Foto del docente

Roberto Carnero

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: LICO-01/A Contemporary Italian Literature

Curriculum vitae

Roberto Carnero is Associate Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in the Department of Interpreting and Translation. He carries out his research in the field of 19th-20th century literature. His study interests have turned in particular to Giacomo Leopardi, to Scapigliatura, to Crepuscolarismo, to Italian fiction of the second half of the twentieth century, to travel literature, to the relationship between cinema and literature, to the teaching of literature. Currently his research focuses mainly on the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini and on its reception.


After graduating in 1989 from the Liceo Classico Statale "Carlo Alberto" in Novara, in 1993 he graduated in Literature from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (110/110 cum laude) and in 2000 he obtained a PhD (Research Doctorate) in Italian literature from the University of London (UCL).

Academic career

Holder of a research grant in Italian literature at the Università del Piemonte Orientale from 2001 to 2003 and from 2004 to 2005, later he was Adjunct Professor at various Italian Universities, including the University of Milan (2004-2010; 2014-2015; 2017-2020), the University of Verona (2017-2019), the University of Urbino (2018-2021) and the University of Bologna (2018-2021).

In 2017 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor in three sectors: Italian literature (10/F1), Contemporary Italian literature (10/F2), Literary criticism and comparative literature (10/F4).

From 3 May 2021 to 5 April 2023 he was a senior fixed-term researcher (RTDb) in contemporary Italian literature at the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, in the Department of Interpreting and Translation.

Since 6 April 2023 he has been Associate Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature at the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, in the Department of Interpreting and Translation.

Teaching activity

Since 2004 he has held official courses in Italian literature, contemporary Italian literature, comparative literature, teaching of Italian literature, for first level and master degree courses.

Since 2016 he has held training courses and seminars for secondary school teachers for Treccani Scuola and other cultural institutions.

Scientific activity

Selection of the most significant publications:

R. Carnero, Pasolini. Morire per le idee, Milano, Bompiani, 2022.

S. D'Arzo, Il pinguino senza frac e altri racconti, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Bompiani, 2022.

S. D'Arzo, Casa d'altri e altri racconti, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Bompiani, 2020.

R. Carnero, Il bel viaggio. Insegnare letteratura alla Generazione Z, Milano, Bompiani, 2020.

R. Carnero, Lo scrittore giovane. Pier Vittorio Tondelli e la nuova narrativa italiana, Milano, Bompiani, 2018.

AA.VV., Pasolini e la pedagogia, ed. R. Carnero and A. Felice, Venezia, Marsilio, 2015.

AA.VV., Racconti scapigliati, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Rizzoli-Bur, 2011.

R. Carnero, Under 40. I giovani nella nuova narrativa italiana, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010.

G. Gozzano, Verso la cuna del mondo, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Bompiani, 2008.

AA.VV., La poesia scapigliata, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Rizzoli-Bur, 2007.

AA.VV., Felicità e malinconia. Gozzano e i crepuscolari, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2006.

I.U. Tarchetti, Una nobile follia, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Mondadori, 2004.

S. D’Arzo, Essi pensano ad altro, ed. R. Carnero, Milano, Bompiani, 2002 (new edition 2018).

R. Carnero, Silvio D’Arzo. Un bilancio critico, Novara, Interlinea, 2002.

R. Carnero, Lo spazio emozionale. Guida alla lettura di Pier Vittorio Tondelli, Novara, Interlinea, 1998.

R. Carnero, Guido Gozzano esotico, Anzio, De Rubeis, 1996.

He has been invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

He is referee for national and international journals in the field of Italian Studies.

Institutional activities and academic assignments

Since May 2021 he has been delegate of the Director of the Department of Interpretation and Translation (DIT) of the University of Bologna for students with disabilities and with DSA and for relations with the "R. Ruffilli" Central Library of the Forlì Campus.

From a.y. 2021-2022 is a member of the Monitoring Committee of the Departmental Strategic Development Project (PSSD) of the DIT.

Since 05/31/2022 he has been a member of the QA Group (Quality Assurance) of the first cicle degree course in Languages and technologies for the intercultural communication.

Membership in scientific and editorial committees

2005-2011: Coordinator of the "Language and literature" sector of the "School" section of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia.

2007-2009: Member of the Scientific Committee of the monthly "Letture" (Periodici San Paolo).

2011-: Director of the series "Perle Poesia" by Giuliano Ladolfi Editore (Borgomanero, Novara).

2018-: Member of the Literature Jury of the "Città di Fabriano Literary Award".

2019-: Member of the Literature Jury of the "Biennial Prizes for unpublished Italian fiction Arcangela Todaro-Faranda" (University of Bologna - Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna Foundation).

2019-: Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Essai" series by Metauro Edizioni (Pesaro).

2023-: Member of the Scientific Committee of "la MODernità della SCUOLA" journal (published by Vecchiarelli).

Awards and recognitions

2011: Fiesole Prize for literary criticism for the volume Under 40. I giovani nella nuova narrativa italiana(Milan, Bruno Mondadori, 2010).

2016: "The Merit of Silvio D'Arzo Scholars" Award assigned by the "Per D'Arzo" Association set up in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.

Other activities

He is a literary critic and columnist for various national newspapers and periodicals, including "Avvenire" and "Famiglia Cristiana".

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