Foto del docente

Rosa Bernardini Papalia

Full Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-02/A Economic Statistics

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 237KB )


Degree (Economic Statistics) 1990, University of Bologna.


Ph.D. 1995, University of Bologna.  


Research Interests:

Measurement errors in surveys and data quality, Statistical Utilization of administrative registers, Data Disaggregation procedures, Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics of Economic Systems, Information and Entropy Econometrics, Spatial Econometrics (Theory and Applied), Statistics and Information Systems, Policy and Applied Micro/Macro Economics (Internationalization and fragmentation of firms; growth models):


Faculty position:

- Full Professor of Economic Statistics, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna.

- Member of  Research Associates of the Info-Metrics Institute, American University, Washington DC, USA.


- Member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Statistics.



Current Teaching:

Economic Statistics,  Measurement of Economic Phenomena, Short course -PhD in Statistics-entitled: Information theoretic and entropy estimation methods, University of Bologna.


Additional Teaching Experience

Econometrics, Statistics, Economic Time series, National Accounts: methods and models, Marketing Research. She is also teaching Economic National Accounts for the Environment (for Master degree, Social European Found/Umbria Region), University of Perugia; Quantitative methods in analysing development Economic Statistics, Productivity analysis, Econometric models, University of Bologna.


Other Positions:

University of Perugia – Faculty of Economics, Research Professor, 1999-2004


Researcher for the Italian National Institute of Statistics (dal1/07/1996 al  12/1998) ISTAT – DCII/PRE- Roma.


International Experiences:

September 2009. Visiting Professor: Department of Economics, American University, Washington DC USA (2009 July), invited by: Prof. Amos Golan.

Spring 2005. Visiting Professor: Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE. invited by: Prof. Oliver Linton. LSE, London.

January-July 1995. Research Fellow: Brown University, Providence, RI– USA, Faculty Supervisors Prof. Tony Lancaster, Prof. Pedro L. Gozalo.


Research activities:


- Scientific coordinator for UNIBO University of Bologna of European Research Project,: “Blue-Enterprise and Trade Statistics- (BLUE-ETS)”. Seventh Framework programme-Theme 8, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH), 2010/2013.

Member of research projects (a selection)

Member of many national and local research project appointed by the Italian Guaranty Commission for Statistical Information - Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Italian Government.

In particular, in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005, member of the research project of national relevance supported by the MURST on:

- Strategies and techniques for producing micro-economic data to analyse households and business behaviour (1997);

- Quality of economic statistics and new strategies for data production; (1999);
- The use of the new strategies of formation of the data and the statistic information for the study and the government of the economic systems (2001);

- Statistical measure and analysis of the specialisation of the Italian economic system in the frame of the knowledge economy (2003);

- Measure and analysis of the effects of fragmentation on production process of Italian district businesses (2005).


Participation in National and International research and cooperation projects (a selection):

- European Research Project: “Blue-Enterprise and Trade Statistics- (BLUE-ETS)”. Seventh Framework programme-Theme 8, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH), 2010/2013, Scientific Coordinator for UNIBO, University of Bologna.

- Italian Guaranty Commission for Statistical Information (2011), Area di ricerca: Measurement of Intangible Assets in National Accounts.

- Department of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA (January/July 2005).Research Field: Estimation Problems in Non-Linear Models with Partially Missing Observations. Faculty Supervisors: Prof. P. Tony Lancaster, Pedro L. Gozalo.

- EUROSTAT (1996/98) Research Field: revision of consumer price indices for an Harmonization  at European level.

- EUROSTAT Study Group on quality change for vehicles (1996/98)

- Italian Guaranty Commission for Statistical Information (1999), Research Field: Measurement errors in economic survey and data quality.

- Ministry of productive activities, Italian National Statistical Institute, Region of Umbria,  (2000/2005), Research Field: Regional Consumer price indices.


Editorial Activities:

Referee for:

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Official Statistics, Journal of Applied Statistics, Entropy, Statistical Methods & Applications, Journal of Productivity Analysis, The Annals of Regional Science, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, statistics in transitions, International Journal of the Economics of Business, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, International Regional Science Review, Statistica.

Member of the Editorial team of the Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis. (EJASA)


Member of professional Associations:

Italian Statistical Society (SIS), American Statistical Association, System Dynamics Society, International Statistical Institute /IASC - International Association for Statistical   Computing.


National and International Conferences:

She has organized and participated, presenting papers, to several national and international statistical conferences and has been invited speaker, (Method models and Information technologies for decisions making; Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics; Management, Marketing and Finances), Ersa Congress.