Foto del docente

Rie Inouchi

Adjunct professor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae


-March 1999: Graduate degree in Japanese Literature from Saitama University in Saitama, Japan.

-March 1997: University Diploma in Japanese Literature earned from Otsuma Biennial Women's University Institute in Tokyo, Japan.

Teaching activities

-2022 to present: adjunct professor for courses in Japanese(2A) and Japanese(2B)

at the Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna.

-2008 to present: collaborator and linguistic expert (Japanese native speaker) on permanent contract at the Department of International Humanities and Social Sciences, University for Foreigners of Perugia.

- July 2023: Lecturer for the basic Japanese language course for the Prime Minister's Office at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

- October 2021-January 2022: lecturer for the basic course of Japanese Language for the benefit of designated personnel for Diplomatic Representations at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-May-August 2021: production of teaching content, Syllabus, for Japanese language teaching at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

- October-December 2020: production of JFLT (Joint Forces Language Test) for Japanese language level 1and level 2 at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-March-May 2017: lecturer for the basic Japanese Language course for the benefit of personnel designated for Diplomatic Representationsat the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-March-June 2014: lecturer for the basic Japanese Language course for the benefit of personnel designated for Diplomatic Representations at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-April-July 2011: lecturer for the basic course of Japanese Language for the benefit of personnel designated for Diplomatic Representations at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-April-July 2010: lecturer for the basic course of Japanese Language for the benefit of designated personnel for Diplomatic Representations at the Army Foreign Languages School, Perugia.

-2003-2008: collaborator and linguistic expert(Japanese native speaker) on fixed-term contract at the Faculty of Italian Language and Culture, University for Foreigners, Perugia.

Other activities

-2003 to present: collaboration in the international exchange program between the University for Foreigners of Perugia and some Japanese universities and institutions.

-April 2018: collaboration on the promotional project for the "Italia, amore mio!" fair organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan in Tokyo as interpreter and assistant both in Italy and Japan for the University for Foreigners of Perugia.

- April 8, 2017: introductory speech at the conference "The Worlds of Murakami Haruki" by Giorgio Amitrano for "Circolo dei Lettori Perugia."

-May 2016: coordination of the event "Expo Japan Unistrapg" at the University for Foreigners Perugia.

-May 18, 2016: participation as a speaker at the event "Expo Japan Unistrapg" at the University for Foreigners Perugia with the paper "Hope for Japan".

-August 17, 2013: participation as a speaker at the lecture series "Places of the Soul" at the Cultural Association Porta Santa Susanna in Perugia with the paper "From East to West: animated places and philosophical architectures".

- April 4,5, 2008: participation as a speaker at the "KENSHU KAI(Seminar)" of the Italian Association for the Teaching of Japanese Language(AIDLG) in Rome with the paper "KIKAN HOUKOKU (institutional report on the teaching activities of Japanese language courses) for the University for Foreigners of Perugia" in Japanese.

-February 14, 2007: speaker for the conference "Italy in Japan" at Lions Club Trieste San Giusto, Trieste.

-2004: coordinator of the "Eighth bATik Perugia Film Festival" for the Japanese film section for Zero in Condotta Association, Perugia.