Foto del docente

Roberto Farnè

Adjunct professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Adjunct professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Curriculum vitae


Adjunct Professor (previously Professor of Education), University of Bologna


Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Bologna, dissertation in the Anthropology of Education. 10 years’ experience as cultural animator and educator with the Municipality of Carpi (MO). From the mid-1980s, participation in Prof. Piero Bertolini’s “Phenomenological pedagogy” group, offering a solid imprint for his scientific and cultural development.

Academic career

In 1983, he passed a competitive selection to become a researcher in the subject area “Education” and joined the Department of Science of Education at the University of Bologna.

In 1998, he took up a position as associate professor at the University of Bari, teaching General Education.

In 2001 he returned to the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences in Bologna, for teaching activities, and the “Giovanni Maria Bertin” Department of Science of Education for research activities.

In 2002 he became a full professor and in 2012 moved to the new Department of Life Quality Studies, contributing actively to its creation, at the Rimini campus, in charge of the Exercise and Sport Sciences degree programmes.

Having left these roles on 1 November 2021, he is currently an adjunct professor.

Teaching activities

In the late 1970s, he began teaching at the Faculty of Education at the University of Bologna, with Prof. Piero Bertolini and Prof. Antonio Faeti. He was the first in Italy to hold courses in “Methodologies of Play and Animation” and, from 2001, in “Pedagogy of Play and Sport”, which still today is one of his teaching activities in the “Exercise and Sport Sciences” degree programme at the University of Bologna.

For 10 years, until 2012, he taught “Iconography and Educational Iconology” in the degree programmes at the Faculty of Education.

He taught “Body Cultures” for the second-cycle international degree programme in “Wellness, Sport and Health” (Rimini Campus) of which he was coordinator.

Scientific works

His studies and research activities focus mainly on the pedagogy of play and sport, the relationship between media and education, preschools and extra-scholastic education and Outdoor education. He has participated in and coordinated research works promoted by numerous organisations, including: RAI, Istituto Nazionale degli Innocenti, Emilia-Romagna Region, Disney Italia.

From the late 1990s, he carried out studies and research on Alberto Manzi, leading to the establishment of the archive and the “Centro Alberto Manzi” ( ). In relation to Manzi, he contributed to the organisation of exhibitions, conferences and the two-episode RAI TV drama "Non è mai troppo tardi" (produced by BiBi Film by Angelo Barbagallo, directed by Giacomo Campiotti, 2014).

Since 2013 he has focused on the issue of Outdoor education; he developed and coordinates the “Outdoor Education Research and Training Centre” at the Department of Life Quality Studies and, in 2019, ran the first University Master's Degree in Outdoor Education.

From 2000 to 2020, he was invited to speak at 16 international conferences.

Institutional activities and academic appointments

From 2007 to 2012 he was head of the “Giovanni Maria Bertin” Department of Educational Science. He was Deputy Head of the Department of Life Quality Studies for two mandates.

He contributed to the design of, and thereafter for two mandates, coordinated the international 2nd cycle degree programme in “Wellness, Sport and Health”, running at the department.

From 2010 to 2015 he was Vice-Rector for university sport at the University of Bologna.

Membership of scientific and editorial committees

From 2006 to 2017 he was the chief editor of the journal “Infanzia” (and continues today as co-editor), which has its scientific headquarters at the Sciences of Education Department. He is deputy editor (with Marco Dallari and Massimiliano Tarozzi) of the international journal “Encyclopaideia” of the University of Bologna. He is a member of the scientific committees of the journals “Movimento”, “Liber”, “Doxa Comunicacion” (Universidad S.Pablo CEU, Madrid). He acts as referee for national and international scientific journals.

From 2010 to 2020, with Luisa Santelli, he was the editor of the monograph collections “Processi formativi e scienze dell’educazione” (Editore Guerini, Milan) and director of the series “Infanzia, studi e ricerche” (editore Junior-Spaggiari, Parma).

Since 2022 he is member of the Scientific Committee of the CNCP (National Coordination of Professional Counsellors).

Extra-institutional activities

Since 2013 he has been teaching and conducting research-action on outdoor education for teachers and educators, for comprehensive institutions, municipalities, education service management bodies, also on the basis of agreements with the Department of Life Quality Studies.

In 2015 he was a member of the interdisciplinary board established by the Republic of San Marino for the modernisation of teaching programmes, in relation to motor education.

In 2020 he coordinated the working group for the design of the “Bruno Grandi” Gymnastics Museum in Forlì.

In 2022 he was appointed member of the Board of Directors of “Sport e Salute” S.P.A.

Awards and recognitions

In 2003 he won the "Lo Stilo d'oro", the "Raffaele Laporta” national prize for Pedagogy, "Teaching” section, for his book Iconologia didattica. Le immagini per l'educazione dall'Orbis pictus a Sesame street, Zanichelli, Bologna.

In 2024 SIPED Società Italia di Pedagogia / Italian Pedagogical society awarded his academic and scientific career.


Author of over 150 national and international publications, including monographs, essays and articles in scientific journals.

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