Foto del docente

Silvia Prati

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-01/B Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

First cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Green solvents for the cleaning of works of art

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Comparison of tissue cleaning methods with greener solvents for varnish removal
  • Development of analytical protocols for the investigation of historical and archaeological samples
  • Evaluation of novel paint cleaning treatments by combining chemical imaging and statistical processing
  • Material identification in Asian paintings using a clustering-based methodology
  • Study of varnishes using photoluminescence imaging and digital methods in the context of paint conservation
  • Sviluppo di materiali nanostrutturati a matrice polimerica accoppiati a solventi "green" per applicazione nell'ambito del restauro

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