The research activity of M2ADL is performed through diverse
forms of collaboration, in Italy and abroad. It focuses in
particular on the chemical-physical characterization of objects of
historical/artistic/archaeological interest, with particular
attention to the study of processes and causes of alteration, test
new materials and restoration methods, identify the
chemical-physical interaction of heritage materials with the
The research activities are implemented with the use of a
complement of analytical techniques available at the M2ADL such as:
• Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) • Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
• Multi-Spectral Scanner Imaging System • Optical Microscopy • FTIR
microscopy (ATR, diamond cell, Mapping). Other analytical
techniques are also used thanks to their availability within other
university departments:: • X-ray Diffraction (XRD) • Pyrolysis Gas
Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) • Ion Chromatography
(IC) • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) • Colour
The activity of M2ADL is directly related to the Bachelor and
Master degrees in Science and Technology for the Conservation and
Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Bologna
(campus of Ravenna). M2ADL operates in the field of science for
conservation, focusing in particular on chemical and physical
methodologies in close and permanent collaboration with prestigious
institutes of conservation and restoration, both public and
private. Its activity spans to consulting, research, teaching and
to the organization of seminars and specialised meetings, in Italy
and abroad. M2ADL boasts active partnerships both with
Italian research groups, such as ALMA SteCH (Science and Technology
for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage) of the University of
Bologna, and with international Networks, such as IPERION-CH
( ).
It HAS also coordinated the European consortium EPISCON (European
PhD in Science for Conservation), a post-Master degree project in
the field of science for conservation.
Methodological approach
M2ADL makes use of a diagnostic methodological approach through
an interdisciplinary collaboration, which foresees:
ü the definition of the
diagnostic aims and objectives, jointly decided and shared by all
the participants involved in the project;
ü a preliminary use of
non-destructive techniques aimed at documenting the state of
conservation, characterizing the material constitution, determining
causes and forms of deterioration;
ü the identification of possible
areas for micro-sampling and subsequent micro-destructive analyses
aimed at reaching a better stratigraphic material characterization
and a deeper understanding of the causes and forms of
ü a permanent contact with the
conservation project responsible in order to figure out possible
needs for further investigations.
Consultancy services
The level of thorough knowledge reached in the diverse fields of
science and technology for cultural heritage allows M2ADL to
perform specific procedures and consulting that apply to the
chemical-physical characterization of materials, to the detection
of the state of conservation, to ancient production techniques of
both movable and immovable heritage, with particular reference to
stone and bronze monuments, architectural decorations, polychrome
surfaces, metal alloys and archaeological materials.
Consultancy services can be aimed at:
ü providing authorities and
agencies for the conservation of cultural heritage with a practical
conservation management tool which is based on the evaluation of
risk and identification of conservation priorities, assessed
through scientific investigation and diagnosis of the actual state
of conservation;
ü carrying out diagnosis during
the whole duration of a conservation-restoration project, according
to the above mentioned methodology.
Research activities
The research activity of M2ADL is performed through diverse
forms of collaboration, in Italy and abroad. It focuses in
particular on the chemical-physical characterization of objects of
historical/ artistic/archaeological interest, with particular
attention to the study of processes and causes of alteration,
testing new materials and restoration methods, identifying the
chemical-physical interaction of heritage materials with the
Some of M2ADL's present research projects:
ü Setting up of new integrated
analytical procedures both non-invasive and micro-invasive aimed at
studying painted works of art. The research is aimed at enhancing
the sensitivity of spectroscopic methods such as FTIR microscopy
(ATR mapping and ATR imaging) both in the MIR and FIR spectral