Foto del docente

Roberto Carnero

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Short Bio

Roberto Carnero is Associate Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, in the Department of Interpreting and Translation. His research interests include Leopardi, Scapigliatura, Crepuscolarismo, Italian fiction of the second half of the twentieth century, travel literature, the relationship between literature and cinema, didactics of Italian literature. He is a literary critic and columnist for various Italian newspapers and periodicals, including "Avvenire" and "Famiglia Cristiana". Among his latest books, published by Bompiani: Pasolini. Morire per le idee, Il magnifico viaggio. Insegnare letteratura alla Generazione Z, Lo scrittore giovane. Pier Vittorio e la nuova narrativa italiana. For Treccani Giunti TVP he is the author, with Giuseppe Iannaccone, of a history of Italian literature with anthology of texts for high schools, available in different editions: Il magnifico viaggio (7 volumes), Classe di letteratura (5 volumes), Letteratura attiva (3 volumes). Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione
Corso della Repubblica 136, Forlì - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

The Lecturer is available in the "Italian Room" (Studio di Italiano) in Palazzo Montanari (Corso della Repubblica 136, 47121 Forlì, FC). You are kindly requested to ask for your interview in advance, writing an e-mail message. For short interviews, he is also available at the end of each lecture.

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