Foto del docente

Paolo Tinti

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: HIST-04/C Archiving, Bibliography and Librarianship

Short Bio

Professor at the University of Bologna since 2006, he's conducting his research in the field of bibliographical sciences. Scientific interests gravitate around the history of the book and libraries in modern and contemporary age, and the cataloging of the ancient book, with particular reference to that of the first century of the press. He is currently dealing with the publishing of Humanism and Aldo Manuzio, the history of Benedictine libraries, the relationship between the book and the Jesuits before their canonical suppression. Engaged in national and international research projects, he collaborates with European universities and scientific societies. He's editor in chief of TECA, international journal on Book and Written World Culture. He's head of CERB, Research Centre in Bibliographical Studies, Bologna. From June 2023 he's the president of the Italian Library Association, Emilia-Romagna section. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 8566

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica
Via Zamboni 32, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Il ricevimento avviene il mercoledì dalle 17.00 alle 18.30 in modalità online, senza appuntamento.

In presenza si tiene, previo appuntamento, nello studio del docente, n. 23, II piano del Dipartimento FICLIT, scala A, sempre il mercoledì, 17-18.30.

Online: si svolge VIA MS-TEAMS, senza appuntamento. Per partecipare al ricevimento entra nei giorni e nelle ore di ricevimento, cliccando qui:

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