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Full Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Bologna.
Director of post lauream Master in "Landascape Science and Design" ( University of Bologna), 2003-2004, 2004-2005. He was Director of Summer School: Italian Design (2005-2015). Art, Society and Industry ( University of Bologna - Osaka University, University of Taiwan, Tongji University of Shanghai, China). Director of the "Laboratory for Research on the City " (Istituto di Studi Superiori, University of Bologna. Member of the Intitute of Advanced Studies (Unversity of Bologna), 2003-2009. Member of the European Commission at the French Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development on: "De la connaissance des paysages à l'action paysagère" (from 2004). Italian delegate at the International Association for Aesthetics.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Doctoral School of Semiotics, now PSCS.
Member of the Icomos Italy (Unesco)
Member of the Osservatorio sul Paesaggio della Regione Emilia-Romagna.
Moderator of the round table Urban and Natural Landscape at International Congress of Aesthetics (22-26 July 2019).
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