Foto del docente

Rossella Capozzi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-02/B Stratigraphic Geology and Sedimentology


Keywords: Mud volcanoes Methane-derived Carbonate Cold seeps Petroleum system Sequence stratigraphy Paleoproductivity Sapropel Active tectonics Mediterranean

Fliud migration and natural leakage of brines and hydrocarbon (oil, gas and condensate), locally occurring in association with mud volcanoes, and relationships with fluid geochemistry, stratigraphic and tectonic setting  in the northern Apennines, Adriatic Sea, Calabrian Arc, Adriatic-Ionian Basin and Western Turkmenistan.

Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbons enriched seepages: the carbonate conduits (chimneys) belong to those surface indicators of shallow or deep reservoirs that can be very useful for exploration purposes.

Study on organic carbon-rich intervals (sapropels) of Pliocene to Recent age, occurring in the northern Apennines, Adriatic foredeep and Mediterranean basin.  The aim of the study is to characterize the main forcing on the sapropel deposition, including climate, paleoproductivity peaks and sea-level oscillation and to define their occurrence in a sequence-stratigraphic frame.   

The study of natural fluid emissions (saline waters and hydrocarbons) is carried out by means of the geochemical and isotopic analysis of the fluids and their interaction with solid phases, coupled with the definition of surface and subsurface geologic and stratigraphic setting. Recently, data acquisition in the north Adriatic sea has shown the occurrence of authigenic carbonates linked to fluid vents. In the offshore of  the Calabrian Arc, seismic profiles provide new data to interpret the active tectonic and sedimentary structure linked to the occurrence of fluid migration in deep water also associated to mud diapirism and mud volcanoes. The study includes slope and basin plain systems to assess gravity-driven processes due to active tectonics and fluid flow. In the western Turkmenistan the study has been carried out on large natural seepages linked to deep oil and gas fields. 

Authigenic carbonate precipitation, mediated by microbial consortia, is one of the most relevant outcome, often accompanying hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage. Fluids can move through conduits that, under special circumstances, could lead to authigenic mineralization forming carbonate chimneys from mm to plurimetric in size.The fluid migration pathways, developing within the reservoirs, must be related to the structural evolution, and it is crucial to assess similarities or differences by the comparison between modern marine seepage and those presently emerged and included in the chain deformation, to fully characterize the depositional systems and the geologic evolution.

The study of sedimentology and stratigraphy of organic carbon-rich intervals (sapropels) of Pliocene to Recent age, occurring in the northern Apennines, Adriatic foredeep and Mediterranean basin, has been coupled with the definition of their geochemistry, organic carbon content and fossil assemblages with respect to the intervening intervals with low organic carbon percentage. The aim of the study is to characterize the main forcing on the sapropel deposition including climate, paleoproductivity peaks and sea-level oscillation and to define their occurrence in a sequence-stratigraphic frame.