Paola Galetti graduated in Medieval History with Vito Fumagalli at the “Facoltа di Lettere e Filosofia” of the University of Bologna (1974), she qualified as a teacher in 1976 (“Materie letterarie nella Scuola Media") and she has got a diploma in “Archivistica, Paleografia e Diplomatica- Archivio di Stato di Bologna", a.a.1976-77.
In a.a. 1974/75, 1975/76, 1977/78 she held different seminars ( Medieval History, Medieval Agrarian History, Paleography); she then became an “assistente incaricata supplente” in Paleography (a.a.1976/77) and in Medieval History (1/IV/79-20/X/81); in 1981 she also became a “ricercatore confermato” and, in 2000, was promoted “professore associato” in Medieval History (M-STO/01) at the “Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia” of the University of Bologna.
She obtained the eligibility for “I fascia” professor, “professore ordinario” in the sector 11/A1-Medieval History, in the 2012 scientific national examination
She is a member of the “Deputazione di St. Patria per le Province Parmensi-sez. Piacenza” and of the “Deputazione di St. Patria per le Province di Romagna”; she also taught (a.y.2001-02) at the “Master per la Formazione di Tecnici addetti alla conservazione e manutenzione dell'edilizia rurale storica” (CESVIP, Univ. Ferrara, Univ. Bologna, Univ. Parma, R.U.R.A.L.I.A.), at the 2nd “Summer School di Archeologia"-Univ. Foggia (3-8/XI/2005) and in 2013 at the Master "Storia e Archeologia del Mediterraneo" of the Sassari University.
She directed different local groups of national research ( PRIN): in 2002-04 and in 2004-06 she directed a group in collaboration with the Universities of Siena, Venezia and Padova and, in 2007-09, she directed another group, this time with the collaboration of the Universities of Siena, Venezia, Padova and Trieste. She coordinates the local research group for the three years PRIN project 2010-11 (with the Universities of Foggia, Bari, Lecce, Suor Orsola Benincasa, Siena, Padova, Sassari, Chieti/Pescara, Roma 2/Tor Vergata, CNR-IBAM) and she coordinated an “Azione integrata Italia-Spagna”, (2008-09), with the Universities of Granada, Valencia, Jaen, Murcia and Pais Vasco.
She coordinated Socrates-Erasmus Exchanges (in History and Archaeology) with the Universities of Granada, Murcia, Pais Vasco, Leon, Varsavia, Berlin - Humboldt and she held seminars at the same Universities.
She taught (from 2000 to 2006) at the “Etudes postgrades, doctorat-Institut d'Architecture-Université de Généve” and (in January 2004) she held seminars at the “Préparation aux concours Capes-Agrégation Histoire-Question d'histoire médiévale" - Inst. d'Histoire du Moyen Age, Fac. des Sciences Historiques, Université M.Bloch, Strasbourg . In 2012, she was an invited professor at the Lyon/2 University.
She directed (in 2006-08) a research called « Mulini, canali, comunità della pianura bolognese tra medioevo e etа moderna » and she coordinated a research titled « Storia dell'insediamento medievale nel territorio del Saltus Planus » (2008-09). Since 2010 she is the historic coordinator for the archeological excavations in Monte Lucio, Bismantova, Toano (RE).
From the 2014-2015 she coordinates the research partnership with the “Ente B.C. Diocesi di Reggio Emilia-Guastalla” and with the “Ente B.C. della Diocesi di Piacenza”; she represents the Bologna University in the consortium “Canossa Project”, in which are involved also the Verona University and the Cultural Heritage Ministry, and in the consortium "Piacenza Project", in which are involved also the Verona University and the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti E paesaggio per le Province di Parma e Piacenza and the Comune di Piacenza. She represents Bologna in project "Palazzi comunali tra Francia e Italia" in which are involved also the Bergamo University, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Avignone e CIHAM di Lione.
She has been a teacher and member at the "Medieval History", "History", "History Culture Civilisation" PhD and "History and Archaeology. Memory, Civilisation ad Heritage"PhD at the University of Bologna; she was a tutor for several other PhD projects and she has been the member of several PhD final exam.commissions. She is part of the teaching staff for PhD in the Historia y Arqueologia Maritimas- Linea di investigacion in Paisaje Historico y Cultural, University of Cadice (Spain).
She’s peer reviewer for national and international reviews.
She has been a member of different examining boards for PhD admission, and an elected member of the examining board for "professore associato" (Univ. of Trento) and for "ricercatore universitario" (Univ. of Verona) - M-STO/01 - Storia Medievale. She was nominated as a foreign member for the examining board of the Maitre de conference - Histoire Medievale, at the Ecole Normale Superieure- Lione (France).
Since 2009/10 she was director of the scientific coordinator for the University of Bologna for the "HISTARMED - Histoire et Archéologie Médiévales", an european Master (Master degree in Historical Sciences) organized with the collaboration of the Universities of Bologna, Lyon/2, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/Lyon, Warsaw and Granada. (funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme-Erasmus-Curriculum Development Projects,) and now implementing in the Universities of Algarve and Munster.
- *She was (until 2017) the manager of the Vinci funds for HISTARMED.
Since February 2013, she coordinated the "Office Mediterraneen de la Jeunesse pour la mobilité des étudiants et de jeunes professionels (2011-2014) Program" for the University of Bologna.
On November 1st, 2010 she has been elected President of the "Corso di Laurea in Storia" (Scuola di Lettere e Beni culturali, Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Civiltà) at the University of Bologna, role that she held till 2013. In the same period she was a member of the “Collegio della Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali”. From the 2005 to the 2012 she has been vice-director of the “Paleografia e Medievistica” department. She has been a member of the planning commission of the didactic of the Bachelor Degree in History and the Master Degree in Historical and Eastern Sciences.
She is a member of the scientific board for the e-journal "Riparia.Rivista internazionale di storia dell'interazione società e ambiente" (University of Laval,University of Cadice) and for the "Coleccion de Historia. Ajbar", University of Granada and for the "Coleccion Poliedrica. Paisaje y cultura", University of Cadice/Cadiz and for the Collana "Il Medioevo.-Contesti, comunità, incontri" unibo and for Rivista "Millars", University Jaume I Castellon de la Plana (E) and for Rivista "Kalkas"(Centro Studi Storico Archeologici del Gargano).) and the e-journal "I Quaderni del M.A.E.S.", University of Bologna and Rivista "Matildica".
She was a member of the scientific board of the “Centro Studi Matildico and the "Associazione Matildica " (until 2018); she is a member of Bologna University DIPAST (Centro Internazionale di Didattica della Storia e del Patrimonio); she was a member of the scientific commission for the celebration for the 9th centenary for the Bologna Commune genesis. She was a member (until 2018) of the scientific board of SAMI-MIBACT (Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del Turismo) for the “R.Francovich” Prize.
She is founder and scientific coordinator of the "Settlement Systems History Study Centre", Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà.
From 1990 until 2012 she taught at the “Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia” at the University of Bologna and she currently teaches at the Scuola di Lettere e beni culturali, Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Civiltà, University of Bologna. In addition to that, from 1995 to 2004, she also taught at the Faculty of “Conservazione dei Beni Culturali” at the same University, but in its Ravenna seat and, from 1999 to 2009, she taught at the SSIS - Indirizzo Linguistico-letterario (University of Bologna).
She also taught at Master "Didattica del Patrimonio culturale", a.a.2018-19.
She has been a member of the selecting commissions for the SSIS, from 2000 to 2009 of the final exam for habilitation and, as a nominated member of the commission, of the final examinations TFA, A050 (2012) and A043/A050 (2014).
She taught : Storia Medievale, Esegesi delle fonti storiche medievali (triennio); Storia degli insediamenti e dei sistemi abitativi (Laurea magistrale).
Professore Alma Mater of Bologna University from 1 November 2001 following retirement. Currently teaches: Storia degli insediamenti e dei sistemi abitativi, L.M. Scienze storiche e orientalistiche, Archeologia e culture del mondo antico, Geografia e processi territoriali, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà, Bologna University (a.a.2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24) and a.a.2022-23 Master "Patrimoni culturali a confronto.Fonti e metodi per educare al futuro".
Starting from the interest in the history of historiography on the Middle Ages (which has characterized her entire scientific career) and developing knowledge in the paleographic and diplomatics fields, the research interests are now focused on different aspects of the economic and social history of Italy and the medieval Europe, also in camparison with the Eastern wordl. In particular, the main researches topics are the study of the man-environment relationship, the study of settlements dynamics, of private and public architecture, of the production structures and their material aspects, carried on with an interdisciplinary approach ad also diachronic.