Education: Doctor in Politics, Institutions and History
2015 PhD in Politics, Institutions and History (awarded with the Vinka Kitarovic prize for publication)
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
Beatrice Potter/Beatrice Webb: A Political Life. The Political Thought of a «surplus woman» at the end of British Nineteenth Century
Supervisor: Prof Maurizio Ricciardi
Examining panel: Prof. Raffaella Gherardi (UNIBO), Prof. Mario Piccinini (UNIVE), Prof. Marco Buttino (UNITO)
2010 MA in History of Political Thought (110/110 summa cum laude)
Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna, Italy
Excessive Citizenship. For a Feminist Perspective Beyond Citizenship
Supervisors: prof Sandro Mezzadra and prof Raffaella Baritono.
Current positions: Tutor at UNIBO
2019 BCSP, Indiana University – Bologna
Professor of History and concepts of Italian Fascism
2018- present University of Bologna
Teaching assistant in History of Political Thought and Contemporary History
2011-present University of Bologna
Editorial coordinator of Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine (peer-reviewed journal “Fascia A”)
Previous positions: Research fellow at UNIBO
2018 Freie Universität - Berlin
Visiting fellow
2017-2018 University of Bologna
Teaching assistant in History of Political Thought and Contemporary History
2017-2018 University of Bologna
Research fellow at the Department of Political and Social Sciences
2016-2017 Foundation “Giuseppe Di Vagno”
Post-doc Researcher with a project titled: “Socialism at the Margins: Class and Nation in the Socialist Thought in South of Italy and Ireland (1883-1923)”.
2015-2016 German Historic Institute (DHI), Rome
Post-doc Researcher with a project titled The Plan of Corporatism. Programatic Economy and State Reconstruction between Italy and the USSR (1926-1943)
2004-2005 Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Erasmus Program
Fieldwork experience
2018 Archives Research at Staatsbibliothek - Berlin
2016 Archives Research at Foundation Ugo Spirito - Rome
2014 Archives Research at London School of Economics, British Library London, Oxford University, Newcastle University
2013 Archives Research at London School of Economics, British Library London
2012 Archives Research at London School of Economics, British Library London, Senate House London
Fellowship, awards, grants
2018 Freie Universität - Berlin
Visiting fellow
2017-2018 University of Bologna
Tutor grant in History of Political Thought and Contemporary History
2017-2018 University of Bologna
Research grant at the Department of Political and Social Sciences
2016-2017 Foundation “Giuseppe Di Vagno”
Research grant
2015-2016 German Historic Institute (DHI), Rome
Post-doc Research grant
2015 «Vinka Kitarovic prize». The Commission has judged the thesis worthy of publication
2011 PhD bursary in Politics, Institutions and History, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
2008-2010 Grant scholarship the Summer School organized by Società Italiana delle Storiche.
2004-2005 Erasmus Fellowship at Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Commission of trust
Referee for the peer-reviewed journal Ricerche di Storia Politica, Italy
Referee for the peer-reviewed journal Storicamente, Italy
Referee for the peer-reviewed journal Filosofia politica, Italy
Editorial coordinator of the peer-reviewed journal Scienza & Politica, Italy
Research Team
- The Old Man and the Globe: founded in 2017, thanks to the work of Scienza & Politica,
- PRIN “Personalization, Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization: the New Dynamics of Power in the Post-democratic Society”
a) Monograph
- with Michele Cento, Il socialismo ai margini: classe e nazione nel pensiero e nelle politiche socialiste nel sud Italia e in Irlanda. Un’analisi comparativa (1883-1923), Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2018.
- Beatrice Potter e il capitalismo senza civiltà. Una donna tra scienza, politica e amministrazione, Roma, Viella, 2017.
b) Editor:
- Beatrice Potter, On Marx and the Politics of Economic Discourse. Two Unpublished Manuscripts and Other Writings, in «Quaderni di Scienza&Politica», 6 (2017), pp. 7-92.
c) Essays in peer-reviewed journal, articles and chapters in collective volumes
1. Un liberalismo in bilico. John K. Galbraith tra tecnostruttura e countervailing power, «Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine», 69/2023, pp. 177-200;
2. Ludwig von Mises e l’azione umana come piano senza storia, «Studi Politici», 1/2024, 53-72;
3. Corporativismo fascista e New Deal statunitense. Pianificare tra Stato e business, «Laboratoire Italien», 32/2024;
4. Repowering Intellectual Life. bell hooks and the Critique of Racial Education, «USAbroad –Journal of American History and Politics», 6, 1/2023, pp. 27–38.
5. Dal pensiero di piano alla programmazione algoritmica della singolarità, «Politics», 17/2022, pp. 107-125;
6. Not just a Woman. The Agitation Tour in US and the Proletarian Feminism of Eleanor Marx, «USABROAD», 5/2022, 5, pp. 49-59;
7. John A. Hobson. Un liberalismo eretico contro la supremazia dello spirito economico, «Storia e Politica», XIV/2022, pp. 337 - 372;
8. Beatrice Potter Webb, in Raffaella Gherardi (ed), La politica e gli Stati, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022, pp. 455-463;
9. Al di là del principio di evoluzione. Herbert Spencer tra cooperazione e dominio, «Quaderni di Scienza & Politica», 13/2021, pp. 243-262;
10. Plan-based Thought: From the New Civilisation to the Global System of Power, «Scienza & Politica», 62/2020;
11. Planning as a Social Technology. Yevgeni Preobrazhensky and the Prognosis for the Future, «Scienza & Politica», 62/2020;
12. Da Olympe de Gouges alla Rojava. La critica femminista del popolo tra differenza e uguaglianza, «Consecutio Rerum», 8/2020, pp. 223-249;
13. con Cappuccilli E., Il fermento femminile. Marx e il patriarcato, in M. Battistini, M. Ricciardi, E. Cappuccilli (eds), Global Marx. Storia e critica del movimento sociale nel mercato mondiale, Milano, Meltemi, 2020, pp. 95-114;
14. con Cuppini N., Il piano come strategia d’ordine del capitalismo, in R. Baritono, M. Ricciardi (eds), Strategie dell'ordine: categorie, fratture, soggetti, «Quaderni di Scienza & Politica», 8/2019, pp. 227-258;
15. Charade of Democracy. From the Crisis of Individual to the Modernist Civilisation, in M. Cioli, P. Schiera, M. Ricciardi (eds), Traces of Modernism, Campus 2019, pp. 65-86;
16. Una società senza qualità. L’ordine gerarchico del corporativismo di regime tra Italia e Germania, «Rivista Storica Italiana», 1/2019, pp. 180-204;
17. A Victorian Woman in the “weird Marxian world”, in Beatrice Potter, On Marx and the Politics of Economic Discourse. Two Unpublished Manuscripts and Other Writings, in «Quaderni di Scienza&Politica», 6/2017, pp. 7-92;
18. Roundtrip to Anglo-Saxon Democracy: Beatrice Potter Webb’s Appraisal of Industry and Society, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2017, pp. 217-236;
19. con Cappuccilli E., Il discorso femminista. Storia e critica del canone politico moderno, «Scienza & Politica», 54/2016;
20. Roberta Ferrari, Maurizio Ricciardi, Teodoro Tagliaferri, Michael Freeden, tra ideologia e teoria politica (a cura di Michele Marchi). «Ricerche di Storia Politica», 3/2016;
21. Donne, migrazioni, confini in Movimenti indisciplinati. Migrazioni, migranti e discipline scientifiche, (a cura di) Maurizio Ricciardi e Sandro Mezzadra, Verona, 2013, pp. 29-49;
D) Reviews:
Stefano Malpassi, LA «DEMOCRAZIA ECONOMICA» AMERICANA. Alla ricerca di un ordine giuridico del mercato, tra cultura individualistica e tentazioni corporativistiche (1919-1939), Milano, Giuffré, 2022, 423pp., «Storicamente», 2023;
- P. Owens, K. Rietzler (eds.), Women’s International Thought: A New History, Cambridge University Press, 2021, E-book, «Ricerche di storia politica», 2023;
- Miss Marx. Film d’amore e socialismo (o della storia politica dell’amore), «Ricerche di storia politica», 2021;
- Monica Cioli, Anche noi macchine! Avanguardie artistiche e politica europea, «Storicamente», giugno 2019;
- Noel Thompson, Social Opulence and Private Restraint. The Consumer in British Socialist Thought Since 1800, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, «Ricerche di storia politica», 2/2016;
- John Shepherd and Keith Laybourn, Britain’s First Labour Government, «Ricerche di storia politica», 3/2015;
- John Callaghan, Ben Harker, British Communism. A Documentary History, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2011, pp. 304, in «Ricerche di storia politica», 2/2014;
- L'altra metà del made in Italy, «Il Manifesto», 9 June 2016;
- Le ciurme sono in alto mare, «Il Manifesto», 19 February 2016;
- On the “Borders of Justice”, «Scienza & Politica», 47/2012;
- Vie di fuga da identità colonizzate. Tra postcolonialità e nuove esperienze di (non)cittadinanza, «Il Manifesto», 29 March 2012.
Edited translations of three essays for the Micheletti Foundation of Brescia from English to Italian for the volume L'altronovecento. Heretical Communism and Thought, Jaca Book, 2018:
- Harootonian, Marxism in the American Grain;
- Kaiwar, The Politics of (Postcolonial) History: The Case of Provincializing Europe;
- Rabinow –Stavrianakis, Contemporary Political Stakes: After-Lives of The Modern.
In 2023 participates as a speaker in the Conference “Fabian Culture and the Origins of Meritocratic Thought” at the University of Salento in Lecce.
In 2023, she participated as a speaker in the Conference “Biography as a Genre. The genres of biographies” at the University of Bologna.
In 2023 she participated as a speaker in the Conference “Freedom, Conflicts, Change: Legacies of Rosa Luxemburg” at the Scuola Normale di Pisa with a paper entitled: Movement, Organization, Experience. The Importance of Luxemburg Thought for Contemporary Political Theory.
In 2023 she participated as a speaker in the Permanent Seminar on Feminist Political Theory at the Department of History, Cultures, Civilizations and the Permanent Interdepartmental Seminar: Ecologies Algorithms Powers.
In 2021, she participated as a speaker in the seminar series “Of the Usefulness and Harm of the Algorithm for Life: or of Intelligent Artificiality and Power,” curated by Raffaella Baritono (Department of Political and Social Sciences) and Maurizio Ricciardi (Department of the Arts) October 20, 2021, discussing Rita di Leo's volume, One Hundred Years Later: 1917-2017. From Lenin to Zuckerberg.
In 2019 she organizes, curates and speaks at the international seminar “The Plan as a Global System of Power. History, Arts and Transformations of Plan-based Thought,” held Dec. 6, at the Department of the Arts, Bologna (Speakers included Jonathan Levy, University of Chicago).
In 2019 she presented Maurizio Ricciardi's volume, Il potere temporaneo. Karl Marx e la politica come critica della società within the series Sul Filo del tempo. Presentazioni di Storia e Politica.
2018 British Idealism and New Liberalism: Vision of Politics between UK and Italy, Department of Politics, Genoa. Paper: John A. Hobson and Piero Gobetti: Against the Supremacy of the Economic Spirit.
2018 Presentation of the book: Matteo Pasetti, L’Europa corporativa. una storia transnazionale tra le due guerre mondiali, Bologna 2016.
2017 Strategie dell'ordine: processi, fratture, soggetti. Paper: L’ordine oltre l’individualismo liberale. Spencer e Beatrice Potter.
2017 Presentation of the book: Maria Casalini, Anna Kuliscioff. La Signora del socialismo italiano, Roma 2013.
2017 “Why Revolution? Rivoluzioni mancate, rivoluzioni riuscite: riflessioni attorno e sulla rivoluzione del 1917” Paper: Clara Zetkin e Aleksandra Kollontaj.
2015 23rd AISNA Biennial Conference Harbors: Flows and Migrations of Peoples, Cultures, and Ideas. The U.S.A. in/and the World Naples, 24-26 September 2015, University of Neaples “L’Orientale”. Paper: Roundtrip to Anglo-Saxon democracy: Industry and Society in the work of Beatrice Potter Webb.
2015 Traces of Modernism between Art and Politics: From First World War to Totalitarianism, 7-9 October, DHI e Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rom, Paper: From London to Moscow: Beatrice Potter and the Civilisation of Character.
2012 Conferenza Internazionale dei Dottorandi, Potsdam – 25-26 October. Paper: Organizing Evolution. Beatrice Potter, Herbert Spencer and the Problem of Order.
Professional experience
Teaching activities
2019 BCSP, Indiana University – Bologna
Professor of History and concepts of Italian Fascism
2018 University of Bologna
Seminars on Carole Pateman in the class of Prof Ricciardi, History of Political Thought
2017- present University of Bologna
Teaching assistant in History of Political Thought and Contemporary History
Other activities
2011-present University of Bologna
Editorial coordinator of Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine (peer-reviewed journal “Fascia A”)