Associate Professor
Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"
Academic discipline: STAT-03/A Demography
Director of First Cycle Degree in International Development and Cooperation
Associate Professor in Demography. Research interests primarily focus on internal and international migrations, family dynamics, and life courses. Currently serving as the vice Principal Investigator (PI) for the PRIN/Cariplo project "Geography and Social Inequality in Italy (GESI)" and as PI for the task "Life courses in old age. Retirement, family and residential trajectories" within the PNRR Project "Ageing well in an ageing society (AGE-IT)". He is also a researcher in the PRIN project "Assessing the Vulnerability of Refugees and Asylum seekers in Italy (AVRAI)", in the Cariplo project "Between Origin and Destination (BOnD) - Value Acculturation and SocioEconomic Integration of Migrant Women" and in the ISTAT project "Paths to the stabilization of foreign citizens and citizens of foreign origin". He is member of the Teaching Board of the national PhD in Life Course Research and the PhD in Economic Sociology, Organization and Labor, University of Milan. He is also member of the editorial board of and IUSSP’s online news magazine and vice president of the Neodemos Association.
Other contacts
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati" Via Belle Arti 41, Bologna - Go to map
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Demography mailing list
Published on: March 02 2023
STORIA DEMOGRAFICA D'ITALIA. Crescita, crisi e sfide. Carocci editore.
Special issue on Children of Immigrants in Southern Europe: Overcoming Ethnic Penalties (JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES)
Special Issue on Migrations and social inequalities in the Italian labour market (SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO)
Traces in the shadow: Occupational outcomes of previously undocumented migrants in Italy (INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION)
Labour Market Participation and Fertility in Seven European Countries: A Comparative Perspective (COMPARATIVE POPULATION STUDIES)
Transnational Parenthood and Migrant Subjective Well-Being in Italy. (INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW)
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