Foto del docente

Paolo Zambonelli

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-09/A Livestock Systems, Animal Breeding and Genetics

Curriculum vitae

Education and qualifications

1980-85: Undergraduate studies in Agriculture. 07/1985 Diploma with 56/60.

1985-90: Four years course of degree in Animal Production Sciences (Faculty of Agriculture - Bologna University).

06/1990: Graduate with an experimental thesis: “Analisi del DNA in animali in produzione zootecnica” (DNA analysis in farm animals) with 110/110 and honours.

11/1990-10/1993: Postgraduate level (PhD) studentship in Animal Production.

03-08/1992: six months spent at Department of Biochemistry, Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, Oslo. My work concerned the localization and characterization of porcine genomic cosmid clones containing minisatellites.

06/1994: PhD degree examination: dissertation of an experimental thesis entitled “Individuazione di marcatori genetici a livello del DNA, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) nel suino” (“Detection of DNA based genetic markers, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) in pig”).

01/1994-07/1995: grant from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italian NRC). The scientific work was done at the Institute of Allevamenti Zootecnici (Faculty of Agriculture - Bologna University) and was aimed to the identification of RFLPs in porcine genome by means of the Southern technique.

07/1995: permanent position as researcher at the Institute of Allevamenti Zootecnici (Faculty of Agriculture - Bologna University), changed in Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agro-alimentare (DIPROVAL), Sezione di Allevamenti Zootecnici and presently (since october 2012) changed again in Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari (DISTAL).

In the year 2007 (from September, 17 to October, 26) he spent a research period at the Laboratoire de Génétique Cellulaire dell’INRA, Toulouse (France) where he performed a research work aimed to compare the information derived from microsatellites and SNPs for the genetic differences existing between Italian local and international pig breeds. This research period was carried out within the COST action 861.

06/2022: permanent position as Associate Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari (DISTAL), Settore concorsuale 07/G1, Settore scientifico disciplinare AGR/17.

Research activities

The research activity was and is included in several research project funded both by Italian institutions (PRIN, RFO, CNR-RAISA, FIRB, SelMol) and by the European Commission.

Member of the research unit of several Italian-funded research project:

1991-1993 Ricerche Avanzate per Innovazioni nel Sistema Agricolo - RAISA Sottoprogetto 3 Agrobiotecnologie nella produzione animale – Area problema 3.1 Biotecnologie innovative per il miglioramento degli animali in produzione zootecnica - Tematica 3.1.2 Manipolazione genetica - UR: polimorfismo genetico e qualità delle produzioni zootecniche.

1997-1998 Polimorfismi di geni di proteine muscolari e qualità della carne suina.

1997-1999 Identificazione e utilizzazione di geni che influenzano la variabilità delle caratteristiche di interesse economico negli animali domestici. UR: Ricerca di marcatori genetici che influiscono sulla produzione e sulla qualità della carne suina (prot. 9707247552)

1999-2000 Ricerca di marcatori genetici negli animali domestici ai fini del miglioramento quantitativo, qualitativo e igienico-sanitario delle produzioni zootecniche / Search for genetic markers useful for improvement of livestock production – UR: Ricerca di marcatori di geni responsabili di caratteristiche qualitative della carne suina / Identification of markers in genes influencing pork meat quality traits (prot. 9907383281).

2000-2001 Analisi del DNA nel suino per la ricerca di geni responsabili di alcuni difetti del prosciutto crudo stagionato.

2001-2002 Studio della variabilità strutturale e funzionale di geni candidati per il miglioramento di caratteristiche qualitative delle produzioni zootecniche – UR: identificazione e studio di geni candidati per il potenziale glicolitico del muscolo e per il miglioramento della qualità della carne suina / Identification and study of candidate genes for muscle glycolytic potential to improve meat quality in pig (prot. 2001078783).

2001-2002 Ricerca delle basi genetiche molecolari della produzione di carne suina.

2002-2003 Analisi della struttura, studio dell'espressione, mappaggio e ricerca di mutazioni in geni candidati per la capacità di ritenzione idrica della carne nel suino.

2002-2005 Fondo Incentivante per la Ricerca di Base – FIRB - Identificazione e analisi dell'espressione dei geni nel suino per lo studio e il miglioramento della produzione e della qualità della carne / Analysis of gene expression profiles in pig to identify candidate genes useful for the improvement of meat quality and production (RBNE01MMHS)

2003-2004 Analisi strutturale e funzionale dei geni che controllano la produzione di grasso negli animali di interesse zootecnico. - UR: Studio di geni candidati per l'adiposità della carcassa nel suino. / Study of candidate genes for carcass fatness in pigs. (prot. 2003074412_004).

2003-2004 Analisi dell'espressione differenziale per la ricerca di geni candidati per l'adiposità nel suino.

2004-2005 Caratterizzazione del Cavallo del Ventasso tramite l'analisi del DNA mitocondriale.

2005-2006 Funding of Fondazione Manodori di Reggio Emilia - Caratterizzazione genetica del Cavallo del Ventasso.

2005-2006 Funding from Provincia di Reggio Emilia, research project “Caratterizzazione genetica del Cavallo del Ventasso”.

2005-2006 Analisi della relazione genetica tra alcune razze asinine autoctone italiane.

2006-2007 and 2007-2008 Studio della diversità genetica esistente nelle specie animali di interesse zootecnico, in particolare nelle razze equine, asinine, bovine e suine utilizzando marcatori microsatelliti e polimorfismi del DNA mitocondriale.

2007-2009 Studio di espressione di geni che regolano la produzione di grasso per il miglioramento della qualità della carcassa e della carne suina. / Expression study of genes regulating fat deposition for the genetic improvement of carcass and meat quality in pigs.

2007-2010 Research project “SelMol Ricerca e innovazione nelle attività di miglioramento genetico animale mediante tecniche di genetica molecolare per la competitività del sistema zootecnico nazionale”.

2011-2014: Research project “Ricerca e INNOVAzione nelle attività di miglioramento GENetico animale mediante tecniche di genetica molecolare per la competitività del sistema zootecnico nazionale, INNOVAGEN”.

2011-2015: Research project “Advanced research in genomics and processing technologies for the Italian heavy pig production chain, HEPIGET”, AGER pig chain ( (grant n° 2011/0279).

PRIN 2015: Genetic and genomic approaches to improve quality of fatty acid composition in pig meat for healthier fresh and seasoned pig products. (prot. 201549TZX8).

2016-2019: Research project “Innovare la filiera suina mediante la valorizzazione di sottoprodotti vegetali e l’impiego di avanzate tecnologie “omiche” e di processo, per la produzione sostenibile di carne e salumi ad impatto positivo sulla salute” Green Charcuterie. Progetto finanziato da POR-FESR Emilia Romagna 2014/2020. N. prot. 730542.

2016-2019 ProSuIT - Tecnologia (T) a favore (Pro) della suinicoltura italiana (Su-I). Identification of the most suitable tights to be used for the production of PDO dry-cured hams using genomic and technological innovative tools. The aims are: to increase the quality of dry-cured hams, to increase the nutritional aspects by reducing the salt content, and to assess the content of bioactive peptides on seasoned hams.

RFO projects of Bologna University: 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-13, 2014, 2015-2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.

Scientific director

2017-2020 PQ-Inn – Pork Quality Innovation - Pilot project to evaluate quality parameters of meat of heavy pigs used for the production of PDO dry-cured hams by using innovative genomic and process technologies.

Member of the Italian group collaborating to the EC funded research projects:

1991-1993 “The pig gene mapping project (PiGMaP)” (BIOT-0187-C(EDB))

1994-1996 "The pig gene mapping project 2 (PiGMaP) - Identifying trait genes in the pig" (BIO2-CT94-3044)

1997-1999 program INCO-COPERNICUS “Identification and mapping of candidate genes for carcass and meat quality traits in pig” (ERBIC15-CT96-0902)

1998-2000 “Identification of genes controlling economic traits in pig - GENETPIG” (BIO4-CT98-0237)

2001-2006 “Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Milk Production: Mapping and Utilization for Marker Assisted Selection in Dairy and Dual-Purpose Cattle - BovMAS” (QLK5-CT-2001-02379)

2011-2015: “EXCELMEAT: an international research network for the genetic improvement of pork meat quality and the use of biosensing technologies as a fast and effective method for meat quality evaluation” (Proposal No. 246760).

2016-2020: COST Action “Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes – European network” (FAANG-Europe) CA15112.

2023-present: COST Action “European Network on Livestock Phenomics (EU-LI-PHE)” CA22112.

My research work in pigs was focused on analysis of genetic basis of production traits using molecular genetic tools. The main approach was to study polymorphisms in genes involved in skeletal muscle or adipose tissue physiology and growth. Some of the genes analyzed were obtained by our group by a cDNA library we prepared from porcine skeletal muscle or by differential display analysis. In particular I have been involved in researches aimed to study genetic markers and their association with qualitative and quantitative traits of pig carcass and meat in order to improve the quality of the typical Italian products such as the dry cured Parma ham. For single genes of particular interest expression profile studies were applied by quantitative Real-Time PCR. During the last years my research activity was aimed to use high throughput technologies to analyze the porcine genome. I participated to researches where large set of SNPs were used to perform chromosome-wide analysis (by using a low coverage panel developed by myself to search for meat quality traits) or genome wide analyses (by using the Illumina Porcine 60k BeadChip to search for genomic regions involved in the analysis of the phenotypic variability of carcass traits). Furthermore, I participated to the organization and to the exploitment of a functional genomic experiment currently ongoing aimed to establish the transcriptional profile of fat adipose tissue for bot messenger RNAs (coding genes) and short noncoding RNAs like miRNAs and moRNAs.

The aim of this research is an improved comprehension of the physiological mechanisms of livestock production: growth, meat and fat quantity and quality, pig carcass quality, all involved in the improvement of typical salami such as Parma dry-cured ham and other Italian typical salami.

The analysis of transcripts using microarray technology was performed to analyze differentially expressed genes in the broiler showing normal and altered (myopathies wooden breast and white striping) phenotype of pectoralis major muscle. This study allowed us to identify biological mechanisms regulated on the animals showing the myopathies suggesting potential mechanisms related to the myopathy onset.

As the dairy cow concerns my research activity was directed on search QTLs for the increase of milk production and milk protein percent because these traits are directly implicated in determining the quality of some typical Italian cheeses, first of all the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Since several years I am involved in researches aimed to characterize genetically Italian native pig breeds and cosmopolite pig breeds to determine the genetic distances among them utilizing RFLPs and, more recently, SNPs. In the last years I expanded my researches in characterizing horse and donkey Italian breeds using microsatellites and sequence differences of the mitochondrial DNA.


Academic year 2003-4: Teaching engagement at the Faculty of Agriculture of Bologna University for the course “Approvvigionamenti annonari, mercati e industrie dei prodotti zootecnici”, SSD AGR/19, 50 hours of teaching activity.

Academic year 2003-4: Teaching engagement at the Faculty of Agriculture of Bologna University for the course “Organic livestock production”, SSD AGR/19, 3 CFU.

Academic years from 2007-8 to 2009-10: Teaching engagement at the Faculty of Veterinary of Bologna University for the course “Dairy production”, SSD AGR/19, 4 CFU the first two years, 6 CFU the last year.

Academic years from 2008-9 to 2013-14: Teaching engagement at the Faculty of Agriculture of Bologna University for the course “Genomics biotechnologies applied to the quality improvement of animal foods”, SSD AGR/17, 4 CFU.

Academic years from 2012-13 to 2013-14: Teaching engagement for the course “Animal biodiversity and fauna management”, SSD AGR/20, 3CFU.

Academic year 2013-14: Teaching engagement for the course “Transcriptomic and bioinformatics”, SSD AGR/17, 3CFU.

Since Academic year 2021-2022: Teaching engagement for the course “Methods of Molecular Genetics for the Improvement of Livestock Production”, SSD AGR/17, 3CFU.

Since Academic year 2022-2023: Teaching engagement for the course “Zootecnica”, Modulo 1, SSD AGR/17, 3CFU.

Since Academic year 2022-2023: Teaching engagement for the course “Controllo della Fauna Selvatica”, SSD AGR/19, 3CFU.

Since Academic year 2022-2023: Teaching engagement for the course “Biotecnologie della produzione animale”, Modulo 1, SSD AGR/17, 3CFU.


Title: Studio di polimorfismi a singolo nucleotide in geni espressi in modo differenziale nel muscolo Longissimus thoracis di suino, in una prova di nutrigenomica

Student: Maria Chiara Fabbri

Co-relator: Martina Zappaterra

Degree: 8522 – Biotecnologie Animali

Training activity: 72709 – Applicazioni di genomica avanzata nelle produzioni animali

Date: 18/12/2017

Title: Methodological approach for functional and network analysis of RNA-seq data applied to a swine nutrigenomic study

Student: Giulia Giannini

Co-relator: Marika Vitali, Rubina Sirri

Degree: 8522 – Biotecnologie Animali

Training activity: 72709 – Applicazioni di genomica avanzata nelle produzioni animali

Date: 26/03/2018

Title: Applicazioni dell’analisi di espressione genica Real-Time ad uno studio di nutrigenomica effettuato con suini di razza Large White Italiana

Student: Assunta Palatano

Co-relator: Martina Zappaterra, Marika Vitali, Rubina Sirri

Degree: 8522 – Biotecnologie Animali

Training activity: 72709 – Applicazioni di genomica avanzata nelle produzioni animali

Date: 09/07/2018

Other activities

I was involved as independent expert evaluator of researches projects funded by EC for the animal production area within FP IV and FP V Key Action 5.

I am a member of Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali (ASPA – Animal Science and Production Association) and ISAG (International Society of Animal Genetics).


  1. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Bigi D., Farnetti E., Russo V. (1993) A BglII polymorphism at the porcine γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) locus. Animal Genetics 24:217. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1993.tb00291.x
  2. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Farnetti E., Russo V. (1994) A HincII polymorphism at the porcine γ -glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) locus. Animal Genetics 25:57. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1994.tb00064.x
  3. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Dall'Olio S., Russo V. (1994) A MspI polymorphism at the porcine γ -glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) locus. Animal Genetics 25:66. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1994.tb00077.x
  4. Fontanesi L., Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Russo V. (1994) HincII and PstI reveal polymorphisms at the porcine orosomucoid (ORM) locus. Animal Genetics 25:369. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1994.tb00382.x
  5. Russo V., Davoli R., Nicoli D., Zambonelli P. (1995) BglII and HincII detect polymorphisms at porcine GPI locus. Animal Genetics 26:207-208. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1995.tb03173.x
  6. Dall'Olio S., Davoli R., Costosi E., Zambonelli P., Russo V. (1995) A BglII polymorphism at the porcine transferrin (TF) locus. Animal Genetics 26:211-212. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1995.tb03178.x
  7. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Fontanesi L., Costosi E., Russo V. (1995) A BglII RFLP at the porcine calpastatin (CAST) locus. Animal Genetics 26:373. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1995.tb02685.x
  8. Davoli R., Fontanesi L., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Farnetti E. (1995) A PstI RFLP at the porcine β-myosin heavy chain (MYHCB) locus. Animal Genetics 26:374. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1995.tb02686.x
  9. Davoli R., Russo V., Zambonelli P., Fontanesi L., Dall'Olio S., Coscelli M.B., Bigi D., Costosi E. (1995) Marcatori del DNA per l'analisi della variabilità genetica in alcune razze suine. Atti 3rd International Symposium on Mediterranean Pig. Benevento, Italy, November 30th - December 2nd 1995. 17. Produzione Animale 9, III Serie, Numero Speciale, 45-48.
  10. Davoli R., Nicoli D., Zambonelli P., Russo V. (1996) VNTR at porcine GPI locus. Animal Genetics 27:290-292. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.1996.tb00501.x
  11. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Fontanesi L., Bigi D., Dall’Olio S., Coscelli M.B., Costosi E., Farnetti E., Cavuto S., Russo V. (1996) Utilizzazione di marcatori a livello del DNA per l’analisi di variabilità genetica nelle razze suine. Zootecnica e Nutrizione Animale 22:367-378.
  12. Russo V., Davoli R., Zambonelli P. (1996) Nuove prospettive delle biotecnologie in zootecnia. L’informatore Agrario 52 (48):33-38.
  13. Davoli R., Fontanesi L, Costosi E., Zambonelli P., Russo V. (1997) Isolation and sequencing of porcine fast skeletal muscle alkali myosin light chain 3 cDNA. Animal Biotechnology 8 (2):179-185. DOI: 10.1080/10495399709525880
  14. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Fontanesi L., Russo V. (1998) Isolation and mapping of two porcine skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms. Animal Genetics 29:91-97. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2052.1998.00275.x
  15. Zylstra C., Davoli R., Fontanesi L., Zambonelli P., Bosma A.A., Russo V. (1998) Isolation and localization of the skeletal myosin heavy chain 2X gene on pig Chromosome 12q1.4-q1.5. Mammalian Genome 9:412-413. DOI: 10.1007/s003359900785
  16. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Zijlstra C., Bosma A.A., Russo V. (1998) Assignment of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) to porcine chromosome band 14q2.1 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 82:202-203. DOI:10.1159/000015100
  17. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Fontanesi L., Russo V. (1999) Analysis of expressed sequence tags of porcine skeletal muscle. Gene 233:181-188. doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(99)00141-9
  18. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Russo V., Musilová P., Stratil A., Rubeš J., Čepica S. (2000) Assignment of the troponin C2 fast gene (TNNC2) to porcine chromosome bands 17q2.1-q2.2 by in situ hybridization. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 89:162-163. DOI: 10.1159/000015603
  19. Davoli R., Bigi D., Fontanesi L., Zambonelli P., Yerle M., Zijlstra C., Bosma A.A., Robic A., Russo V. (2000) Mapping of 14 expressed sequences tags (ESTs) from porcine skeletal muscle by somatic cell hybrid analysis. Animal Genetics 31:400-403. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2052.2000.00687.x
  20. Zambonelli P., Milc J., Davoli R., Russo V., Kubíčková S., Rubeš J., Čepica S. (2001) The porcine ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 1 (ATP2B1) gene maps to chromosome band 5q23. Animal Genetics 32:43. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2001.0647c.pp.x
  21. Davoli R., Fontanesi L., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Gellin J., Yerle M., Milc J., Braglia S., Cenci V., Cagnazzo M., Russo V. (2002) Isolation of porcine expressed sequence tags for the construction of a first genomic transcript map of the skeletal muscle in pig. Animal Genetics 33:3-18. (Erratum in Animal Genetics 33:168) DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2052.2002.00800.x
  22. Stratil A., Reiner G., Peelman L.J., Davoli R., Van Poucke M., Zambonelli P., Geldermann H. (2002) An Alw26I PCR-RFLP in exon 1 of the porcine SKI oncogene and mapping the gene to the CRC (RYR1) linkage group on chromosome 6. Animal Genetics 33:377-379. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2052.2002.00896_1.x
  23. Karsenty E., Barillot E., Tosser-Klopp G., Lahbib-Mansais Y., Hatey F., Cirera S., Fredholm M., Chowdhary B., Jørgensen C.B., Sawera M., Wimmers K., Ponsuksili S., Davoli R., Fontanesi L., Braglia S., Zambonelli P., Bigi D., Neuenschwander S., Gellin J. (2002) Genetpig: Mapping porcine and human EST onto the pig genome. Nucleic Acids Research 31:138-141. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkg061
  24. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Fontanesi L., Cagnazzo M., Bigi D., Russo V., Milan D. (2003) Radiation hybrid mapping of three skeletal muscle genes (CKM, ECH1, and TNNT1) to porcine chromosome 6. Animal Genetics 34:302-303. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2052.2003.01017.x
  25. Yue G., Stratil A., Kopecny M., Schroffelova D., Schroffel Jr J., Hojny J., Cepica S., Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Brunsch C., Sternstein I., Moser G., Bartenschlager H., Reiner G., Geldermann H. (2003) Linkage and QTL mapping for Sus scrofa chromosome 6. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 120 (Suppl. 1):45–55. DOI: 10.1046/j.0931-2668.2003.00423.x
  26. Zambonelli P., Bigi D. (2006) Mora Romagnola, le attuali esperienze sono positive. Atti del Convegno: Le razze autoctone suine, storia, situazione attuale e prospettive future” Guastalla (RE) 24 settembre 2005. Rivista di Suinicoltura 47(1):64-68.
  27. Bigi D., Zambonelli P. (2007) Parmigiano reggiano di razze autoctone. L’Informatore Zootecnico. LIV(6):54-57.
  28. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., San-Cristobal M., Scotti E., Fontanesi L., Colombo M., Dall’Olio S., Braglia S., Russo V. (2008). SNPs and microsatellite markers for genetic diversity study in Italian pig breeds. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig. October 11-13, 2007. Messina - Capo d’Orlando (ME), Italy. A cura di Nanni Costa, Leonardo e Zambonelli, Paolo e Russo, Vincenzo. ISSN: 2035-4088. pp. 46-53.
  29. Dall’Olio S., Davoli R., Buttazzoni L., Zambonelli P., Russo V. (2009) Study of porcine adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene and association of a missense mutation with EBVs for production and carcass traits in Italian Duroc heavy pigs. Livestock Science. 125:101-104. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2009.03.003
  30. Davoli R., Gandolfi G., Braglia S., Comella M., Zambonelli P., Buttazzoni L., Russo V. (2011) New SNP of the porcine Perilipin 2 (PLIN2) gene, association with carcass traits and expression analysis in skeletal muscle. Molecular Biology Report 38:1575-83. DOI: 10.1007/s11033-010-0266-0
  31. Gandolfi G., Mazzoni M., Zambonelli P., Lalatta-Costerbosa G., Tronca A., Russo V., Davoli R. (2011) Perilipin 1 and perilipin 2 protein localization and gene expression study in skeletal muscles of European cross-breed pigs with different intramuscular fat contents. Meat Science 88:631-7. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2011.02.020
  32. Davoli R., Zambonelli P., Braglia S. (2012). Functional genomics to improve meat quality in pigs. In: AUTORI VARI. OMICS Technologies tools for food science. Boca Raton (FL):CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 283-312. ISBN: 978-1-4398-3706-1
  33. Davoli R., Braglia S., Valastro V., Annarratone C., Comella M., Zambonelli P., Nisi I., Gallo M., Buttazzoni L., Russo V. (2012) Analysis of MC4R Polymorphism in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc Pigs: Association with Carcass Traits. Meat Science 90:887–892. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2011.11.025
  34. Russo V., Fontanesi L., Dolezal M., Lipkin E., Scotti E., Zambonelli P., Dall’Olio S., Bigi D., Davoli R., Canavesi F., Medugorac I., Föster M., Sölkner J., Schiavini F., Bagnato A., Soller M. (2012). A whole genome scan for QTL affecting milk protein percentage in Italian Holstein cattle applying selective milk DNA pooling and multiple-marker mapping in a daughter design. Animal Genetics 43(Suppl.1):72-86. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2012.02353.x
  35. Gandolfi G., Zambonelli P., Braglia S., Speroni C., Zappavigna A., Russo V., Gallo M., Buttazzoni L., Davoli R. (2012) Polymorphisms and haplotypes of calpastatin gene are associated with performance and carcass traits in Italian Large White pigs. Livestock Science 147:77-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2012.04.005
  36. Colli L., Perrotta G., Negrini R., Bomba L., Bigi D., Zambonelli P., Verini Supplizi A., Liotta L., Ajmone-Marsan P. (2013) Detecting Population Structure and Recent Demographic History in Endangered Livestock Breeds: The Case of the Italian Autochthonous Donkeys. Animal Genetics 44:69-78. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2012.02356.x
  37. Cepica S., Zambonelli P., Weisz F., Bigi M., Knoll A., Vykoukalová Z., Masopust M., Gallo M., Buttazzoni L., Davoli R. (2013) Association mapping of quantitative trait loci for carcass and meat quality traits at the central part of chromosome 2 in Italian Large White pigs. Meat Sci. 95:368-75. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2013.05.002
  38. Zambonelli P., Davoli R., Bigi M., Braglia S., De Paolis L.F., Buttazzoni L., Gallo M., Russo V. (2013) SNPs detection in DHPS-WDR83 overlapping genes mapping on porcine chromosome 2 in a QTL region for meat pH. BMC Genet. 14(1):99. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2156-14-99
  39. Braglia S., Davoli R., Zappavigna A., Zambonelli P., Buttazzoni L., Gallo M., Russo V. (2013) SNPs of MYPN and TTN genes are associated to meat and carcass traits in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc pigs. Molecular Biology Report. 40(12):6927-33. DOI: 10.1007/s11033-013-2812-z
  40. Braglia S., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Comella M., Dall'Olio S., Davoli, R. (2014) Analysis of g.265T>C SNP of fatty acid synthase gene and expression study in skeletal muscle and backfat tissues of Italian Large White and Italian Duroc pigs. Livestock Science. 162:15-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2014.01.014
  41. Bigi D., Perrotta G., Zambonelli, P. (2014) Genetic analysis of seven Italian horse breeds based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop variation. Animal Genetics. Aug;45(4):593-5. doi: 10.1111/age.12156
  42. Davoli R., Braglia S., Zappaterra M., Redeghieri C., Comella M., Zambonelli P. (2014) Association and expression analysis of porcine ACLY gene related to growth and carcass quality traits in Italian Large White and Italian Duroc breeds. Livestock Science. 165:1-7. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2014.04.010
  43. Gaffo E., Zambonelli P., Bisognin A., Bortoluzzi S., Davoli R. (2014) miRNome of Italian Large White pig subcutaneous fat tissue: new miRNAs, isomiRs and moRNAs. Animal Genetics. 45(5):685-98. doi: 10.1111/age.12192
  44. Zappaterra M., Braglia S., Bigi M., Zambonelli P., Davoli R. (2015) Comparison of expression levels of fourteen genes involved in the lipid and energy metabolism in two pig breeds. Livestock Science. 181:156-162. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2015.09.007
  45. Gol S., Ros-Freixedes R., Zambonelli P., Tor M., Pena R.N., Braglia S., Zappaterra M., Estany J., Davoli R. (2016) Relationship between perilipin genes polymorphisms and growth, carcass and meat quality traits in pigs. J Anim Breed Genet. 133:24-30. DOI:10.1111/jbg.12159
  46. Zambonelli P., Gaffo E., Zappaterra M., Bortoluzzi S., Davoli R. (2016) Transcriptional profiling of subcutaneous adipose tissue in Italian Large White pigs divergent for backfat thickness. Animal Genetics. 47:306-323. doi: 10.1111/age.12413
  47. Davoli R., Luise D., Mingazzini V., Zambonelli P., Braglia S., Serra M., Russo V. (2016) Genome-wide study on intramuscular fat in Italian Large White pig breed using the PorcineSNP60 BeadChip. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 133: 277-282. doi: 10.1111/jbg.12189
  48. Zappaterra M., Deserti M., Mazza R., Braglia S., Zambonelli P., Davoli R. (2016) A gene and protein expression study on four porcine genes related to intramuscular fat deposition. Meat Sci. 121:27-32. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.05.007
  49. Zambonelli P., Zappaterra M., Soglia F., Petracci M., Sirri F., Cavani C., Davoli R. (2016) Detection of differentially expressed genes in broiler pectoralis major muscle affected by White Striping – Wooden Breast myopathies. Poultry Science 95:2771-2785. Doi: 10.3382/ps/pew268
  50. Davoli R., Schivazappa C., Zambonelli P., Braglia S., Rossi A., Virgili R. (2017) Association study between single nucleotide polymorphisms in porcine genes and pork quality traits for fresh consumption and processing into Italian dry-cured ham. Meat Sci. 126:73-91. Doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.11.018
  51. Dall'Olio S., Ribani A., Moscatelli G., Zambonelli P., Gallo M., Nanni Costa L., Fontanesi L. (2018) Teat number parameters in Italian Large White pigs: Phenotypic analysis and association with vertnin (VRTN) gene allele variants. Livestock Science 210: 68-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2018.01.020
  52. Davoli R., Gaffo E., Zappaterra M., Bortoluzzi S., Zambonelli P. (2018) Identification of differentially expressed small RNAs and prediction of target genes in Italian Large White pigs with divergent backfat deposition. Animal Genetics. 49:205-214. DOI: 10.1111/age.12646
  53. Zappaterra, M., Mazzoni, M., Zambonelli, P., Davoli, R. (2018) Investigation of the Perilipin 5 gene expression and association study of its sequence polymorphism with meat and carcass quality traits in different pig breeds. Animal. 12:1135-1143. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731117002804
  54. Vitali M., Dimauro C., Sirri R., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Manca E., Sami D., Lo Fiego D.P., Davoli R. (2018) Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid and antioxidant dietary supplementations on the transcriptional level of genes involved in lipid and energy metabolism in swine. PLOS One. 3(10):e0204869. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204869.
  55. Sirri R., Vitali M., Zambonelli P., Giannini G., Zappaterra M., Lo Fiego D.P., Sami D., Davoli R. (2018) Effect of diets supplemented with linseed, vitamin E and selenium, grape skin- and oregano-extracts on Longissimus thoracis transcriptome in growing-finishing Italian Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 9:81. doi: 10.1186/s40104-018-0297-2.
  56. Vitali M., Sirri R., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Giannini G., Lo Fiego D.P., Davoli R. (2019) Functional analysis finds differences on the muscle transcriptome of pigs fed an n-3 PUFA-enriched diet with or without antioxidant supplementations. PLoS One 14(2):e0212449. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212449.
  57. Davoli R., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P. (2019) Genome-wide association study identifies markers associated with meat ultimate pH in Duroc pigs. Animal Genetics 50:154-156. doi: 10.1111/age.12757.
  58. Davoli R., Catillo G., Serra A., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Meo Zilio D., Steri R., Mele M., Buttazzoni L., Russo V. (2019) Genetic parameters of backfat fatty acids and carcass traits in Large White pigs. Animal 13:924-932. doi: 10.1017/S1751731118002082.
  59. Zappaterra M., Luise D., Zambonelli P., Mele M., Serra A., Nanni Costa L., Davoli R. (2019) Association study between backfat fatty acid composition and SNPs in candidate genes highlights the effect of FASN polymorphism in large white pigs. Meat Science 156, 75-84. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.05.013.
  60. Zappaterra M., Catillo G., Belmonte A.M., Lo Fiego D.P., Zambonelli P., Steri R., Buttazzoni L., Davoli R. (2020) Genetic parameters of muscle fatty acid profile in a purebred Large White heavy pig population. Meat Science 163,108057. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108057.
  61. Catillo G., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Buttazzoni L., Steri R., Minelli G., Davoli R. (2020) Genome-wide association study identifies quantitative trait loci regions involved in muscle acidic profile in Large White heavy pigs. Animal 14:1324-1350. doi: 10.1017/S1751731120000099.
  62. Moscatelli G., Dall'Olio S., Bovo S., Schiavo G., Kazemi H., Ribani A., Zambonelli P., Tinarelli S., Gallo M., Bertolini F., Fontanesi L. (2020) Genome-wide association studies for the number of teats and teat asymmetry patterns in Large White pigs. Animal Genetics 51:595-600. doi: 10.1111/age.12947.
  63. Zappaterra M., Gioiosa S., Chillemi G., Zambonelli P., Davoli R. (2020) Muscle transcriptome analysis identifies genes involved in ciliogenesis and the molecular cascade associated with intramuscular fat content in Large White heavy pigs. PLoS One 15:e0233372. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233372.
  64. Fabbri M.C., Zappaterra M., Davoli R., Zambonelli P. (2020) Genome-wide association study identifies markers associated with carcass and meat quality traits in Italian Large White pigs. Animal Genetics 51:950-952. doi:
  65. Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P., Schivazappa C., Simoncini N., Virgili R., Stefanon B., Davoli R. (2021) Investigating the features of PDO green hams during salting: Insights for new markers and genomic regions in commercial hybrid pigs. Animals 11:68.
  66. Zappaterra M., Gioiosa S., Chillemi G., Zambonelli P., Davoli R. (2021) Dissecting the gene expression networks associated with variations in the major components of the fatty acid semimembranosus muscle profile in large white heavy pigs. Animals 11:628.
  67. Davoli R., Vegni J., Cesarani A., Dimauro C., Zappaterra M., Zambonelli P. (2022) Identification of differentially expressed genes in early-postmortem Semimembranosus muscle of Italian Large White heavy pigs divergent for glycolytic potential. Meat Science 187, In press.
  68. Vegni J, Zappaterra M, Davoli R, Virgili R, Simoncini N, Schivazappa C, Cilloni A, Zambonelli P. (2023) Application of a non-invasive tool and identification of genetic markers in swine to enhance ham quality: a preliminary study. Animal. 17:100864. doi: 10.1016/j.animal.2023.100864.
  69. Vegni J, Sun Y, Seemann SE, Zappaterra M, Davoli R, Dall'Olio S, Gorodkin J, Zambonelli P. (2023) RNA-Seq Study on the Longissimus thoracis Muscle of Italian Large White Pigs Fed Extruded Linseed with or without Antioxidants and Polyphenols. Animals. 13:1187. doi: 10.3390/ani13071187.