Foto del docente

Rossella Capozzi

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Curriculum vitae

<a href="">Rossella Capozzi on ResearchGate</a>


1982, MSc degree in Geologic Sciences at the University of Bologna.
1987, PhD in Earth Sciences. Doctoral thesis titled “Evolution of the Apennine foothill in Romagna: relationship between tectonics and sedimentation from Late Messinian to Pleistocene”.
From 1992 to 1994, research fellowship, assigned to the CROP Project by the Italian National Research Council (Committee for Geologic and Mining Sciences).

Academic position
From 1995 to 2006, researcher of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Bologna.
Since 2006 she is Associate Professor in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the School of Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Geology and Lithology for Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences.
Geology and Geography for Bachelor's degree in Geological Sciences.
Advanced Geological Surveying MSc in Geology and Land Management
Member of the PhD scientific committee of the school of doctorate in “Environmental Sciences: protection and management of the natural resources” until 2016.

Main research interests
The main research interest in the last fifteen years focused on spontaneous fluid emissions and cold seepages.
Natural leakage of brines and hydrocarbons (oil, gas and condensate), occurs locally associated with mud volcanoes. The geochemical study of the fluids allows unravelling the petroleum systems and helps localizing the residual potential in fold and thrust belts and other dynamic systems, as the Northern Apennines, the Adriatic Sea, the Calabrian Arc, the Gulf of Cadiz and Turkmenistan.
Other main research interest includes studies on organic carbon-rich intervals (sapropels) of Pliocene to Recent age, occurring in the northern Apennines, Adriatic foredeep and Mediterranean basin. The study of sedimentology and stratigraphy of these horizons has been coupled with the definition of their geochemistry, organic carbon content and fossil assemblages with respect to the intervening intervals with low organic carbon percentage. The aim of the study was to characterize the main forcing on the sapropel deposition including climate, paleoproductivity peaks and sea-level oscillation and to define their occurrence in a sequence-stratigraphic frame.

Recent financed Projects:
Principal Investigator of Italian PRIN 2009 program (2011-2013) "Carbonate conduits linked to hydrocarbons enriched seepages".
Participation in the Italian PRIN 2006 program “Tectonic and sedimentary processes and fluid escape pathways within the accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc through swath bathymetry, vertical incidence high resolution seismic reflection surveys and sampling campaign.”
Project (2002-2004): Rossella Capozzi leaded a task of the SINAPSI Project (Seasonal, INterannual and decAdal variability of the atmosPhere, oceanS and related marIne ecosystems. CNR-MURST): titled: “Biogeochemical Cycles in the Adriatic Sea: the present condition and the fossil record”.

Meetings and workshops
Chairman of the session dedicated to cold seeps and mud volcanoes in deep marine environment in 37th conference of the International Commission pour l' Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranèe (CIESM) held in Barcelona, June 2004.
Host and invited speaker of the 29th Workshop of the CIESM: “Fluid seepages/mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and adjacent domains”, held in Bologna, 19 to 22 October 2005.
Invited speaker in the Workshop on “Cold Seeps and Carbonates Mounds” (GEOITALIA 2007).
Convenor of the workshop W6 on “Carbon sequestration in the past: the role and significance of cyclic organic carbon-enriched sediments for future climatic scenarios” (GEOITALIA, September 2009 Rimini).
Invited speaker, together with the co-author Vincenzo Picotti, at the International conference of “Fold-Thrust Belt Esploration. The next technical frontier". May 14-16, 2008, The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London.
Invited speaker, together with the co-author Vincenzo Picotti, to the international AAPG European Region Annual Conference, Paris-Malmaison France • 23-24 November, 2009, with a communication titled: The Residual Potential of the Northern Apennine Petroleum System. A Geochemical and Structural Study of spontaneous Seeps.
Invited speaker: Italy and Malta Oil & Gas 2013 Summit, 30-31 October 2013 - Roma, IRN International Research Networks.
Invited speaker: EAGE Shallow Anomalies Workshop, Malta, 23-26 November 2014.
Member of the Scientific Committee in the 11th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 4-7 September 2012 Nice, France
Member of the Scientific Committee in the 13th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, 19-22 September 2016 in Tromsø, Norway.
Co-convener of the session FSD2: Seismic-scale fluid/sediment interactions: Conveners. Patrice IMBERT (TOTAL, FRA), Aurélien GAY (University of Montpellier 2, FRA), Rossella CAPOZZI (Università di Bologna, ITA; International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, 10-12 October 2017.

Co-Convenor of the session 11L:Methane-rich fluid expulsion processes and their signatures
in marine sediments, 34th International IAS Meeting Rome 10-13 September 2019.

Degree Programme Director of First Cycle Degree in Geological Sciences and Second Cycle Degree in Geology and Land Management