Foto del docente

Perla Tedesco

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-03/B Parasitology and Animal and Human Parasitic Diseases


Keywords: parasitology aquatic animals scanning electron microscopy in vitro tests parasitic diseases

- Development of protocols for the application of Scanning Electron Microscopy in parasitology and mycology.

- Evaluation of Saprolegnia potential of transfer between wild and farmed salmonids.

- In vitro screenings of alternative treatment strategies for Saprolegnia infections.

- Epidemiological studies to identify risk factors for Saprolegniosis.

- Studies of major parasitic infections in wild and farmed aquatic animals, with definition of their pathogenic effects on the host.

- Characterization of parasitic stages, with use of light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and molecular methods.

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