• July 1993: Degree in Physics at the University of Pisa with 110/110 cum laude as a student of the "Scuola Normale Superiore" of Pisa.
• November 1993 - October 1996: PhD at the University of Bologna
• October 1995 - March 1996: Six-month visit to the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the group of the Institute of Theoretical Physics coordinated by Prof. D. Baeriswyl.
Academic career
• January 1997 - March 1999: Holder of a scholarship as part of the Advanced Research Project of the INFM "HTcS" for a research to be carried out at the UdR INFM of Camerino under the supervision of Prof. G. C. Strinati.
• April 1999 - October 2014: University Researcher (SSD FIS / 03) at the Physics Department of the University of Camerino.
• August-September 2012: "Visiting Scientist" at the EPFL in Lausanne (Switzerland) (11 Aug-08 Sept).
• November 2014 - August 2020: Associate Professor (SSD FIS / 02, SC 02 / A2) at the School of Science and Technology of the University of Camerino.
• September 2020 -: Associate Professor (SSD FIS / 02, SC 02 / A2) at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna.
• October 2014: Qualification as Full Professor in SC 02 / B2 (Theoretical Physics of Matter).
• August 2018: Qualification as Full Professor in SC 02 / B2 (Theoretical Physics of Matter).
Scientific activity
He initially dealt with theoretical high-energy physics, studying the problem of the confinement of quarks in Quantum Chromodynamics, collaborating with Prof. A. Di Giacomo of the University of Pisa. In particular he confirmed, through numerical simulations on lattice, the dual superconductivity mechanism for the confinement of quarks. Pieri's research interests subsequently shifted to the Physics of Matter, initially focusing on the properties of "strongly correlated" magnetic systems, the subject of his PhD thesis and the research activity carried out during his research stay in Friborg (Switzerland) . Pieri's subsequent research activity therefore focused mainly on the areas of superconductivity and superfluidity, with particular attention to the problem of the evolution from BCS superconductivity to Bose-Einstein condensation ("BCS-BEC crossover") and of the theory of ultracold atomic gases and their use as effective quantum simulators.
Author of more than 80 publications, including 3 Nature Physics, 2 Physics Reports, 14 Phys. Rev. Lett., 1 Phys. Rev. Research, 24 Phys. Rev. B (1 Rap. Comm.), 12 Phys. Rev. A (5 Rap. Comm.), 1 Phys. Lett. B, 1 Scientific Reports, 2 New. Jour. Phys., 2 Phys. Rev. E, 3 Europhys. Lett., 4 Eur. Phys. Jour B, 3 Phys. Lett. A, 1 Jour. Math. Phys.
Bibliometric data
Number of citations: 2800 (Scopus); 2700 (WoS); 4150 (Google Scholar)
h-index: 29 (Scopus); 28 (WoS); 35 (Google Scholar)
At Unibo: "Quantum Many-Body Theory" and "Quantum states of matter and radiation" for the master's degree in Physics; "General Physics" for students in Engineering. From 2009 to 2020 he taught the courses "Theoretical Physics" (quantum scattering theory and introduction to relativistic quantum mechanics) and "Many-body physics" for the master's degree in Physics at the University of Camerino. Previously he taught for the degree in Physics "Differential and integral calculus". From 2015 to 2020 he has taught a general physics module for students of the chemistry degree at the University of Camerino.
Institutional activities and academic positions
May 2015 - July 2019: Coordinator of study courses: Degree in Physics (L-30) and Master's Degree in "Physics" (LM-17) of the University of Camerino.
Membership in scientific and editorial committees
Member of the Editorial Board of "Scientific Reports" since 2016
Appointed "Outstanding Referee" by the American Physical Society in 2016.