Foto del docente

Patrizia Rampinelli

Adjunct professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Curriculum vitae

Name : Patrizia RAMPINELLI

Graduated in Pharmacy in 1993 – Final dissertation: “Sanctions for Holding or Selling Expired Medicinal Products" with personal assessment of the efficacy of the legal measures in force.

National Pharmacy Examination :  2nd session 1993.

Enrolment in Italian Pharmacists' Association , Province of Bologna branch: 1st February 1994.

Collaboration since graduation with Prof. Maurizio Cini. I have played a major role in the execution of contracts stipulated between the University and several professional pharmacist associations, especially UTIFAR, the Italian Pharmacists' Technical Union, headquartered in Milan. 

Post-graduate Diploma in Pharmacoeconomics, academic year 1997/1998, Faculty of Pharmacy, Rome University La Sapienza. 

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (XIV cycle): 2002 from University of Bologna. Doctorate thesis: “Europe Patent Law for Medicinal Products"; my research and final paper also compared the relevant EU and US regulations.

Post-Doctorate Diploma in Socioeconomics and Statutory and Patent Laws for Pharmaceuticals at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bologna University: June 2002 – May 2004, as part of a research project on regulatory and patent issues of medicinal products.           

Masters Degree in Pharmaceutical Technology and the Regulatory Framework – The Pharmaceutical Patent, Academic Year 2006/2007 - Faculty of Pharmacy, Parma University.

Post-graduate Course in Intellectual Property and Patents given by Prof Luigi Carlo Ubertazzi, Academic Year 2007-2008, Pavia University.

Contract Lecturer from Academic Year 2003/2004 in Socioeconomics and Pharmaceutical Patents, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Bologna University.


During these years I have pursued my interest in Socioeconomics and Pharmaceutical Patent Law, presenting papers at conferences, helping to draft a teaching book, and attending courses, meetings and seminars held by Italian and non-Italian sector experts. These include: 2002 - Conference Healthcare Systems and Healthcare as a Project" – First Conference on Generic Drugs, Bologna. 2006 - Seminar: “Patent Protection in the University Setting - Knowledge Transfer Office – Bologna University. 2006 - Seminar: “Patent information Awareness Day”, Bologna University. 2008 - Seminar: “Intellectual Property: future scenarios, Academy of Science, Bologna University. 2011 - Seminar: ”, Generics: putting together the puzzle, Milan University. 2011 - Seminar: "Progetto di ricerca, From Libraries and Archives to Dissemination within Universities: copyright in studies, research and teaching, Law Faculty, Bologna University. 2012 - Annual Conference on European Pharmaceutical Law, Academy of European Law, Brussels. 2013 - EPO Patent Information Conference, European Patents Office, Bologna. 2013 - Seminar on Patent Information and Update, Ministry for Economic Development, Department for Companies and Internationalisation (UIBM), Bologna. 2013 - Workshop UIBM/EPO: “Patenting Procedures in the Field of Pharmaceuticals”, Ministry for Economic Development, Italian Patents and Brands Office, Rome. 2014 - Seminar: "Spin-off & Innovation: the value of ideas, Alma Mater Studiorum (Almacube), Bologna University. 2014 - Seminar: "WIPO Services and Initiatives", World Organization of Intellectual Property in collaboration with the Italian Patents and Brands Office, Rome. 2014 - Workshop DGLC/UIBM - EPO: "Raising awareness on the European and international patent system", Rome. Annual Conference on European Pharmaceutical Law 2015 - Accademy of European Law - Brussels. 2015 Università di Bologna, partecipazione al seminario "Alimenti e Farmaci: aspetti forensi e implicazioni sulla salute" del Master universitario di II livello: Analisi Chimiche e chimico-tossicologiche forensi. Università di Parma 30.10.2015 partecipazione all'evento formativo "L'Europa e le imprese innovative: Sviluppi europei nel diritto dell'innovazione tecnologica". European Patent Academy 10.11.2015 Milano: PCT Seminar (Reference PS10-2015).Training Course: Pharmaceutical Legislation Update - NSF Health Sciences in collaborazione con AFI, Milan 7 novembre 2017.

Areas of Academic Interest:

·      EU and international regulations governing medicinal products;

·      European law and industrial strategies to fight counterfeiting;

·      International treaties and agreements on the legal protection of pharmaceutical and biotechnological inventions (Trips, EPC, WIPO, etc.);

·      Evergreening strategies for pharmaceutical patents;

·      EU first-to-file and US inventor-first-to-file,

·      Period of grace, or lack of it, in delays in scientific publication;

·      Stem cell patentability according to the Enlarged Board of Appeal (EPO) – access to the European Court of Justice (case law: Warf, O. Brustle);

External Collaborations:

As of July 2014: contract with the Italian Patents Society (SIB), Rome, to develop internships to encourage semi-experimental pharmaceutical research theses.


From 2003 to date I have been a contract lecturer in Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics and Patent Law at the Faculties of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, providing essential insights into a highly important sector, with particular relevance to the labor market. 

Since 2004 I have been a member of the Technology and Pharmaceutical Legislation examining board for the Pharmacy and Medicinal Herbs degree courses.

Since 2004 I have acted as tutor in Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation teaching workshops of the Pharmacy degree course, and updating courseware.

2006/2007: tutor for the Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics and Patent Law workshop of the Pharmacy degree course of Rimini Department of Bologna University.

2008: lecturer on Regulations governing the Pharmaceutical Service on CME (Continuous Medical Education) courses.

2008/2009: contract lecturer for Masters course: “Legal regulations binding medical sales representatives”, Pharmacy Faculty, Bologna University.

2010/2011: contract lecturers for the 1st degree level module: “Statutory norms in Pharmaceutics”, part of the Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences course of Bologna University's Pharmacy Faculty.

2013/2014: contract lecturer for the Masters course: “Regulations governing Industrial Production” in the Plesso Vespignani Environmental Toxicology Degree course, Bologna University. 

Rapporteur of numerous semi-experimental and research theses dealing with regulations, socioeconomics and patents in pharmaceutics.

These include:

2009/2010 (II session): “Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceutical Products destined for Developing Countries"

2011/2012 (II session): “Directive 2011/62/EU: provisions regarding counterfeited medicinal products. EFPIA pilot project to code and identify medicinal products”

2011/2012 (II Session): "Economic policies to spur innovation: EU pharmaceutical patent strategies"

2011/2012 (III Session): “Comparing Healthcare Services of EU Countries"

2012/2013 (III Session): "Parallel Trade in the European Pharmaceutical Market"

2012/2013 (III Session): "Access to Medicines in Underdeveloped Countries"

2013/2014 (I Session):  "Patentabiity of Human Embryo Stem Cells"

2002/2003 (II Session): “Pharmacovigilance: regulatory requirements and pharmacists' liabilities"

2002/2003 (III Session): “European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products: organization and centralized authorization procedure"

2002/2003 (III Session): Applying the Regulations governing the Diligent Preparation of Medicinal Products"

2003/2004 (III Session): “Medicinal products and Anti-doping Legislation"

2003/2004 (III Session): “Exemption of Galenic Preparations in Medicinal Product Patent Protection"

2004/2005 (I Session): “ Protection Certificates for Medicinal Products – Aligning EU Provisions and Adjustments within Pharmaceutical Industry"

2004/2005 (II Session): “ Setting Medicinal Product Prices – Regulatory Developments and their Socio-economic Implications"

2005/2006 (I Session): “ Prescription-less Dispensing of Medicinal Products in European Countries: the advisability of out-of-pharmacy distribution in light of recent market liberalization proposals"

2006/2007 (II Session): Patent EPO169672 – The Onco-Mouse Case  – Statutory norms and international case-law"

2008/2009 (II Session): “Finding the Right Way to Replace “Branded” Medicinal Products with Generics"

2008/2009 (II Session): “ Homeopathy: history and current regulations"

2010/2011 (III Session):  " E-commerce of Medicinal Products"

2012/2013 (I Session): The Evolution of European Strategy to Combat Counterfeited Medicinal Products".