Foto del docente

Renata Archetti

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-01/A Hydraulics

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Ravenna of Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Curriculum vitae


1995-1998 PhD in Hydraulic Engineering Politecnico di Milano. Università degli Studi di Bologna.

1987-1993 Degree in Civil Environmental Engineering.

1992 Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Engineering, - UCC, University College Cork, Ireland.


Scientific activity

The scientific activity of Renata Archetti is proven by around 130 works. The scientific research is mainly related to the field of the Maritime and Environmental Hydraulics, including a wide variety of aspects as:

- Coastal structures (Berm breakwaters, vertical breakwaters, shore protection structures with special attention to low crested structures);

- Surf and swash hydrodynamics;

- Coastal zone management;

- Wave data analysis, wave spectra characterizations;

Beside these main research topics Renata Archetti also worked on the assessment of risk due to debris flow events.

Renata Archetti has a consolidated experimental experience both in laboratory and in the field.

Research Projects

2011 - 2015 RITMARE - Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE Responsabile UO  SP3_WP4_AZ2_UO03 -
Tecniche innovative di monitoraggio di ambienti marini in aree costiere.

2011-2013 TESSA “Sviluppo di TEcnologie per la 'Situational Sea Awareness' (TESSA)”.

2010 Tools for the assessment of coastal zone vulnerability related to the foreseen climate change. PRIN 2008.

2009 CoastSat – Coste, Monitoraggio e gestione del rischio. Finanziamento Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Responsabile Unità Università di Bologna.

2008- 2009Strategia di campionamento a boe derivanti nella zona costiera per la validazione dei modelli di oil-spill. Finanziamento Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia per Ricerca dal titolo: Responsabile  gruppo dell'Università di Bologna.

2008-2009 New numerical and experimental approach for the assessment of flooding risk of urban area in coastal zones. Ente finanziatore British Council – CRUI.  Coordinatrice.


2006-2008      ENCORA.

2005-2008     BEACHMED Strategic management of beach protection for sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal zones (EU INTERREG IIIc).

2001-2003     PRIN'01 Idrodinamica e Morfodinamica di spiagge protette da opere a cresta bassa.

2002-2005    COASTVIEW Project,( EU V Framework Project).

2001-2004     DELOS (EU V Framework project)

1999-2000     SPANWAVE Wave-induced turbulence and undertow over barred beaches (UE Access to Large-Scale Facilities Programme, Training and Mobility of Researchers).

1998-1999     Spatial coherence of impact pressures at a vertical breakwater in multidirectional seas”. (UE Access to Large-Scale Facilities Programme, Training and Mobility of Researchers).

1998-1999     Debris Flow Risk( EU research project,  Contract ENV4-CT96-0253).

1996-1999     PROVERBS. Probabilistics design of Vertical Breakwaters. ( EU project MAST3, ccontract MAS3-CT95-0041).

1995-1997     Berm Breakwater Structures EU research project MAST Contract MAS2-CT94-0087).

1993-1994     Franzius Institute, Hannover Universitat in Germany.

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