Foto del docente

Roberto Amici

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-06/A Physiology

Curriculum vitae

Roberto Amici

Born in Milan, Italy on April 17th, 1958


  • Associate Professor of Physiology at the Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIIBINEM), Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, where he is teacher and tutor at the School of Medicine and Surgery, at the “Collegio Superiore”, and at the PhD Program in Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences.
  • Research activity is aimed at studying physiological regulation during the wake-sleep states, with a special focus on the relationship between sleep and the environment, and on the central nervous control of the thermoregulatory/metabolic and autonomic functions.
  • Academic duties: Academic Referent of the Physiology Division-DIBINEM; Coordinator of the "Scientific Committee" and Member of the "Executive Council" of DIBINEM; Director of the Professional Master Programme in “Sleep Medicine”, University of Bologna; Member of the "Technical-Pedagogical Council" of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.
  • Professional Activities: Member, of the "European Union Committee" of the “European Sleep Research Society” (ESRS). Formerly: President of the "Italian Society of Sleep Research" (SIRS); Vice-President of the ESRS; Chair of the "EU Committee" of the ESRS; Coordinator of the ESRS-EU-Marie Curie Project “Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine”.


  • 1983, Degree in Medicine and Surgery, cum laude, University of Bologna
  • 1987, Specialization in Neurology, cum laude, University of Bologna


  • 1984-1992, Research Technician, Department of Human and General Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna
  • 1992-2004, Research Assistant, Department of Human and General Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna
  • since 2004, Associate Professor of Physiology, Department of Human and General Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna (from 2012: Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences - Physiology, University of Bologna)


  • 1995-1998 e 2001-2004, member of the Executive Council, Dept. of Human and General Physiology, University of Bologna
  • 1998-2001, member of the Executive Council, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • 1998-2001, supervisor of the Notice Board, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • 2000-2001, person in charge of the external relations in the Committee MED2000-MEDinfo, aimed at the computerization of teaching and bibliographic services, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • 2000-2001, member of the National Accreditation Committee, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • 2008-2011, member of the Guarantors Committee for the distribution of fundings for Basic and Applied Research, Biological Sciences, University of Bologna
  • 2011-2012, member of the Educational Joint Committee, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna
  • since 2008, Coordinator of the third-semester activities, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • since 2014, Coordinator of the second-year activities and member of the Technical-Pedagogical Commission, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”, University of Bologna
  • since 2015, member of the Executive Committee, Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM), University of Bologna
  • since 2016, Coordinator of the Scientific Committee, Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM), University of Bologna
  • 2017-2020, Member of the Council of the “Istituto di Studi Superiori”, University of Bologna
  • since 2017, Director of the Professional Master Programme in “Sleep Medicine”, University of Bologna

TEACHING (2019-2020)

Teaching at the School of Medicine, University of Bologna

  • “Cellular Physiology”, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”
  • “Apparatuses Physiology”, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”
  • “Human Vegetative Functions”, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”
  • “Nervous Plasticity and Behavior”, Degree Programme in “Medicine and Surgery”
  • “Physiology”, Degree Programme in “Nursery”
  • “Physiology”, Degree Programme in “Obstretics”

    Teaching at the Professional Master Programme in “Sleep Medicine”, University of Bologna

  • “Sleep Physiology

    Teaching at the Professional Master Programme in “Sleep Odontoiatry”, University of Bologna

  • “Sleep Physiology


  • Since 2001, Member andTutor at the "Collegio Superiore", University of Bologna
    • Since 2000, Tutor and Member at the PhD Program in “Neurophysiology”, “Biomedical Sciences”, and, currently, "Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences", University of Bologna, of the following students: Francesca Baracchi (2005); Elide Del Sindaco (2008), Silvia Laudadio (2010), Marco Mastrotto (2012), Ampent Al Tzachmani (2013), Flavia Del Vecchio (2013), Alessia Di Cristoforo (2017), Timna Hitrec (2018), Fabio Squarcio, Alessandra Occhinegro, Emiliana Piscitiello
  • 2007-2009, Tutor, Post-Doc, Daniela Dentico
  • 2008, Tutor, Post-Doc, Davide Martelli
  • 2010-2011, Tutor, Post-Doc, Marco Luppi
  • 2014, Tutor, Post-Doc, Flavia Del Vecchio
  • 2007-2010, Researcher in Charge of the “Practical Training” at the Training Center of “Physiological Regulation in the Wake Sleep Cycle”, Dept. Human and General Physiology, University of Bologna, within the Project EU “Marie Curie” “Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine” (Project No. 046036), of the European Sleep Research Society
  • Since 2016, Member of the “Steering Committee” of the PhD Program in "Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences", University of Bologna


  • 2008, Priscila Andrea Cassaglia, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, “Sympathetic neural control of the cerebral circulation in sleep”; supervisor: Adrian Walker
  • 2014, Alexsandra Hodor, University of Zurich, Switzerland, “Effects of Sleep Modulation on Stroke Recovery in Rats”, supervisor: Claudio Bassetti
  • 2016, Marta Pace, University of Bern, Switzerland, “Role of Melanin Concentrating Hormone in the modulation of ischemic tolerance induced by sleep deprivation pre-conditioning”, supervisor: Prof. Claudio Bassetti


  • Research activity in the field of physiological regulation in the wake-sleep cycle, with a particular interest in the neurophysiological and neurochemical aspects underlying the relationship between sleep and the environment, andin the central nervous control of the autonomic functions
  • Currently, Head of the research group “Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System and Behaviour” at the Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences (DIBINEM), University of Bologna


  • Italian Society of Physiology (SIF)
  • Italian Association of Sleep Medicine (AIMS)
    • Coordinator for Basic Research (2013-2018)
    • Coordinator of the “Research Committee” (2014-2018)
  • Italian Society of Sleep Research (SIRS)
    • President (2012-13)
    • Vice-President (2008- 2012)
    • Secretary (2002-2006)
  • European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
    • Vice-President (2006-2010)
    • Assistant Secretary(2004-2006)
    • Member of the Scientific Committee (2002-2004)
    • Coordinator of the European Union Committee (2011-2018)
    • Coordinator of the Research Networking Committee (2009-2010)
    • Member of the Research Networking Committee (since 2009)
    • Member of the Education Committee (since 2012)
    • Member of the European Union Committee (since 2011)


  • 2001, Laboratory for Study of the Brain in Sleep, Department of Animal Biology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
  • 2009, Laboratory of Sleep and Chronobiology, Programa De Fisiología Y Biofísica, Icbm, Facultad De Medicina, Universidad De Chile, Santiago, Chile


  • 2007-2010, “Coordinator” and “Researcher in Charge” of the EU “Marie Curie” Project “Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine” (Project No. 046036), presented by the European Sleep Research Society, and financed by the EU within the Call “FP6-2006-Mobility-4” of the “Marie Curie-Conferences and Training Courses-SCF” Program, aimed at the training of 160 young researchers active in the field of sleep research and sleep medicine


  • 1993, Funding from E.U. (grant no. CI1*-CT93-002) “Auditory input and regulation of autonomic functions during sleep”, in collaboration with the ”Universidad Autonoma de Madrid”, Spagna; ”Universidad de la Republica” , Montevideo, Uruguay; Coordinator: Prof. Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Bologna
  • 2000, Young Researcher Exchange Program with the "Universidad de Chile", Santiago, Chile
  • 2009 Project“ Wake-sleep cycle in an animal model of nercolepsy: cronobiology,neurobiology and effects of modafinil(Nº 1061089), Coordinator dr. Adrián Pedro Ocampo Garcés, Programa De Fisiología Y Biofísica, Icbm, Facultad De Medicina, Universidad De Chile, Santiago”, Finaced by “Fondecyt 2008”,” Conicyt”, Republic of Chile


  • 2016, Research Manager of the Framework Cooperation Agreement “Central Nervous Control of Bodily Functions” between the “Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences”, Universioty of Bologna and the “Florey Institute Of Neuroscience And Mental Health”, Melbourne, Australia

  • Research Projects funded by the National Ministry of Research (MURST/MIUR)
    • 1997, “Integrated Study of Motor Systems”; Coordinator: Giacomo Rizzolatti, Parma
    • 1999, “Cellulae Aspects of the Neural Regulation of the Wake-Sleep Cycle”; Coordinator: Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Bologna
    • 2001, “Neural and metabolic Processes Underlying the Wake-Sleep Cycle”; Coordinator: Mauro Mancia, Milano
    • 2001, FIRB, “Effects of the Degree of Cerebral Activation on Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability to Glucose”; Coordinator: Carlo Franzini, Bologna
    • 2004, PRIN, “Relationship between Sleep and Bodily Adaptational Responses to the Changes in the External and Internal Environment”; Coordinator: Carlo Franzini, Bologna. Research Unit “Sleep and Changes in Water and Salt Balance”
    • 2008, PRIN, Responsible of the Research Unit: “Role of the hypocretinergic system in the cardiovascular thermoregulatory control during sleep and wakefulness, studieded by means of a chemical lesion of the system” within the Project: “Role of the hypocretinergic system in the cardiovascular thermoregulatory control during sleep and wakefulness”. Coordinators: Carlo Franzini/Giovanna Zoccoli, Bologna.
  • Research Projects founded by the National Council of Research (CNR)
    • 1995, “Central and Peripheral Aspects of Sympatehtic Regulation during the Wake-Sleep Cycle”; Coordinator: Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Bologna
    • 1996 and 1999, “Hypothalamic Seocnd Messengers and Cerebral Circulation”; Coordinator: Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Bologna
    • 2000,“Carachterization of the Wake-Sleep Cycle by mneans of the Analysis of the Cerebral Second Messengers and the Transport Across the Blood-Brain Barrier” Coordinator: Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Bologna
  • Research Projects founded by the University of Bologna
    • 2006, Fundamental Research Project: “Study of the Relationship between Autonomic, Metabolic and Endocrine Regulation and Sleep Behaviour during the Weight Gain due to Increased Food Intake”, Coordinator: Giovanni Zamboni, Bologna.
    • 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014:Funding for Fundamental and Applied Research (RFO): Coordinator of the Research Group “Physiological Regulation in the Wake-Sleep Cycle”.
  • Research Project founded by private Foundations:
    • 2010, Foundation “CARISBO”: “Role of Hypothalamic Neurogenesis in the Development of Obesity and its Sleep and Cardiovascular Co-Morbidity”. Supervisor of the Workpackage “Wake-Sleep Regulation in obesity prone and obesity resistant rats”. Coordinator: Renata Bartesaghi, Bologna.

  • 2009, President of the Organizing Committee of the “14° Congress of the Italian Society of Sleep Research”, Bologna, November 14-15
  • 2010, Organizer and Chair of the “Final Symposium” of the EU “Marie Curie” Project “Training in Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine” (Project No. 046036), Kultur und Bildungszentrum des Bezirks Oberbayern, Kloster Seeon, Germany, July 2- 6
  • 2012, President of the Organizing Committee of the “17° Congress of the Italian Society of Sleep Research”, Bologna, March 17-18
  • 2013, Organizer and Chair of the meeting “Networking to Understand Sleep Functions and Dysfunctions -The European Basic and Clinical Sleep Research Towards Horizon 2020”, held within the EU-“Month of the Brain” Program at the DG “Research and Innovation”, Brussels, May 3
  • 2013, Co-Coordinator of the European Sleep Research Society Project “Wake-up bus”, aimed at increasing the awareness among general public of the risks of drowsy driving. The final act of the project consisted in the meeting “Wake up Europe - Don’t sleep at the wheel”, held at the European Parliament, Brussels, October 15
  • 2015, Member of the “Host Program Committee” of the “7th World Congress of theWorld Sleep Federation”, October 31-November 3, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2016, Organizer and Chair of the meeting: “European Sleep meets the European Union
    - Measuring sleepiness at the wheel in Europe: the need for common tools”, Brussels, April 29
  • 2016, Member of the “International Scientific Committee” of the “1st Balkan/South European Congress on Sleep Research”, Athens, June 30th-July 3th
  • 2016, Chair of the Local Committee of the XXIII Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Bologna, 13-16 September
  • 2019, Co-Chair of the Local Committer of the Joint Meeting of the Federation of European Physiological Societies and the Italian Physiological Society, Bologna, September 10th-13th


  • 1993, World Federation of Sleep Research Societies, Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A.
  • 1998, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Trento, Italy
  • 1998, European Congress on Sleep Research, Madrid, Spain
  • 1999, World Federation of Sleep Research Societies, Dresden, Germany
  • 2000, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Isola d’Elba, Italy
  • 2001, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Bologna, Italy
  • 2001, World Federation of Sleep Research Societies, Punta Del Este, Uruguay
  • 2002, European Congress on Sleep Research, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 2002, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Padua, Italy
  • 2004, European Congress on Sleep Research, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 2005, World Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies, New Delhi, India
  • 2005, German Sleep Society, Berlin, Germany
  • 2005, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Rome, Italy
  • 2006, European Congress on Sleep Research, Innsbruck, Austria
  • 2006, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Milano, Italy
  • 2007, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Firenze, Italy
  • 2008, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Trieste, Italy
  • 2008, European Congress on Sleep Research, Glasgow, Scotland
  • 2009, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Bologna, Italy
  • 2010, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Rome, Italy
  • 2010, European Congress on Sleep Research, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2011, Italian Society of Sleep Research, L'Aquila, Italy
  • 2011, Italian Association of Sleep Medicine, Pavia, Italy
  • 2012, Italian Society of Sleep Research, Bologna, Italy
  • 2012, “European Insomnia Network”, Freiburg, Germany
  • 2012, “European Congress on Sleep Research”, Paris, France
  • 2012, “Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Parma, Italy
  • 2013, “The wonderful sleep world”, Rome, Italy
  • 2013, “Networking to Understand Sleep Functions and Dysfunctions -The European Basic and Clinical Sleep Research Towards Horizon 2020”, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2013, “European Insomnia Network”, Freiburg, Germany
  • 2013, “Wake up Europe – don´t sleep at the wheel!” Meeting with the Members of the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2013, “Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Rome, Italy
  • 2014, “Satellite Symposium of the (FENS) Forum of Neuroscience”, Milan, Italy
  • 2014, “European Congress on Sleep Research”, Tallin, Estonia
  • 2014, “Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Pisa, Italy
  • 2015, “Italian Society Neurology of Dementia”, Pescara, Italy
  • 2015“Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Cagliari, Italy
  • 2016 “1st Balkan/South European Congress on Sleep Research”, Athens, Greece
  • 2016, “European Congress on Sleep Research”, Bologna
  • 2017, “Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Bolzano
  • 2017, “The Physiological Society of Italy”, Pavia
  • 2018, “Italian Association of Sleep Medicine”, Taormina
  • 2019, “Associazione Italiana Medicina del Sonno”, Genova


  • 1998, Institute of Human Physiology II, University of Milan, Italy
  • 2000, City Hall of Rimini, University of Urbino, Italy
  • 2000, 2005, 2011, 2014, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2001, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
  • 2001, Department of Anatomy and Pathology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, U.S.A.
  • 2003, 2006, Academy of Science, University of Bologna, Italy
  • 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
  • 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, European Sleep research Society, Residential Center University of Bologna, Bertinoro, Italy
  • 2007, Monash Institue of Medical Research, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • 2007, World Trade Center, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2009, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago
  • 2010, European Sleep Research Society, Kloster Seeon, Germania
  • 2011, Polo Universitario Medicina e Chirurigia "S. Paolo", Milan, Italy
  • 2011, 2015, Alpine Sleep Summer School, Lugano, Switzerland
  • 2012, Neuroscience Research Center, INSERM/CNRS, University of Lyon, France
  • 2014, Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
  • 2016, “1st Balkan/South European Congress on Sleep Research”, Atene, Grecia
  • 2016, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova
  • 2019, Latin American School on Chronobiology and Sleep, Montevideo-Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
  • REFEREE: Arch. It. Biol., J Sleep Res, Sleep, J Comp Physiol, Biol Psych, Neurosci Biobehav Rev, Behav Brain Res, Peptides, PLosOne, J Thermal Biol. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Frontiers in Neuroscience”


  • Pace M, Falappa M, Freschi A, Balzani E, Berteotti C, Lo Martire V, Kaveh F, Hovig E, Zoccoli G, Amici R, Cerri M, Urbanucci A, Tucci V. Loss of Snord116 impacts lateral hypothalamus, sleep, and food-related behaviors. [] JCI Insight. 2020 Jun 18;5(12):137495. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.137495. PMID: 32365348
  • Pace M, Colombi I, Falappa M, Freschi A, Bandarabadi M, Armirotti A, Encarnación BM, Adamantidis AR, Amici R, Cerri M, Chiappalone M, Tucci V.Loss of Snord116 alters cortical neuronal activity in mice: a preclinical investigation of Prader-Willi syndrome. [] Hum Mol Genet. 2020 Jul 29;29(12):2051-2064.
  • Zucchelli M.; Bastianini S.; Ventrella D.; Barone F.; Elmi A.; Romagnoli N.; Hitrec T.; Berteotti C.; Di Cristoforo A.; Luppi M.; Amici R.; Bacci M.L.; Cerri M., Autonomic effects induced by pharmacological activation and inhibition of Raphe Pallidus neurons in anaesthetized adult pigs [], «CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY.», 2020, 47, pp. 281 – 285.
  • Hitrec T.; Luppi M.; Bastianini S.; Squarcio F.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Martelli D.; Occhinegro A.; Tupone D.; Zoccoli G.; Amici R.; Cerri M., Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice [], «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, pp. 1 - 12
  • Tinganelli W, Hitrec T, Romani F, Simoniello P, Squarcio F, Stanzani A, Piscitiello E, Marchesano V, Luppi M, Sioli M, Helm A, Compagnone G, Morganti AG, Amici R, Negrini M, Zoccoli A, Durante M, Cerri M. Hibernation and Radioprotection: Gene Expression in the Liver and Testicle of Rats Irradiated under Synthetic Torpor. Int J Mol Sci. 2019, 20. pii: E352.
  • Luppi M.; Hitrec T.; Di Cristoforo A.; Squarcio F.; Stanzani A.; Occhinegro A.; Chiavetta P.; Tupone D.; Zamboni G.; Amici R.; Cerri M., Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tau protein during synthetic torpor [], «FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY», 2019, 13, pp. 57 - 67
  • Giancarlo Allocca, Sherie Ma, Davide Martelli, Matteo Cerri, Flavia Del Vecchio, Stefano Bastianini, Giovanna Zoccoli, Roberto Amici, Stephen Morairty, Anne E Aulsebrook, Shaun Blackburn, John Lesku, Niels C Rattenborg, Alexei L Vyssotski, Emma J Wams, Kate Porcheret, Katharina Wulff, Russell G Foster, Julia KM Chan, Christian L Nicholas, Dean Robert Freestone, Leigh A Johnston, Andrew L Gundlach, Validation of ‘Somnivore’, a machine learning algorithm for automated scoring and analysis of polysomnography data [], «FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE», 2019, 13, pp. 1 – 18
  • Decataldo F.; Cramer T.; Martelli D.; Gualandi I.; Korim W.S.; Yao S.T.; Tessarolo M.; Murgia M.; Scavetta E.; Amici R.; Fraboni B., Stretchable Low Impedance Electrodes for Bioelectronic Recording from Small Peripheral Nerves [], «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, pp. 1 - 9
  • Luppi, Marco; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Dentico, Daniela; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Tupone, Domenico; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, c-Fos expression in the limbic thalamus following thermoregulatory and wake-sleep changes in the rat [], «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2019, 237, pp. 1397 – 1407
  • Cerri M, Luppi M, Tupone D, Zamboni G, Amici R REM Sleep and Endothermy: Potential Sites and Mechanism of a Reciprocal Interference, «FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY»,. 2017; 8, 1 – 7.
  • Luppi M, Al-Jahmany AA, Del Vecchio F, Cerri M, Di Cristoforo A, Hitrec T, Martelli D, Perez E, Zamboni G, Amici R. Wake-sleep and cardiovascular regulatory changes in rats made obese by a high-fat diet. Behav Brain Res. 2017; 320: 347-355.
  • Sisa C, Turroni S, Amici R, Brigidi P, Candela M, Cerri M. Potential role of the gut microbiota in synthetic torpor and therapeutic hypothermia. World J Gastroenterol. 2017; 23: 406-413.
  • Di Cristoforo A, Cerri M, Del Vecchio F, Hitrec T, Luppi M, Perez E, Zamboni G, Amici R. Wake-sleep, thermoregulatory, and autonomic effects of cholinergic activation of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat: a pilot study. Arch Ital Biol. 2015; 153: 67-76.
  • Gonçalves M, Amici R, Lucas R, Åkerstedt T, Cirignotta F, Horne J, Léger D, Mcnicholas WT, Partinen M, Téran-Santos J, Peigneux P, Grote L.Sleepiness at the wheel across Europe: a survey of 19 countries. «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2015; 24: 242-53.
  • Amici R, Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Cerri M, Del Vecchio F, Lo Martire V, Luppi M, Perez E, Silvani A, Zamboni G, Zoccoli G. Sleep and bodily functions: the physiological interplay between body homeostasis and sleep homeostasis. «ARCHIVES ITAL BIOL» 2014; 152:66-78.
  • Cerri M., Del Vecchio F., Mastrotto M., Luppi M., Martelli D., Perez E., Tupone D., Zamboni G., Amici R. Enhanced slow-wave EEG activity and thermoregulatory impairment following the inhibition of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat. «PLOS ONE», 2014 Nov 14; 9(11):e112849.
  • Bastianini S, Berteotti C, Gabrielli A, Del Vecchio F, Amici R, Alexandre C, Scammell TE, Gazea M, Kimura M, Lo Martire V, Silvani A, Zoccoli G, SCOPRISM: A new algorithm for automatic sleep scoring in mice. J Neurosci Methods. 2014; 235: 277-84.
  • Del Vecchio F, Nalivaiko E, Cerri M, Luppi M, Amici R. Provocative motion causes fall in brain temperature and affects sleep in rats. «EXP BRAIN RES», 2014; 232:2591-9.
  • Martelli D, Luppi M, Cerri M, Tupone D, Mastrotto M, Perez E, Zamboni G, Amici R. The direct cooling of the preoptic-hypothalamic area elicits the release of thyroid stimulating hormone during wakefulness but not during REM sleep. «PLOS ONE», 2014; 9:e87793.
  • Lupp Li, Cerri M, Martell D, Tupone D, Del Vecchio F, Di Cristoforo A, Perez E, Zamboni G, Amici R, Waking and sleeping in the rat made obese through a high-fat hypercaloric diet., «BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2014, 258, pp. 145 – 152.
  • Battaglia E., Amici R., Fisiologia umana per le professioni sanitarie, MILANO, Mc Graw Hill, 2013, pp. 21-77.
  • Amici R, Cerri M, Parmeggiani PL, Overview of Physiological Processes During Sleep, in: The Encyclopedia of Sleep, Vol. 1, WALTHAM, MA, Academic Press, 2013, pp. 385 – 389.
  • Cerri M., Mastrotto M., Tupone D., Martelli D., Luppi M., Perez E., Zamboni G., Amici R. The inhibition of neurons in the central nervous pathways for thermoregulatorycold defense induces a suspended animation state in the rat. «JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2013, 33, pp.2984-93.
  • Martelli D, Luppi M, Cerri M, Tupone D, Perez E, Zamboni G, Amici R. Waking and sleeping following water deprivation in the rat., «PLOS ONE», 7(9): e46116. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046116.
  • Zoccoli, G., Amici, R. and Silvani, A. The hypothalamus and its function. In Baumann, C. R., Bassetti, C. L. and Scammell, T. E. (eds.) Narcolepsy. Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. NEW YORK, Springer, 2011, pp 191-204.
  • Cerri M., Zamboni G., Tupone D., Dentico D., Luppi M., Martelli D., Perez E., Amici R., Cutaneous Vasodilation Elicited by disinhibition of the Caudal Portion of the Rostral Ventromedial Medulla of the Free-Behaving Rat., «NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, 165, pp. 984 – 995.
  • Luppi M.; Martelli D.; Amici R.; Baracchi F.; Cerri M.; Dentico D.; Perez E.; Zamboni G., Hypothalamic osmoregulation is maintained across the wake-sleep cycle in the rat, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2010, 19, pp. 394-399.
  • Dentico D., Amici R., Baracchi F., Cerri M., Del Sindaco E., Luppi M., Martelli D., Perez E., Zamboni G., c-Fos expression in preoptic nuclei as a marker of sleep rebound in the rat., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2009, 30, pp. 651 - 661.
  • Pevernagie D, Stanley N, Berg S, Krieger J, Amici R, Bassetti C, Billiard M, Cirignotta F, Garcia-Borreguero D, Tobler I, Fischer J., European Guideline for the certification of professionals in sleep medicine : report of the task force of the European Sleep Research Society, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2009, 18, pp. 136 – 141.
  • R. Amici, M. Cerri, A. Ocampo-Garces, F. Baracchi, D. Dentico, C. A. Jones, M. Luppi, E. Perez, P.L. Parmeggiani, G. Zamboni, Cold exposure and sleep in the rat: REM sleep homeostasis and body size, «SLEEP», 2008, 31, pp. 708 – 715.
  • Baracchi F., Zamboni G.,Cerri M., Del Sindaco E., Dentico D., Jones CA., Luppi M., Perez E., Amici R., Cold exposure impairs dark pulse capacity to induce REM sleep in the albino rat, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2008, 17, pp. 166 – 179.
  • Jones C.A. , Perez E., Amici R., Luppi M., Baracchi F., Cerri M., Dentico D., Zamboni G., Lithium affects REM sleep occurrence, autonomic activity and brain second messengers in the rat, «BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2008, 187, pp. 254 – 261.
  • Amici R., Jones C.A., Perez E., Zamboni G., A physiological view of REM sleep structure, in: The physiologic nature of sleep, LONDON, Imperial College Press, 2005, pp. 161 – 185.
  • Capitani P., Cerri M., Amici R., Baracchi F., Jones C. A., Luppi M., Perez E., Parmeggiani P.L., Zamboni G., Changes in EEG activity and hypothalamic temperature as indices for non-REM sleep to REM sleep transitions., «NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS», 2005, 383, pp. 182 – 187.
  • Cerri M., Ocampo Garces A., Amici R., Baracchi F., Capitani P., Jones C.A., Luppi M., Perez E., Parmeggiani P.L., Zamboni G., Cold exposure and sleep in the rat: effects on sleep architecture and the electroencephalogram., «SLEEP», 2005, 28, pp. 694 – 705.
  • Zamboni G., Jones C.A., Domeniconi R., Amici R., Perez E., Luppi M., Cerri M., Parmeggiani P.L. Specific changes in cerebral second messenger accumulation underline REM sleep inhibition induced by the exposure to low ambient temperature. Brain Res., 2004; 1022, 62-70.
  • Amici R., Sanford L.D., Kearney K., McInerney B., Ross R.J., Horner R.L., Morrison A.R. A serotonergic (5-HT2) receptor mechanism in the Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus participates in regulating the pattern of Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep occurrence in the rat. Brain Res., 2004; 996, 9-18.
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