Foto del docente

Paul Matthew Loveless

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science


Interview by Agenzia Di Stampa Giovanile [Youth Press Agency] with Matthew Loveless

The Far-Right in the EU and the Future of Democracy [in italian]

Published on: July 03 2024

Once again for those in the back: Perceptions Are Everything! (another publication)

Loveless, Matthew. Forthcoming. "Perceptions are Everything: Individuals’ Normative Attitudes toward Inequality and Political Participation in Europe" Acta Politica DOI: 10.1057/s41269-024-00350-w    

Published on: June 20 2024

A Pro-EU Backdraft! New publication in West European Politics

Carrieri, Luca, Nicolò Conti, and Matthew Loveless. forthcoming. “EU Issue Voting in European Member States: The Return of the Pro-EU Stance and Pro-EU Voter” West European Politics      

Published on: June 20 2024

SAGE webinar for Political Analysis

I did a webinar on my new statistics textbook: Political Analysis. Check it out (if you need 1 hour of statistics pedagogy in your life).

Published on: September 07 2023

Top Cited Article in JCMS (again!)

With expert co-authors, we managed to maintain a second year of Top Cited Article for the journal the Journal of Common Market Studies.  Here: The Looming Refugee Crisis in the EU: Right-Wing Party Competition and Strategic Positioning

Published on: February 22 2023

A new textbook on Stats

Loveless, Matthew 2023. Political Analysis: A Guide to Data and Statistics. 1st edition. Sage. Check out my new textbook on stats, soon to be available in the library at DSPS!  

Published on: February 01 2023

The effects of early elections on satisfaction with democracy

Edward Morgan-Jones and M. Loveless: ‘The effects of early elections on satisfaction with democracy’ The Constitution Unit blog, 17 Dec 2021 here

Published on: December 20 2021

Satisfaction with Democracy

Satisfaction with democracy goes down when Presidents and PM's call early elections! Check it out!  

Published on: October 25 2021

When You Win, Nothing Hurts: The Durability of Electoral Salience on Individuals’ Satisfaction with Democracy

Loveless, Mathew. 2020. “When You Win, Nothing Hurts: The Durability of Electoral Salience on Individuals’ Satisfaction with Democracy” Political Studies 10.1177/0032321720910356 

Published on: March 02 2020