Foto del docente

Roberta Paltrinieri

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GSPS-06/A Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes


Keywords: Culture Consumption Partecipation Civic Engagement Audicence Governance

The lines of research are about the following items:


a) consumer behaviour

b) cultural theory

c) policy and practices of responsible consumption

d) link between creative practices and social wellbeing

e) models of governance

f) social movements e practices of participation 

g) welfare culturale


In particular, the research's lines those the promoter has been promoting are the result of a theoretical work of reflection and methodological and empirical proposition that a team of researchers has been collectively sustaining at the Bologna University. In the wake of an international debate that it seems to disavow the interpretative frames which are intent on underline the one-dimensional role of the consumer in the market, it is intend to analyze this behaviour according to an approach that raises cultural and communicative questions.