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Paul Matthew Loveless

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Loveless, Matthew and Chiara Binelli. 2018. “Economic Expectations and Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from Italy” Government and Opposition X. 1–17. DOI: 10.1017/gov.2018.31.

Downes, James and Matthew Loveless. 2018. “Centre Right and Radical Right Party Competition in Europe: Strategic Emphasis on Immigration, Anti-Incumbency, and Economic Crisis” Electoral Studies 54: 148-158. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2018.05.008

Simpson, Kathryn and Matthew Loveless. 2017. “Another chance? Concerns about inequality, support for the European Union and further European integration” Journal of European Public Policy, 24(7): 1069-1089 DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2016.1170872

Loveless, Matthew. 2016. “Inequality and Support for Political Engagement in New Democracies” Europe-Asia Studies 68(6): 1003-1019. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1203865

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2016. “The Urban-Rural Divide: Perceptions of Income and Social Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe” The Economics of Transition 24(2): 211–231. DOI: 10.1111/ecot.12087

Loveless, Matthew. 2015. “Institutions and Media Use in Democratizing Countries: The Czech-Slovak Case as a Quasi-Experiment” International Journal of Communication 9(21): 2601-2621.

Binelli, Chiara, Matthew Loveless, and Stephen Whitefield. 2015. “What Is Social Inequality and Why Does it Matter? Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe” World Development 70: 239–248. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2015.02.007

Jebril, Nael, Matthew Loveless, and Václav Štětka. 2015. “Media and Democratisation: Challenges for an Emerging Sub-field” Media Studies 6(11): 84-98.

Loveless, Matthew. 2015. “Contextualizing Media Behavior: Media Environments and Individuals’ Media Use in the European Union” Central European Journal of Communication 8(1:14):112-131.

Loveless, Matthew. 2013. The Deterioration of Democratic Political Culture: Consequences of the Perception of Inequality” Social Justice Research 26(4): 471-491. DOI: 10.1007/s11211-013-0198-7

Whitefield, Stephen and Matthew Loveless. 2013. “Social Inequality and Assessments of Democracy and the Market: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe” Europe-Asia Studies 65(1): 26-44. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2012.734588

Loveless, Matthew and Stephen Whitefield. 2011. “Being Unequal and Seeing Inequality: Explaining the Political Significance of Social Inequality in New Market Democracies" European Journal of Political Research 50:239-266. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.2010.01929.x

Loveless, Matthew. 2010. “Understanding Media Socialization in Democratizing Countries: Mobilization and Malaise in Central and Eastern Europe” Comparative Politics 42(4): 457-474. DOI: 10.5129/001041510X12911363510114

Rohrschneider, Robert and Matthew Loveless. 2010. “Macro-Salience: How Economic and Political Contexts Mediate Popular Evaluations of the Democracy Deficit in the European Union” Journal of Politics 72(4):1029-45. DOI: 10.1017/s0022381610000514

Loveless, Matthew. 2010. “Agreeing in Principle: Perceptions of Social Inequality and Support for the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe” Journal of Common Market Studies 48(4): 1085-1108. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-5965.2010.02088.x

Loveless, Matthew. 2009. “The Theory of International Media Diffusion: Political Socialization and International Media in Transitional Democracies” Studies in Comparative International Development 44(2): 118-36. DOI: 10.1007/s12116-009-9041-4

Loveless, Matthew. 2008. “Media Dependency: Mass Media as Sources of Information in Democratizing Countries” Democratization 15(1):162-183. DOI: 10.1080/13510340701770030

Whitefield, S., M. A. Vachudova, M. Steenbergen, R. Rohrschneider, G. Marks, M. Loveless, and L. Hooghe. 2006. “Do Expert Surveys Produce Consistent Estimates of Party Stances on European Integration? Comparing Expert Surveys in the Difficult Case of Central and Eastern Europe” Electoral Studies 26(1):50-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2006.04.006

Invited Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jebril, Nael and Matthew Loveless. 2017. “Media audiences and media consumption during political transitions: The case of Egypt” Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture 8(2-3): 151-68.

Binelli, Chiara and Matthew Loveless. 2013. “Looking at Inequality” Economic Review 30(4): 12-15.

Jebril, Nael, Václav Štětka, and Matthew Loveless. 2013. What is known about the Role of Mass Media in Transitions to Democracy? Reuters Institute; University of Oxford (UK).

Loveless, Matthew and Robert Rohrschneider, 2011. “Public Perceptions of the EU as a System of Governance”, Living Reviews in European Governance 3(1).

Book Chapters

Loveless, Matthew. 2016. “How Individuals’ Perceptions of Inequality May Affect Their Perceptions of Corruption: A Challenge to New Democracies” in John A. Bishop and Juan Gabriel Rodríguez (eds.) Inequality after the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth ECINEQ Meeting: Research on Economic Inequality Series (Volume 24). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, London. pp.247-270.

Loveless, Matthew. 2012. “Civic Resources for European Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe” in V. Kaina and I. P. Karolewski (eds.) Europe’s Blues and Europe’s Future: Civic Resources for a European Union in Trouble. Routledge, London. pp. 105-124.

Whitefield, Stephen, Matthew Loveless, and Chiara Binelli. 2012. “Social Inequality: Its Character, How it is Perceived, and the Implications of its Perception for Social and Political Stability” in I.I. Eliseeva et al. (eds.), Социальное неравенство. [Social Inequality in Post-socialist Countries], Nestor Historia: Moscow. pp. 15-32.

Rohrschneider, Robert and Matthew Loveless. 2007 “The Democracy Deficit and the Enlarged European Union” in M. Marsh, S. Mikhaylov and H. Schmitt (eds.) European Elections after Eastern Enlargement: Preliminary Results from the European Election Study 2004. The CONNEX Report Series No 1. Mannheim: Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Germany. pp. 527-559.

Loveless, Matthew and Robert Rohrschneider. 2006. “Attitudes toward European Integration and NATO in Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ukraine” in Public Opinion, Party Competition and the European Union in Post-Communist Europe. R. Rohrschneider and S. Whitefield (eds.). Palgrave. London. pp. 203-216.

Loveless, Matthew. 2004. “Public Opinion Surveys in Hungary” in Public Opinion and Polling around the World. John Geer (ed.). ABC-CLIO. California. pp. 602-610.