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Raffaella Campaner

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHIL-02/A Logica e filosofia della scienza

Prorettrice per le relazioni internazionali


Raffaella Campaner, The Interventionist Theory and Mental Disorders, in: Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject, Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018, pp. 243 - 268 (EPISTEMIC STUDIES) [capitolo di libro]

Galavotti, M.C.; Campaner, R., Filosofia della scienza, Milano, Egea, 2017, pp. 178 (Pixel. La risposta a ogni esigenza di sapere). [libro]

Raffaella Campaner, Quale “salute mentale”? Significati, usi, contesti, «MEFISTO», 2017, 1,2, pp. 83 - 94 [articolo]

Campaner, Raffaella; Galavotti, Maria Carla, Feminist Versus General Philosophy of Science, in: Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science, Cham, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, pp. 203 - 222 (BOSTON STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]

Raffaella Campaner, Mechanistic Models and Modeling Disorders, in: Models and Inference in Science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2016, pp. 113 - 132 (STUDIES IN APPLIED PHILOSOPHY, EPISTEMOLOGY AND RATIONAL ETHICS) [capitolo di libro]

Raffaella Campaner, Spiegazione, previsione e comprensione, in: La guerra dei mondi. Scienza e senso comune, Torino, Codice, 2016, pp. 101 - 123 [capitolo di libro]

Campaner, Raffaella; Gabbani, Carlo (a cura di): José Luis Bermúdez, Arnon Cahen, Antonella Corradini, Michele Di Francesco, Sophie Gibb, Stuart Glennan,Jennifer Hornsby, Peter Menzies, Borysław Paulewicz, David Robb, Alfredo Tomasetta, Michal Wierzchon, Causation and Mental Causation, Pisa, ETS, 2015, pp. 253 . [curatela]

Campaner, Raffaella; Gabbani, Carlo, Causation and Mental Causation: Standpoints and Intersections, in: Causation and Mental Causation, Pisa, ETS, 2015, pp. 7 - 20 [introduzione]

R. Campaner, “Causalité médicale et déterminants de la santé”, in: Histoire de la pensée médicale contemporaine, Parigi, Le Seuil, 2014, pp. 25 - 42 [capitolo di libro]

R. Campaner, Explanatory Pluralism in Psychiatry: What Are We Pluralists About, and Why?, in: New Directions in the Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 87 - 103 (THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE) [capitolo di libro]

R. Campaner, Recensione a: Review of "Causation: A User's Guide", «INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE», 2014, 28, pp. 221 - 223 [recensione]

R. Campaner, "Mechanistic and Neo-mechanistic Accounts of Causation: How Salmon Already Got (Much of) It Right", «METATHEORIA», 2013, 3, pp. 81 - 98 [articolo]

R. Campaner, “Philosophy of Medicine and Model Design”, in: New Challenges to Philosophy of Science, Dordrecht, Springer, 2013, pp. 467 - 478 [capitolo di libro]

R. Campaner, Commentary. Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World., «HUMANA.MENTE», 2012, 5, pp. 197 - 204 [articolo]Open Access

R. Campaner; M.C. Galavotti, Evidence and the Assessment of Causal Relations in the Health Sciences, «INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE», 2012, 26, pp. 27 - 45 [articolo]