Foto del docente

Roberta Ferritto

Research fellow

Department of History and Cultures


Roberta Ferritto, Beyond Functionality. Decorative Aspects of Roman Villa Substructures, «BABESCH. BULLETIN ANTIEKE BESCHAVING», 2023, 98, pp. 31 - 59 [Scientific article]

R. Ferritto, F. Pollari, Painted Plaster, in: E. Fentress, C. Goodson, M. Maiuro, M. Andrews, J.A. Dufton,, Villa Magna. The decoration: painted plaster, Providence, British School, 2016, pp. 1 - 10 [Part of catalogues, repertoires, corpora]

Dirk Booms, Andrea Di Miceli, Elizabeth Fentress, Roberta Ferritto, Federica Pollari, Janine Young, The Imperial Winery, Area A. The plan of the building: layout, circulation, decoration and changes over time, in: Seth Bernard, Marco Bianchi, Dirk Booms, Roberto Cabella, Francesca Candilio, Claudio Capelli, Sandro Carocci, Giuseppe Castellano, Nicola Cavalieri De Pace, Beatrice Cernuta, Mihaela Ciausescu, Samantha Cox, Ilaria De Luca, Andrea Di Miceli, Corisande Fenwick, Roberta Ferritto, Tyler Franconi, Sandra Gatti, Gioia Gaianigo, Gioacchino Giammaria, Sophie Hay, Emily Holt, Birgitta Hoffmann, Ann Kuttner, Raffaele Laino, Barbara Lepri, Archidio Mariani, Megan McNamee, Ismini Miliaresis, Erika Nitsch, Michele Piazza, Federica Pollari, Serena Privitera, Giorgio Rascaglia, Ryan Ricciardi, Candace Rice, Darian Marie Totten, Robyn Veal, Kevin Williams and Janine Young, Villa Magna: an Imperial Estate and its Legacies. Excavations 2006–10, London, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome, 2016, pp. 89 - 122 [Chapter or essay]