Foto del docente

Riccardo Accorsi

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-05/A Industrial Mechanical Plants

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor at University of Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum working for the Department of Industrial Engineering.

Until October 2021 Riccardo Accorsi is Fixed-term Assistant Professor (since January 2015 for the Department of Industrial Engineering (Scientific Sector Ing-Ind/17) at University of Bologna.

In April 2017 he gained the national habilitation to Associate Professor for the discipline 09/B2 - Industrial and Mechanical Plants - SSD ING-IND/17 at the Scientific Habilitation Concourse (ASN) del Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e dell Ricerca (MIUR), Call D.D. 1532/2016.

Since 2013 – He has been Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Bologna.

March, 2013 – He defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Integrated models and tools for the design and management of global supply chains”, at the Doctoral School of Industrial Engineering specializing in Mechatronics and Industrial Systems at Padua University, under the supervision of Prof. Arrigo Pareschi and Prof. Riccardo Manzini.

Since January to May, 2011 – He is Visiting Ph.D. Scholar at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE), Georgia Institute of Technology (US), under the advisory of Prof. John J. Bartholdi III.

January, 2010 – He applied for the Doctoral School of Industrial Engineering at Padua University and gained a three-years scholarship specializing in “Transportation and Advanced Logistics, Optimization and Traceability of freight and passengers” granted by the M.I.U.R (Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca) (Ref. Legge 170).

June, 2009 – He has been Assistant Researcher with a scholarship specializing in Renewable Energy Plants titled “On the analysis and design of power plants from renewable wind and solar sources”.

March, 2009 – He got a M.Eng. in Management Engineering at the University of Bologna, with a thesis titled “Design of a co-generative solar concentration power system with two-axis tracking” under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Gamberi.


Research fields


His research deals with the design and development of decision-support tools (DSS or Digital Twin), models, and methods for assessing, planning, optimizing manufacturing and distribution networks and logistic systems, with focus on products lifecycle and food supply chain operations. Some keywords include:

  • Sustainable operations management.
  • Circular ecosystems design for products and packaging.
  • Digital twins for distribution network design and optimisation.
  • Digital twins for warehousing manual and automated systems.
  • Traceability, virtualization and simulation of food supply chain operations.
  • Food packaging testing under environmental stresses.
  • Simulation of manufacturing systems and supply chain operations.
  • Reliability analysis and maintenance management for production systems.


Academic Memberships and Roles


Since 2016-2017 – He takes the class Industrial Logistics (ref. 34285 - LOGISTICA INDUSTRIALE M (Modulo 2)) for the Automation Engineering Master courses ( ).

In 2016-2017 – He co-leads the internal commission of the Doctoral School for the Continuous Improvement of the Ph.D. Students of XXXI-XXXII Cycles working on the topics of logistics and industrial plants management.

Since 2016 – He is member of the College of the Doctoral School in “Ingegneria Meccatronica e Dell'innovazione Meccanica Del Prodotto” Mechatronic Engineering and Mechanical Product Innovation at University of Padua (DOT1319437).

Since 2016 – He is advisor of the Ph.D. Student Eng. Giulia Baruffaldi (XXXI Cycle), who has been positively admitted to the second year of her Doctoral Programme

Since 2015 – He is member of the Council of Department of Industrial Engineering as Fixed-term Assistant Professor ( ).

Since 2013 – He is member of the inter-department Center of Industrial Research in Advanced Mechanics and Materials – Unit on “Advanced materials for the photonic design and application” ( ), Network Tecnopoli High Tech Regione Emilia Romagna.

Since 2015 – He is active member of the Degree Board for Bachelor and Master graduation in Industrial Engineering at University of Bologna.


Scientific Grants/Awards


In 2015-2016 – He is co-relator and advisor of three dissertations for Bachelor Degree in Management Engineering Awarded at the Salone dell’Innovazione Sostenibile sponsored by University of Bologna, SCS Consulting, Impronta Etica ( ), for the Match-Tesi Stream on Proofs of Environmental and Social Sustainability with Companies.

In 2014 – He successfully applied for the tender FUTUREMED European Project/Intercenter – Institute of Transport and Logistics (ITL) of Regione Emilia Romagna, gaining a grant (€ 53.278,69, excluding VAT) ( ). The required technical consultation for the Agro-food Pilot, included in MED 2007–2013 Programme (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF), dealt with the analysis, the mapping of the logistics and transport flows of food perishable products over the Mediterranean and European countries. The findings from the project include a comprehensive database collecting food supply chains data, properly developed GIS embedding the collected dataset, and decision-support tools to aid practitioners in simulating and optimizing the food supply chain operations.

In 2013 – He successfully applied, as active project member, for the tender Cluster AGRIFOOD (Project 4: Sustainability of food supply chains – SO.FI.A) with a sub-pilot titled “Recovery and reuse of by-products resulting by agro-food processing and operations (meat industry) for added value molecules and energy production” granted by the M.I.U.R (Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca) (Ref. D.D. 30 Maggio 2012, n. 257). The carried out activities dealt with the economic and environmental assessment of the as-is logistics network for by-products collection and supply, with proposal for technical and operational improvements.

In 2009 – He was awarded (€ 13.800) for the Scientific concourse ROTARY ENFASI 2009: “Smart energy for developing countries” with a Project proposal titled “C.Hea.P.S.E. Cogenerator of Heat and Power from Solar Energy” granted by Rotary International - District 2030, 2040, 2050, 2070, 2080, 2090, 2100, 2110, 2120.


Scientific Memberships


In 2016 – He joined the International Advisory Board of International Symposium on Logistics (ISL) ( )

In 2016 – He has been elected President elected for the next mandate period 2018 – 2020 of the International Food & Wine Supply Chain Council (FWSCC), whose is member since 2011. ( )

Since 2016 – He has joined the Scientific Committee of the Italian Osservatorio Interdisciplinare Trasporto Alimenti (OITA) – Interdisciplinary Observatory on Food Transportation ( ).

Since 2014 – He has joined, as committed member for University of Bologna, the European Technology Platform (ETP) ALICE: Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe ( [] ). He attended the ALICE assemblies respectively in Bruxelles (September, 2014) and Amsterdam (February, 2015)

In 2014 – He joined, as member of the Food Research Center at University of Bologna, the General Assembly Cittaslow International, with a speech titled “Do Local..Think Global: A new Pattern for Slow Citizens. A developing project of University of Bologna in collaboration with Cittaslow International”. Vaals (NL), June 2014.

In 2014 – He joined, as invited member from University of Bologna, the European Technical Platform (ETP) Log4Green: join excellence for sustainable logistics. In Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Agenda Workshop “Tackling logistics challenges of tomorrow”. Session – Sustainability and Resilience in Supply Chain Management, chaired by Prof. Matthias Klummp, Bruxelles, March, 2014.

Since 2012 – He is member of the Food Supply Chain Center of Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Bologna. ( )

Since 2012 – He is member of the Warehousing Center of Department of Industrial Engineering at University of Bologna. (


European /National Projects


Since 2016 – He has taken part to the project “ECOPACK LAB: Laboratorio infrastrutturale per l’applicazione di tecnologie avanzate per realizzare packaging attivo ed ecosostenibile” within the programme POR-FESR 2014-2020 funded by Regione-Emilia Romagna.

In 2014-2015 – He was committed in the FUTUREMED European Project/Intercenter – Institute of Transport and Logistics (ITL) of Regione Emilia Romagna. ( ). The project was part of the MED 2007–2013 Programme (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF), and dealt with the analysis, the mapping of the logistics and transport flows of food perishable products over the Mediterranean and European countries. The findings from the project include a comprehensive database collecting food supply chains data, properly developed GIS embedding the collected dataset, and decision-support tools to aid practitioners in simulating and optimizing the food supply chain operations.

In 2013-2016 – He has worked for the Cluster AGRIFOOD (Project 4: Sustainability of food supply chains – SO.FI.A) ( ) with a sub-pilot titled “Recovery and reuse of by-products resulting by agro-food processing and operations (meat industry) for added value molecules and energy production” granted by the M.I.U.R (Ministero Istruzione Università Ricerca) (Ref. D.D. 30 Maggio 2012, n. 257). The carried out activities dealt with the economic and environmental assessment of the as-is logistics network for by-products collection and supply, with proposal for technical and operational improvements.

In 2010-2011 – He took part to the Project GENERATOR: “Progetto Industria 2015 (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico nell'ambito del Bando Efficienza Energetica” - D.M. 5 marzo 2008) – Domanda n. EE01_00054. Azienda Capofila Prastel (Bologna).




In 2017 – He Co-Chaired the Invited Session “Sustainability in industrial plant design & management: applications & experiences from practice” at the SDM-2017, 4th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing ( ), 26- 28 April 2017, Bologna, Italy.

In 2016 – He has been Chair of the Stream “Wine Supply Chain Council” at the 45th ORSSA (Operation Research Society South Africa) Conference ( )




Co-Editor of the ELSEVIER’s Book (Indexed/Abstracted Scopus) entitled “Sustainable Food Supply Chains: Planning, Design, and Control through Interdisciplinary Methodologies”. The book has been added to the Frontlist of the ELSEVIER distinguished publishing program with a target publication date of January 1, 2019.

Guest Editor of Special Issue “Sustainability in Food Supply Chain and Food Industry” in the section “Economic, Business and Management Aspects of Sustainability”, Sustainability, A Journal, 2017 (ISSN 2071-1050) (Indexed/Abstracted on Web-of-Science, Scopus: IF 1.789).

Co-Editor of Proceedings of the Ist International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (Bertinoro-Orvieto Giugno 26-Luglio 1, 2012) ( Copyright © ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna, Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna - Italia, First edition: October 2011, ISBN: 9788890650000.


Academic Commitments


Since 2012 – He has been Reviewer for scientific journals as International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning & Control, British Food Journal, Computer in Industry, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Cleaner Production, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation Research Part E, Packaging Technology and Science, Sustainability, European Journal of Operation Research, Computer & Industrial Engineering, Omega.

Since 2011 – He is Lecturer in Industrial Logistics and Industrial Plants classes for the Bachelor Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering courses. He gave lectures and seminars on traceability for operations management, clustering techniques, and decision-support methods and tools for warehousing systems design and management

Since 2011 – He has worked on Industry – Academy projects involving the Department of Industrial Engineering and companies as: Arcese Logistica S.p.a, Caterpillar S.r.l, CNH Italia S.p.a., G.D. Gruppo Coesia S.p.a., Gruppo Giorgio Gori, Olitalia S.r.l., Elettric 80 S.p.a, Camst Soc. Coop. a r.l. - La Ristorazione Italiana, Due Torri S.p.a., Conad Soc. Coop, CPR System Soc. Coop, Packaging Imolese S.r.l., Giesse S.r.l..



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