Foto del docente

Roberta Ferritto

Research fellow

Department of History and Cultures

Short Bio

Roberta Ferritto is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Global Research Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI) of the EU-funded project CLaRMaV – Coastal Landscapes and Roman Maritime Villas: A Comparative Regional Study of Architectural Models and Environmental Settings (€ 265.099,20) at the University of Bologna and in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania (USA). The three-year CLaRMaV project involves a 3-month secondment at the 'E-GEA – Centro Interuniversitario per gli Studi del Territorio' based at the University of Bologna (Italy), a 21-month outgoing phase at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), and a return phase at the University of Bologna.

Previously, she has held the position of Research Associate at Kiel University (Germany) and at the University of Reading in the UK where she was also Sessional Lecturer while doing her PhD in Classics.

She has two decades of archaeological field experience in Italy and Tunisia, and currently is the Ancient Architecture Specialist of 'the Casa della Regina Carolina Project at Pompeii'.

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Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà
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