Foto del docente

Raffaele Laudani

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: GSPS-03/A History of Political Thought

Curriculum vitae




B.A. Political Science, University of Bologna, 1998

PhD. History of Political Thought, University of Turin; Philosophy and History of Ideas, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2003


T.A., Department of Sociology, University of Bologna, 1999

Adjunct Professor, Master in Foreign Languages for International Business, University of Parma, 2005

Adjunct Professor, Department of Political Science, Columbia University, 2005

Lecturer, Department of History, University of Bologna, 2006-2011

Lecturer (with tenure), Department of History, University of Bologna,


National Scientific Qualification to Associate Professor in History of Political Thought


Associate Professor in History of Political Thought, Department of History, University of Bologna



Director, The Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory


National Scientific Qualification to Full Professor in History of Political Thought



Courses offered: Theories of Globalization, Theories of Disobedience, History of Political Thought, Atlantic Studies


University of Bologna Grant for Distinguished Undergraduate Student, 1995

University of Bologna Grant for Distinguished Undergraduate Student, 1996

University of Bologna Research Grant for Distinguished Undergraduate Student, 1997

University of Bologna Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Student, 1998;

“Carta Si Campus” Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Student, 1998

Minister of University Ph.D. Scholarship, 1999-2002

Minister of Foreign Affairs Scholarship for Ph.D. joint program between the University of Turin and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2000

Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Politics, University of Bologna, 2003-2005

Visiting Scholar, Department of History, Columbia University, 2004

“Marco Polo” Grant for research mobility, University of Bologna, 2004

“Marco Polo” Grant for research mobility, University of Bologna, 2005

Short Residency, John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, 2012

Short Residency, Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University, 2016

Short >residency, Centro Sur Global, UNSAM, Buenos Aires, 2017



Associazione Italiana degli Storici delle Dottrine politiche (Member)

I.R.E.S.-CGIL Emilia Romagna (scientific board)

Fondazione Gramsci (board)

Comitato Internazionale di Bologna per la Cartografia e l’Analisi del Mondo Contemporaneo (director)

Bologna Seminar on Atlantic and Global Studies (co-director with Paolo Capuzzo)

Italian editor of the uncollected papers of Herbert Marcuse

Editor of the series “Marcusiana” for the publisher Manifestolibri

Editorial board of the journals Filosofia politica, Storicamente, Critical Times

Editorial services and review manuscript for scholarly publications: Il Mulino, Laterza, Feltrinelli, Manifestolibri, Dedalo

International Herbert Marcuse Society (member)



Tempo da Desobedienca. Por uma teoria politica do poder destituente, Simposio Internacional “Tempo e Subjetividades”, Universidade do Estato do Rio de Janeiro, 2-3-4- oct. 2012

The Time of Disobedience: Elements for a Political Theory of Destituent Power, John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, 30 oct. 2012

"'In the Beginning, All the World Was America': Colonial Power, State and Resistance in Locke's Second Treatise of Government.", John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, 31 oct. e 5 nov. 2012

Foundations of Global Disobedience: Reading La Boétie’s Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, Global Liberal Studies Program, New York University, 16 nov. 2012

Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis: Modern theory of sovereignty and the neutralization of Atlantic Disobedience, International Workshop on “Rebellion, resistance and revolution between the Old and the New World”, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Storia culture e civiltà, 2 oct. 2013

The German Enemy: Nazism, war effort and critical theory. A discussion on F. Neumann, H. Marcuse, O. Kirchheimer, Secrets Reports on Nazi Germany. The Frankfurt School contribution to the war Effort, ed. by Raffaele Laudani, Princeton, 2013, with A. Honneth, Jean Cohen, I. Katznelson, N. Urbinati, Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University, 22 oct. 2013;

Sea and Land. On the Relationship Between Disobedience and Sovereignty in Modern Political Thought, University of Pittsburgh, Humanities Center, 25 oct. 2013

Disobedience. A conversation with Roberto Dainotto and Micheal Hardt, Duke University, 28 oct. 2013

Deconstructing Rawls. A critique of “civil” disobedience, UCLA, 31 oct. 2013

The Relevance of an Untimely Book, One-Dimensional Man, Critical Theory and Radical Movements in the Age of Capitalist Globalization, Columbia University, 29 sept. 2014, Speaker at Keynote Panel, International conference on: One-Dimensional Man at Fifty. Herbert Marcuse & the Legacy of the Book that Inspired a Generation)

Black Critique of Modern Political Concepts: Two Examples, Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University, May 2016

Beyond Destituent Power: Rethinking Disobedience and Activism Today, Keynote speaker at conference, University of Amsterdam, 29 may 2017

Màs allà del poder destituyente. Actualidad y límites de la desobediencia hoy, seminars, University San Martin, Buenos Aires, 2-4 august 2017.

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