Raffaella Brighi is Assistant Professor of Legal Informatics at University of Bologna since 2001. In 2002 she had PhD Degree in Computer Science and Law at University of Bologna with the supervision of prof. Sartor and wins the First National Prize “Vittorio Frosini” for the Ph. D. thesis entitled “Mark-up Languages for Normative Production. Theoretical and Applicative Aspects”. She graduated in Physics, with a grade point of 110/110 cum laude, at Bologna University in 1997.
Since 2001, she conducts interdisciplinary research within CIRSFID (Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law), with research groups in both bioethics and ICT law. Her research topics are: IT applications and E-Government; E-health Record: standards and models for harmonization; Digital forensics; Tools and Models for data and knowledge representation (standardization, semantic Web, applied and domain ontologies); Computer security and Law.
She has participated in numerous national and international research projects, among others: “Subjects of Rights and Vulnerability: Institutional Models and Legal Concepts in Transformation (national project)”, “SEAL - Smart Environment for Assisting Legislative Drafting (European Project); “Knowledge Networks for eHealth. Technological models, legal informatics analysis and bioethical issues (Regional Project) and “Norma-System: Models, Methods and Tools for Legimatics (National procject)”.
She is author of various scientific publications, including two books: Il ruolo dei dati informatici nella costruzione della realtà. Tra vulnerabilità e esigenze di trasparenza (Aracne, 2016), Norme e conoscenza: dal testo giuridico al metadato (Giuffrè, 2004), paper in journal, conference proceedings.
She has taught at the Bologna University School of Law the courses of: Computer forensics (from AY 2016/17); Computer Science and Law (from AY 2008/09); Algorithms and Programming and IT Lab (from AY 2004/05 until AY 2007/08); Applied Computer Science and Law; Computer Science and IT Skills (from AY 2001/02 until AY 2007/08).
She was Member of the Board of PhD Program in Law and New Technologies at University of Bologna and of the Doctoral Board of the Joint International Doctoral Degree in Law, Science and Technology (Erasmus mundus).
She is Member and Secretary of the Italian Society of Legal Philosophy (SIFD); she is Member of the Italian Society of Computer Science & Law (SIIG).