Renata Lizzi - born in San Daniele del Friuli (UD), Italy, on
January the 17th 1961.
She has been doing her research activity at the CAPP – a
research unit of DOSP, Department of Organization and Political
System of Bologna - since 1991. She was lecturer in political
science since october 1998 at the Faculty of Political Science of
Bologna University at Forlì. In the academic years 1999-2001 she
taught Comparative Public Policy with particular emphasis on EU
institutions and policies. Since the academic year 2001-02 she
teaches European Insititutions and Public Policies in the First
Level Degree SID (Scienze Internazionali e
Diplomatiche)(L), and Theories, Governance and Policies of
Euroèean Integration in the Second Level Degree Course of SID
(LM). She is assistant professor in Political Science
since 2003 and actually she is in charge with research
actitivities within the Department of Political and Social
Sciences of Bologna and the its local unit at Forlì that is
the Center for Comparative Public Policy (CCPP,
Research activities - Main analytical approach and fields of
research are policy studies in the sectors of agriculture,
environment, rural development; policy making, governance
mechanisms and institutional dynamics of the European Union
are more recent subjects of interest. The theme of
interest groups in Italian public policies and policy making since
the Nineties is the focus of a collective research project, work in
progress with some collegues of the Department of Bologna and the
School of Political Science at Forlì.
2008-10 she was editorial manager for the Rivista Italiana di
Politiche Pubbliche (RIPP, Il Mulino)
2008 - with Alessia Damonte (University of Milan) founded
the Standing Group on Political Science and Public Policy (
within SISP (società Italiana di Scienza Politica, and in June 2010 They
organized and coordinated the First Edition of the Summer
School in Public Policy, held in Forlì at the Faculty of
Political Science (7-12 of June 2010); the 2nd edition held in
Milan (July 2011), third edition in Milan at Politecnico (June
2012), fourth edtion in Florence (June 2013) and the next fifth
edition will held in Padova in June 2014.
At present, main topics of research are interest groups in the
Italian policy making, public policy and policy making in
comparative perspective and in the Europena Union.
She teaches at First and second level degree at the School of
Political Science; the courses are: Institutions and Policies of
European Union, Governance and Policies of European integration;
she is engaged with a module in "Governance and policy making in
the Europena Union" within the courses of the PhD in Political