NAME: Silvia Prati
ADRESS: Via Romeo Galli, 15, 47121 Forlì
MOBILE PHONE 0039/339/7517000
SEX: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 03/11/1975
Associate Professor CHIM12 (Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage) at University of Bologna, Campus of Ravenna
10/2020 - 05/2021 Master on Learning Coaching recognized CCE (Continuing Coach Education) by ICF (International Coach Federation)
09/2018 National enabling as full professor 03/A1 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
24/08/2015 -30 / 08/2015 Neuro Science Linguistic Coaching, course recognized by the International Coach Federation as Approved Coach Specific Training, teacher: Dr. Roberto Ferrario
A.Y. 2009-2010 Executive Master in Business Administration, ALMA GRADUATE SCHOOL, Bologna
A.Y. 2001-02 PhD in Environmental Sciences: protection and management of natural resources - Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences - University of Bologna, Experimental thesis in Environmental Chemistry: "Environment interaction - work of art: investigation techniques of complex matrices of interest artistic and archaeological ", supervisor Prof. G. Chiavari
12/1999 Licence to practice the profession of chemist obtained at the University of Bologna
24/06/1999 Degree in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician "- Faculty of Mathematical Physics and Natural Sciences - University of Bologna, Experimental Thesis in Analytical Chemistry:" Characterization of standard pictorial layers and natural dyes through analytical pyrolysis. Application to real samples ", supervisor prof. G. Chiavari, Vote: 110/110 with laudatio
S.Y. 1994 Scientific High School, Liceo Scientifico 'Fulcieri Paolucci de Calboli', Forlì
05/2022 Principal Investigator for the UNIBO local team in the European project GOGREEN
03/2022 Principal Investigator for the UNIBO local team in the National project Superstar (PRIN)
05/12/2016 Associate Professor CHIM12 (Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage) at University of Bologna, Campus of Ravenna
01/11/2006 –04/12/2016 Researcher CHIM12 ( Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage) at the University of Bologna, Campus of Ravenna
11/2006 – Participation in national and international projects with participation and coordination roles , Member of organizing and scientific committees of more than 10 national and international congresses, Author of more than 90 publications in journals with IF, Participation in more than 80 conferences of national and international interest, Publication in book chapters
2011 Guest editor of the Special Issue Analytical Chemistry in Cultural Heritage, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2011) 399, 9.
01/01/2000 – 31/10/2006 Research grant: "Interactions environment- work of art: investigations of artistic and archaeological objects", scientific responsible prof. G. Chiavari, biennial grant renewed three times
03/2003 Collaboration with ICCROM within the CURRIC project
17/09/2001–15/11/2001 Short mobility grant funded by the CNR for the project "Application of thermal desorption to the artistic field”, Kings College of London (Division of Life Science) from 17 September to 15 November 2001 under the supersion of prof. S. Smith.
01/07/1999 – 31/12/1999 Internship at the environmental chemistry laboratory of the University of Bologna
RESERCH ACTIVITY: My research activity is related to the development of advanced analytical methods for the investigation of complex matrices with application in the conservation, biomedical and environmental fieldS and of innovative materials for restoration. In particular my main research field is related to the setting up of methods based on the integration between hyperspectral spectroscopic techniques and advanced data processing elaboration.
04/1999 – 09 /1999 Consultant, Quality Assurance Office, a r.l. Agrifrut Romagna, Via della Rotaia 5, Gambettola FC
02/05/2020-… Delegate for the Didactic Activity, Department of Chemistry, University of Bologna
2017-…. Member of the didactic commission and of the council of the Department of Chemistry, University of Bologna
2019-…. Board member of the Italian Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage
01/2018-….Member of the Council of the International PhD Curriculum on Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna
01/10/2016- ….Coordinator of the International Master Degree Course S.Co.Re (Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage), University of Bologna
A.Y 2015/16 -….Member of the Ravenna Campus Council
A.Y 2014/15 -… Member of the management council for the agreement betweenthe Nanjing University and the University of Bologna, Member of the Didactic Commission for the master degree course S.Co.Re, University of Bologna, Member of the Quality Assurance Commission for the Master Degree S.Co.Re, University of Bologna, Member of Quality Assurance Commission for Master Degree in Restoration, University of Bologna
2010-2013 Board member of the Italian Chemical Society , Division of Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage
Chemistry for Cultural Heritage,Master Degree in Restoration (6 CFU) ,
Chemical methods of examining cultural property (6 CFU), International Master Degree on Science for the conservation -restoration of cultural heritage
Advanced diagnostic applied to cultural heritage (4 CFU), Master Degree in Chemistry.
09/09/2021 Invited Lecture at the Summer School: Diagnosis in Heritage Science: 3. Focus on painting, 7-10 September 2021
23/11/2021 Key note at the Lorentz Worhshop titled “ Green Conservation Materials for European Heritage” 22-26 November 2021
01/21 Laboratory for university teachers on “Strumenti di didattica disciplinare per analizzare il coinvolgimento degli studenti in insegnamenti di servizio in ambito STEM”, two editions of 6 hours each
02-05/21 Training of high school teachers belonging to the STEM area on the topic “Problem Solving between Mathematics and Chemistry”
ORGANISATIONAL / MANAGERIAL SKILLS: Excellent skills in organizing research activities.
SOCIAL SKILLS: Excellent skills in working in international teams
Ravenna, 24/11/2021