Foto del docente

Roberta Caldin

Full Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Roberta CALDIN -  Professor of Special Education - in service until 31 October 2008 at University of Padua and from 1° November 2008 at Department of Educational Sciences - University of Bologna

  • Degree in Education - University of Padua - 11 March 1981, graduates with honours (110/110 e Lode)
  • Diploma in Education for the class of competition XLII - Philosophy and Educational Sciences - for schools and institutions of secondary education degree – a.y. 1983/84
  • Teacher Training (Article 5 of Law 1213/67) - I ^ Department of Education University of Padua - (Prof. Diega ORLANDO Cian) from a.y. 1988/89 to 19.5.1998)
  • University researcher  from 20.5.1998 to 30.11.2002 – University of Padua
  • Associate Professor of Special Education from 01.12.2002
  • Associate Professor Confirmed from 01.12.2005 - M-SSD PED0 / 3
  • Professor of Special Education from 23.12.2010
  • She was Director of the Department of Education Sciences - University of Bologna 
  •  She was President of the SIPeS (Italian Society for Special Education); is among the founding members of SIPeS itself and has been in the Board for 2 mandates for three years, from 2007/2008
  • She was in the Board of Directors of the SIPed (Italian Society of Pedagogy), from aa. 2013/2014, for a four-year mandate
  • She was President and VicePresident of the School of Psychology and Sciences of Education, (October 2012-February 2018)
  • She was Effective Commissioner in the ASN Commission, for the qualification to first and second level roles, in the Scientific Recruitment Sector 11/D2 - 2018-2021
  • She is a member of the Advisory Committee of the University of Italian Switzerland - Department of Education and learning - from a. y. 2011/012
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Observatory of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=161&Itemid=626&lang=it
  • She is in the Scientific Committee of the National Ministry of Education, University and Research - National Conference of Deans of Education Sciences, a.y. 2011/2012
  • She is member of AERA - American Educational Research Association
  • She is member ofAIFREF - Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Education Familiale
  • Director of Advanced Training Course "Teaching Profession and the prison to teach, learn, educate" a.a. 2010/2011
    Director of the Master "Teaching Educational psychology for Specific Learning Disorders" and Director of the same graduate course a.y. 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 (I^ and II^ edition)
  • Director of the Master's degree in "Teaching and Educational Psychology for pupils with sensory disabilities" from the academic year 2013/2014
  • Director of the Training Course for obtaining the specialization for the educational support activities for pupils with disabilities -aa.yy. 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 - University of Bologna
  • Program Director for obtaining specialized training to support Teaching and Inclusion - University of San Marino - Department of Human Sciences - a.y. 2016-2017
  • Director of the Post-Graduate programme “Disability and inclusive interventions into institutions and territories”, University of Padua - From 2005 to 2008
  • Reference teacher for students with disabilities – Faculty of Education - from 2009/2010
  • She is scientific responsible for Projects: “UP LED – University and prison: a way for learning, equity and democratization” with funds of DIRI – Area Relazioni Internazionali of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Partner's Project: Universidad de Buenos Aires – Argentina (UBA) and Universidad de la República – Uruguay (UDELAR) - since October 2017 from september 2018;MUSE Modernity and Disability: Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students - Erasmus Plus - dal 2015 ad oggi; Progetto TEMPUS Med@up “Modernizing Teacher Education at University of Prishtina” (Project number 544023) - Università Partner: JAMK, Finland, Alphaplus, UK, University of Ljubljana-Slovenia, University of Bologna, Italy, Coordinatore: University of Prishtina - dall'anno 2014 all'anno 2017; Towards an inclusive education for all children in Albania, in collaboration with SAVE THE CHILDREN
  • Head of local Bologna - from 2009 - FIRB Rete @ ccessibile: teaching, learning together and for all in a life plan - National Coordinator L. De Anna - University of Rome "Foro Italico"
  •  Since 2011 Member of the National Project PRIN - QUALITY AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING. - Local Head of the Catholic University of Milan, Luigi D'Alonzo - National Responsible Umberto Margiotta - University of Venice
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of CREI (Centro di ricerche sull'Educazione dell'Infanzia) a.a. 2009-2013
  • Scientific Head of the research Students with disabilities, children of migrants sponsored by the City of Bologna and the Faculty of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences 
  •  Scientific Head of university research (see link:   and see link:
  • Director (together with Marina Santi) of the publishing project for Inclusive Education Biotòpi – Chain subject to peer review by two referees - Edited by Liguori – Napoli
  • Director (toghether with Marina Santi) of the publishing project Educare per Educarsi - Padova University Press
  • In charge of the LAB-INT project (Inclusion and technologies laboratory) for the Faculty of Education
  • Research fellow at the Department of Educational Sciences Infanzie e Famiglie come snodi di criticità e risorse socio-educative, Responsible Professor Maria Grazia Contini 
  • Member of the CESAF (Centre for Post-Graduate Studies) at the Faculty of Education of the University of Bologna and the CEIS social cooperative vocational training institute
  • Regularly cooperates with SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale Svizzera Italiana)
  • Regularly cooperates with "E. Zancan" Foundation, Studies and Social Research Center - Padua 
  • Regularity cooperates with “Paideia” Foundation - Torino
  • Regularly cooperates with the Italian – Dutch Foundation "R. Hollman", for consulting and support of visually impaired children
  • Member of AIFREF - Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Education Familiale
  • Member of the Scientific Committee and Reference teacher of the university Master Disabilità e educazione inclusiva nelle istituzioni e nel territorio - University of Padua
  • He was member of the Regional Ethics Committee for pediatric clinical practice – Department of Pediatry/Padua Hospital Corporation
  • Member of the Technical Committee for the Regional Multipurpose Center for the promotion of health and social life of the blind and partially sighted persons 
  • Member of the Interdepartmental Center for Education of Children – University of Padua
  • Member of the Interdepartmental Center for Research on Family – University of Padua
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Review Italian Journal of Disability Studies
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Review Scienze Umane e Sanità – Edited by Angeli
  • Member of the Scientific Committee and Member of the Referee Committee of the Review L'Integrazione scolastica e sociale – Edited by Erickson
  • Member of the Scientific Committe of the “Studium Educationis” journal
  • Member of Scientific Commitee of "Percorsi socio-sanitari" - Ed.
  • Referee for national and international journals
  • Teaching of Education and Rehabilitation in the 2nd cycle degree programme in Design and Management of  education in social hardship – University of Bologna
  • Teacher of Special Education in the degree programmes in Sciences of Primary Education – Additional Course for the support of people with disabilities and Educator of Nursery and Children's Community – University of Bologna
  • Teaching of Pedagogy of marginality and deviance in the degree course in Social Educator – University of Bologna
  • Coordination of laboratories Tools for Professional Training and seminars Theories and Tools of Special Education – University of Bologna
  • Manager of the “Inclusive Perspectives and Technologies laboratory” for the 2nd cycle degree programme in “Design and management of education in social hardship” at the University of Bologna. 
  • Teaching of Pedagogy for inclusion and for networking in the 2nd cycle degree programme in Design and Management of Educational Services and Training – University of Padua
  • Teaching and Training in the Faculty's plan Scuela Inclusiva developed with the Ministry of Education of El Salvador (Central America) – University of Bologna
  • Teaching in several I and II level Masters degrees – University of Bologna and University of Padua
  • She is a member of the Children's Rights Project Crean Erasmus Academic Network - coordinated by the Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany - ENMCR (European Network of Masters in Children's Rights) - from a.y.. 2011/2012
  • From a.y. 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 member of Programma Socrates - Grundtvig  - Adult Education Europen Project “School for all”Working togheter to improve the quality of inclusion of children and young people with a disability with: Associazione Integrazione (Villaverla-VI); FISH nazionale; Groupement pour l'insertion des personnes handicapées physiques (G.I.H.P.), Toulouse (Francia); Pancyprian association of parents of deaf children, Nicosia (Cipro); Centre for indipendent living (CIL), Sofia (Bulgaria); Disabled's education and solidarity foundation of Turkey (Ozev), Ankara (Turchia)

  •  In the years from 2003-2004 to 2006-2007 has been in charge of training teachers and parents in the Project funded by European Social Fund "MIDA-Model for the disabled pupil's inclusion in the company" - Axis and Measure B1 - Province of Bolzano - University of Padua

 Coordination of some research

  • In a.y. 2003/2004-2005/2006 was Scientific Head of the Research ex 60% Social integration of people with disabilities in the context of the Declaration of Madrid 2002 "Non-discrimination more positive action equal social integration” Survey for the initiation of actions to promote non-discrimination of persons with disabilities in education, employment and other spheres of life.
  • From a.y. 2006/2007 to 31.10.2008 was Scientific Head of the Research Ex 60%  Being disabled in prison. Plan of life and educational intervention between challenges and resources (in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice)
  • In a.y. 2005/2006-2007/2008 is Scientific Head of the Project Meet and accompany the pluri-disabled child. Study, research and testing of customized educational interventions for parents, educators and teachers for the Doctoral School in Educational Science, Education and Training - University of Padua. This project has seen the involvement of local services (Department of Pediatrics of Padua, La nostra famiglia 
             * Conegliano Veneto and many ventian ulss) of parents and educators, with the aim of identifying successful early paths in the child's home, hypothesized as a factor of quality in multi-disability situations
  • From a.y. 2007/2008 to date, Scientific Project Manager for Tactile books for children with visual impairment aged 2-5. Pedagogical approaches and comparative survey (Italy-France) - for the Doctoral School in Educational Science, Education and Training - University of Padua. The research is conducted in collaboration with the University of Grenoble, the French publishing house Les doigts qui rêvent and the Foundation R. Hollman of Padua and has the task to design, test and monitor both the accessibility and cognitive stress of some tactile prototypes, and the role of "facilitators" that the books may have in the start and strengthening of parent-child relationships
  • local Bologna of the TEMPUS Med@up Project "Modernizing Teacher Education at the University of Prishtina" (Project number 544023) - Partner University: JAMK, Finland, Alphaplus, UK, University of Ljubljana-Slovenia, University of Bologna, Italy, Coordinator: University of Prishtina (from year 2014 to year 2017)
  • "UP LED - University and Prison: a way for learning, equity and democratization" (with found of International Relations Area of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, from October 2017 to September 2018)


Teaching of Special Education in Degree courses

Sciences of Primary Education - Course for Additional support

  • Professional Education - with Medicine, Psychology and Education Sciences
  • Social Educator
  • Social Services

 Teaching of Pedagogy for inclusion and for networking in the Magistral degree course in

  • Planning and Management of Educational Services and Training  

Other teaching activities relating to the Special Education and prevention of deviance were held at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Padua)         

Areas of Study and Research 

  • Special Education, integration and inclusion
  • Teachers, educators and problematic situations
  • Disability and education of parents
  • Adolescence, deviance and educational interventions

 Main references

Caldin R. (edited by), Alunni con disabilità, figli di migranti. Approcci culturali, questioni educative, prospettive inclusive. Liguori, Napoli, 2012

d'Alonzo L., Caldin R. (edited by), Questioni, sfide e prospettive della pedagogia speciale, Liguori Napoli, 2012

Caldin R., Luigi d'Alonzo, D. Ianes, La situazione attuale dell'integrazione nella scuola italiana attraverso le percezioni e le opinioni degli insegnanti, in: A.CANEVARO L. D'ALONZO D. IANES R.CALDIN, L'INTEGRAZIONE NELLA PERCEZIONE DEGLI INSEGNANTI, TRENTO, Erickson, 2011, pp. 7 - 42 [introduzione]

R.Caldin, R. Dainese, L'incontro tra disabilità e migrazione a scuola. Un approfondimento sugli alunni disabili figli di genitori migranti o adottati da famiglie italiane., in: A.CANEVARO LUIGI D'ALONZO D. IANES R. CALDIN, L'integrazione nella percezione degli insegnanti, TRENTO, Erickson, 2011, pp. 89 - 114 (Le Guide Erickson) [capitolo di libro]

A.Canevaro, Luigi d'Alonzo, D. Ianes, R. Caldin, L'integrazione scolastica nella percazione degli insegnanti, TRENTO, Erickson, 2011, pp. 0-300 (Le Guide Erickson). [libro]

Caldin R., Serra F. (a cura di), Famiglie e bambini/e con disabilità complessa. Comunicazione della diagnosi, forme di sostegno, sistema integrato dei servizi, Fondazione Zancan, Padua, 2011

Caldin R., Visentin S., Disabilità "grave" e pluridisabilità. Evoluzioni terminologiche, questioni attuali e prospettive di ricerca., «HANDICAP GRAVE», 2010, Vo. 11 - n. 2, pp. 133 - 142

Caldin R., Visentin S., La responsabilità condivisa: ruolo dei servizi e pluridisabilità, in: Dignité et véritable citoyenneté de la personne handicapée (Dignity and true citizenship of the person with disabilities), ROMA, Comas Grafica, 2010, pp. 151 - 159 (

Caldin R., Relazione fraterna, disabilità e intervento educativo: rischi e impegni, «LA FAMIGLIA», 2010, 253, pp. 27 - 38

Caldin R., Argiropoulos D., Dainese R., Genitori migranti e figli con disabilità Le rappresentazioni dei professionisti e le percezioni delle famiglie, “RICERCHE DI PEDAGOGIA E DIDATTICA”, 2010, 5, pp. 1 – 38

Caldin R., Kourkoutas E. (edited by): ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΊς /AUTHORS E. ΒΙΤΑΛΆΚΗ R. CALDIN Μ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΆΔΗ N. DE NIGRIS J.-J. DETRAUX R. FINZI-DOTTAN H. E. ΚΟΥΡΚΟΎΤΑς V. LANGHER I. MANOR P. PARMAR Σ. ΠΛΕΞΟΥΣΆΚΗς M. RAUL XAVIER M. E. RICCI Ε. ΤΡΑΓΟΥΛΙΆ Π. ΤΣΙΧΛΆΚΗς S. TYANO, Οικογένειες παιδιών με ιδιαίτερες δυσκολίες και Σχολική Ένταξη Families of Children with Special Difficulties and School Inclusion, ATENE, Ellinikagrammata, 2010, pp. 0-478 .

Caldin R., Casarotto G., Zaltron O., "Crescere insieme": i giovani con disabilità tra famiglia, scuola e servizi, in: CANEVARO D'ALONZO DE ANNA MAROCCO MUTTINI IANES MURA COTTINI - DOCENTI UNIVERSITARI ITALIANI DI PEDAGOGIA SPECIALE, Famiglia e progetto di vita. Crescere un figlio disabile dalla nascita alla vita adulta., TRENTO, Erickson, 2009, pp. 251 - 276

CALDIN R. (edited by), Forme ed essenze dell'educare nella disabilità visiva, TRENTO, ERICKSON, 2009, pp. 8-90 (L'integrazione scolastica e sociale)

Caldin R., I pensieri degli studenti - e del docente - sul corso di Pedagogia dell'Integrazione, Favorini A.M. (edited by), Pedagogia Speciale e Formazione degli Insegnanti, Milan, Angeli, 2009, pp. 168 - 189


Caldin R., La prospettiva inclusiva nella/della scuola. Percorsi di ricerca e nuove questioni, “STUDIUM EDUCATIONIS”, 2009, 3, pp. 85 - 99

Caldin R., Non omologabili. Media e dimensioni escludenti., in: DIEGA ORLANDO CIAN MINO CONTE PAOLA MILANI ECC., Immagini della persona. Adolescenti, Tv, educazione, ROME, carocci, 2009, pp. 231 - 248

Roberta Caldin, Enrica Polato, Philippe Claudet, Toccare, immaginare, imparare. Il ruolo dei libri come mediatori., in  Sola S. e Terrosi M. (edited by), La differenza non è una sottrazione. Libri per ragazzi e disabilità, AVERSA, Lapis-Ibby Italia, 2009, pp. 20 - 31

R. CALDIN, La formazione genitori (Die Elternausbildung), in GRUPPO DI LAVORO Progetto MIDA – Modello per l'inserimento dell'alunno disabile in azienda (Projekt MIDA – Modell zur beruflichen eingliederung schüler mit behinderung), Autonomous province of Bolzano, Bolzano, 2008, pp. 41-63 (in Italian and German)

R. CALDIN, P. MILANI P, S. VISENTIN, Pluridisabled Child and his/her family in care, in Assessing the "Evidence-base" of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and their Families. 10 Eusarf International Conference on Assessing the "Evidence-base" of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and their Families,  Padua,  Italy, March 26-29 2008. (vol. 1, pp. 138-140),  Fondazione Zancan (ITALY)

Caldin R., Cavalluzzo M.R., The educational support for parents of disabled students in a social integration: the experience of MIDA, in: WHITTAKER, PALMONARI, MCAULEY, GRIETENS, J. PECORA, KNORTH, THOBURN, VECCHIATO ECC., Assessing the "Evidence-base" of Intervention for Vulnerable Children and their Families, PADOVA, Fondazione "Emanuela Zancan", 2008, pp. 468 - 470

Caldin R., Accessibilità e strumenti didattici e formativi come fattore di inclusione e qualità, 2007. [applicazione sw/prodotto multimediale]

Caldin R., Disabilità visiva e genitorialità consapevole. Una prospettiva educativa, 2007. [applicazione sw/prodotto multimediale]

CALDIN R., CAVALLUZZO M.R., Disability and work inclusion Mida. Modello per l'inserimento dell'alunno disabile in azienda, in: VARI, Guidance and diversity. Research and application , PADOVA, s.n, 2007, pp. 60 (atti di: International conference AIOSP/IAEVG - International Association for educational and vocation guidance, padova, 4-6 settembre 2007)

R. CALDIN, Lo sguardo atteso. Genitori, figli con deficit visivo e intervento formativo, in A. CANEVARO (edited by), L'integrazione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità. Trent'anni di inclusione nella scuola italiana, Erickson, Trento, 2007, pp. 103-119

R. CALDIN (edited by), Percorsi educativi nella disabilità visiva, Erickson, Trento, 2006

P. TESSARI, R. CALDIN (con la collaborazione di), Disabili e abili. Manuale per Educatori professionali, Cleup, Padua, 2005

R. CALDIN, F. MONTUSCHI (coordinamento di), Disabilità, Integrazione e pedagogia speciale, numero monografico della Rivista Studium Educationis, n.3/2004, Cedam, Padua

R. CALDIN, La mano dell'educatore come accompagnamento, come sostegno, come limite  nell'adolescenza e la mano dell'adolescente, in OLIVIERI A. (edited by), All'incrocio dei saperi: la mano, Cleup, Padua, 2004, pp. 507-521

R. CALDIN,  Introduzione alla pedagogia speciale, Cleup, Padua, 2001

R. CALDIN, Educazione e psicoanalisi. Il ruolo di Pfister, amico di Freud, Borla, Rome, 1996

R. CALDIN, Famiglia e scuola: confronto e attese, in D. ORLANDO CIAN (edited by), Ragazzi, genitori, insegnanti a confronto. Dall'indagine alla proposta educativa, Unicopli, Milan, 1996, pp. 149-172


(for further references, please check on the institutional website of the University of Bologna)