Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
INTRODUCTION - To arrange the thesis topic, the student must contact me via e-mail. Formal mutual respect in e-mail exchanges is essential for dealing among professionals.
Types of thesis
Empirical study on adult populations. The thesis requires paper-pencil or online data collection and the use of advanced inferential statistics to test research hypotheses. Example topics: work-related stress, couple relationship, psychological health and well-being, personality, emotions, etc. The teacher takes also into consideration proposals by the students.
Validation of a questionnaire. The thesis requires paper-pencil or online data collection aimed at the validation process of a questionnaire (evaluation of psychometric characteristics such as validity, reliability, etc.)
Systematic literature review. The thesis requires a systematic analysis of the empirical literature on a specific topic by using the PRISMA statement.
Thesis abroad. The thesis requires a period abroad to participate in a research or intervention project in clinical, social, or work/organizational areas, which will be described and discussed in the thesis. Teacher's contacts are in Brazil and Chile with availability to taking into consideration other organizations proposed by the student.
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- “L’ipersensibilità: uno studio sulla popolazione generale e la sua relazione con dimensioni e disturbi psicologici”
- Il Disturbo Ossessivo Compulsivo nella relazione di coppia: uno studio empirico
- Il supporto psicologico nei percorsi di procreazione medicalmente assistita: uno studio di casi
- La relazione tra il senso dell’umorismo e il benessere: gratitudine, perdono e appartenenza come mediatori
- Late-Diagnosis ADHD: uno studio osservazionale su un sotto-gruppo della popolazione adulta con Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività/Impulsività
- Strategie compensative che i pazienti adulti con Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività usano per far fronte alle sfide quotidiane: uno studio empirico.
- Validazione italiana del Social Roles Questionnaire