The microchemical and microscopy laboratory is involved in the
chemical -physical
characterisations of samples of artistic interest. The research
aims to study the production technique, the state of conservation, the
identification of new procedures for restoration. The different
research lines are conducted with the help of technological
equipments present in the laboratory or with the collaboration of
other research groups, such as: • Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) •
Portable XRay Fluorescence (XRF) • Multi-Spectral Scanner Imaging
System • Optical
Microscopy • FTIR microscopy (ATR, diamond cell, Mapping) • X-ray
Diffractometry (XRD) • Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass
Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) • Ion Chromatography (IC) • Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) • Color measurement
of organic and inorganic components of historical, artistic and
archaeological interest
A methodological approach is
employed for the characterization of the composition of historical,
artistic and archaeological samples. The protocol consist on the
preliminary use of
non-destructive analysis for the correct planning of the sampling
campaign. The information gained is crucial to rebuild the painting
technique, provide information useful for support attribution
studies or to establish the necessary restoration operations within
nationally and internationally campaigns (for example: Diagnostic
project on the cycle Uomini Illustri, Palazzo Ducale d'Urbino in collaboration with the
University of Urbino and the Center de recherche et de restoration
des Musées de France, Diagnostic project on the Baptism and the
Holy Family attributed to Andrea Mantegna in collaboration with the
University of Urbino).
Development of new protectivse for outdoor exposed bronze
This project is in the frame
of EU-ARTECH funded within the Sixth Framework Program. The aim of
our laboratory is experimenting new organic (such as
silicates) and inorganic protectives for the protection of bronzes
using standard samples to test different treatments and study the
effects before and after aging. In particular the interaction
between protectives and materials and passivation treatments of
the bronze with formation of copper oxalate are
Development of
new integrated non-invasive and microdestructive analyses in the
field of conservation of cultural heritage
This research aims to increase the
sensitivity of the methods of analysis and expand the range of the
possible analyzed substances. In particular we are developing the
following activities:
development of
alternative methods of stratigraphic preparation in order to
eliminate the embedded resin pollution effects
development of
mapping and imaging techniques for organic matter
characterisation and localisation in paint cross section; particular attentionwill be
paid to the characterization of proteins with selective
immunochemiluminescent technques in collaboration with tprof. Roda
testing the far
infrared spectroscopy technique as complementary to RAMAN