Foto del docente

Rosa Pugliese

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: GLOT-01/B Educational Linguistics

Curriculum vitae


Rosa Pugliese

Is currently researcher in Language teaching methodologies at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bologna, where she has taught Teaching Italian a second language since 2005-06. Previously  she taught at the University of Siena-Arezzo (2001-05) and at  CILTA, Centro Interfacoltà Linguistica Teorica e applicata, University of Bologna (1990-2000).

She completed her studies at the University of Bologna (1990), at the University of Rome (1995) and at the University for Foreigners in Perugia (2000-01) where she received a research grant to carry on a research project on “Metacommunication in classroom discourse”, in the field of Applied Linguistics. She partecipated in several national projects in the fields of language teaching, teaching Italian as a second language, institutional communication and intercultural communication, including “Forms of university teaching in humanities faculties” (MPI/40% 1996-98), “Discourse and learning” (COFIN 2001-03) with particolar reference to “metacommunication in the language classroom”. She has recently coordinated (a) a research project on “Intercultural communication at workplaces” financed by the Provincia di Arezzo (Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali - Osservatorio sull''Immigrazione) and focusing on the analysis of authentic interactions among native and immigrant workers in several Italian contexts; (b) a research project on “Academic writing. Texts, learning and teaching practices”, University of Arezzo. Her work has appeared in volumes published by Carocci, Franco Angeli, Niemeier, La Nuova Italia, and in Italian journals. She is co-author (with F. Gatta) of a “Manuale di scrittura” for university students (BUP-Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2006, 2nd edition) and (with A.Ciliberti, L.Anderson) of  “Lingue in classe. Discorso, apprendimento, socializzazione” (Carocci, Roma, 2003).