni M., Characterization of metabolic profiles and lipopolysaccharide effects on porcine vascular wall mesenchymal stem cells, «JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY», 2019, 234, pp. 16685 - 16691 [Scientific article]Open Access

Trombetti, Fabiana; Pagliarani, Alessandra*; Ventrella, Vittoria; Algieri, Cristina; Nesci, Salvatore, Crucial aminoacids in the F O sector of the F 1 F O -ATP synthase address H + across the inner mitochondrial membrane: molecular implications in mitochondrial dysfunctions, «AMINO ACIDS», 2019, 51, pp. 579 - 587 [Scientific article]Open Access

Nesci S.; Pagliarani A., Emerging Roles for the Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Supercomplexes, «TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 44, pp. 821 - 823 [Scientific article]Open Access

Rosamaria Fiorini, Vittoria Ventrella, Fabiana Trombetti, Micaela Fabbri, Alessandra Pagliarani, Salvatore Nesci, Lipid-protein interactions in mitochondrial membranes from bivalve mollusks: molecular strategies in different species, «COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. PART B, BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2019, 227, pp. 12 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Algieri, Cristina; Trombetti, Fabiana; Pagliarani, Alessandra; Ventrella, Vittoria; Bernardini, Chiara; Fabbri, Micaela; Forni, Monica; Nesci, Salvatore, Mitochondrial Ca2+ -activated F1 FO -ATPase hydrolyzes ATP and promotes the permeability transition pore, «ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES», 2019, 1457, pp. 142 - 157 [Scientific article]Open Access

Farabegoli F.; Nesci S.; Ventrella V.; Badiani A.; Albonetti S.; Pirini M., Season and Cooking May Alter Fatty Acids Profile of Polar Lipids from Blue-Back Fish, «LIPIDS», 2019, 54, pp. 741 - 753 [Scientific article]Open Access

Nesci, Salvatore*, A Lethal Channel between the ATP Synthase Monomers, «TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES», 2018, 43, pp. 311 - 313 [Scientific article]

Nesci, Salvatore; Trombetti, Fabiana; Ventrella, Vittoria; Pagliarani, Alessandra, From the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase to the mitochondrial permeability transition pore: an overview, «BIOCHIMIE», 2018, 152, pp. 85 - 93 [Scientific article]Open Access

Nesci, Salvatore, New insight in a new entity: the mitochondrial permeability transition pore arises from the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPases, «SCIENCE BULLETIN», 2018, 63, pp. 143 - 145 [Scientific article]

Salvatore Nesci, Fabiana Trombetti, Vittoria Ventrella, Cristina Algieri, Alessandra Pagliarani, The ATP synthase membrane-embedded domain: structural implications in health and disease, in: Bio-energetics, Metabolism and Nutrition: from molecules to systems, 2018, pp. 10 - 10 (atti di: Meeting annuale dei Gruppi Membrane, Nutrizione e Biologia computazionale e dei sistemi della Società Italiana di Biochimica (SIB), Bologna, 25-26 Giugno 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Algieri Cristina; Trombetti Fabiana;Pagliarani Alessandra; Ventrella Vittoria; Nesci Salvatore, The inhibition kinetics of the Ca2+-activated F-ATPase by F1 inhibitors strengthens its role in the mitochondrial permeability transition pore formation, in: XV FISV CONGRESS, 2018(atti di: XV FISV CONGRESS, Rome, September 18 – 21, 2018) [Poster]Open Access

Nesci, Salvatore; Trombetti, Fabiana; Ventrella, Vittoria; Pirini, Maurizio; Pagliarani, Alessandra, The inhibition of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activity when activated by Ca2+opens new regulatory roles for NAD+, «BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY», 2018, 399, pp. 197 - 202 [Scientific article]

Ciulli, Sara; Volpe, Enrico; Pagliarani, Alessandra; Zavatta, Emanuele; Brunetti, Barbara; Gazzotti, Teresa; Parmeggiani, Albamaria; Govoni, Nadia; Nesci, Salvatore; Fabbri, Micaela; Mordenti, Oliviero; Serratore, Patrizia, A preliminary study on a novel sea water disinfection process by a peroxy-acid compound to complement and improve the microbial depuration of clams (Ruditapes philippinarum), «FOOD CONTROL», 2017, 80, pp. 226 - 235 [Scientific article]

Nesci, S., Corrigendum to: Mitochondrial permeability transition, F 1 F O -ATPase and calcium: an enigmatic triangle (EMBO reports, (2017), 18, 8, (1265-1267), 10.15252/embr.201744570), «EMBO REPORTS», 2017, 18, pp. 2219 - 2219 [Scientific article]

Nesci, Salvatore, Glucose and glutamine in the mitochondrial oxidative metabolism of stem cells, «MITOCHONDRION», 2017, 35, pp. 11 - 12 [Scientific article]

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