Foto del docente

Renata Archetti

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Ravenna of Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering


Keywords: Integrated coastal zone management Risk assesement Coastal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics Physical modelling Integrated coastal zone management Oil spill Video Monitoring Ocean Renewable Energy Coastal hydrodynamics and morphodynamics Physical modelling Oil spill

· Technical and economic feasibility of electricity generation from renewable sources (mini hydro, wind, wave conversion);

· Development and optimization of devices for the conversion of wave energy. As part of this activity I have created a patent for a point - absorber device for the conversion of wave energy;

· Wave interaction - structures for simulating the behavior of floating structures with applications related to Blue Growth related applications;

· Design of maritime works such as breakwaters, through new designs and concepts that lead to cost optimization. (Vertical wall dams, Berm breakwater dams);

· Approaches for coastal defense , from the impacts of traditional works, through the study of induced hydrodynamics, to the transport of sediments, effects of wave dissipation, to more sustainable methods following the concepts of natural based solution;

· Propagation of gravity currents of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media;

· Modeling of debris flows .

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