Foto del docente

Roberta Bonetti

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: SDEA-01/A Demoethnoanthropological Sciences



Anthropology of art, with particular reference to the contemporary productions of Western Africa, to the social contexts of production, use and reception in Africa and in the international contexts; anthropology of cultural heritage and new forms of production of ‘museums’ in the contemporary world; the intertwining relation of design to anthropology;


Applied anthropology and application of ethnographic method to complex organizations; research applied to industrial production and work organizations; situated learning and research action in business contexts;


Anthropology of education, of and in learning contexts, formal and informal alike; counselling and anthropology of education; learning process in contexts of social interaction.


For each of these thematic axes I have carried out activities both in academic (publications, organization of scholarly events, seminars and workshops), and didactic contexts (courses, seminars), and in extra-academic projects (national and international projects in collaboration with public and private institutions, exhibitions).