Foto del docente

Monica Dall'Asta

Full Professor

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae


Monica Dall’Asta is Full Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of Bologna. Her work has been developing at the intersection of several lines of research, ranging from the history of seriality in film and television to the history of film theories, from feminist film history to the study of transnational circulation of popular media and transmedial culture. She is the author of a volume about early film seriality (Trame spezzate. Archeologia del film seriale, 2009) and the editor of the first collection about women’s work in the Italian film industry during the silent period (Non solo dive. Pioniere del cinema italiano, 2008). She co-edits with Jane Gaines e Radha Vatsal the Women Film Pioneers Project [], based at Columbia University. She is the Coordinator of DETECt-Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives [] (2018-21), a large collaborative project funded by the European Commission in the frame of the Horizon 2020 program.



  • 1994 PhD in Film History and Philology, University of Bologna
  • 1988 M.A. in Arts, Music and Performance Studies, University of Bologna



  • 1996-97 Post-doc Research Fellow, School of Humanities, University of Bologna, for research on the role of film in the thought of Walter Benjamin



  • From 2020 Full Professor of Film and Media Studies, Department of the Arts, University of Bologna
  • 2014 Habilitation as Full Professor, national public tender
  • 2010-19 Associate Professor of Film, Photography and Television Studies, School of Humanities, University of Bologna
  • 2006 Qualified as Associate Professor of Film, Photography and Television Studies, public tender at University of Perugia
  • 2003-10 Assistant Professor of Film, Photography and Television Studies, School of Humanities, University di Bologna
  • 1996-02 Adjunct Professor of Film Theory and Film Semiotics, School of Humanities, University of Bologna



  • 2018-21 Project Coordinator - DETECt-Detecting Transcultural Identity in European Popular Crime Narratives
  • 2013-running Women Film Pioneers Project, directed by Professor Jane Gaines, Columbia University, New York
  • 2008-10 Project Leader - EPOP - Popular Roots of European Culture through Film, Comics and Serialized Literature - in collaboration with the Universities of Limoges (France),Leiden (the Netherlands), Louvain (Belgium), funded in the frame of EU 7th Framework Programme (2007-13), Culture Programme
  • 2007-08 Principal investigator - Non solo dive. Pioniere del cinema italiano, Ministero dei Beni Culturali



  • Feminist Media Histories (U.S.)
  • Immagine. Note di storia del cinema (Italy)
  • L’avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes (Italy)



  • Women and Film History International
  • Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema
  • Consulta Universitaria del Cinema



  • 2010 Limina Award for Best Book in Film and Media Studies (Trame spezzate: Archeologia del film seriale)
  • 1989 Prix de la Critique Historique du Cinéma, Institut Jean Vigo (Perpignan, France) for MA thesis on the ‘forzuto’ genre in Italian silent cinema



  • 2009 Trame spezzate: Archeologia del film seriale (Genova: Le Mani), 343 pp.
  • 2008 Alice Guy: Memorie di una pioniera del cinema (Bologna: Cineteca di Bologna), 205 pp.
  • 1992 Un cinéma musclé. Le surhomme dans le cinema muet italien (Crisnéé: Yellow Now), 260



  • 2016 co-edited with Alessandra Chiarini: Found Footage: Women Without a Movie Camera, special issue, Feminist Media Histories 2 (3), 141 pp.
  • 2013 co-edited with Victoria Duckett; Lucia Tralli, Researching Women in Silent Cinema: New Findings and Perspectives, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - DAR, 335 pp.
  • 2011 co-edited with Marco Grosoli: Consumato dal fuoco. Il cinema di Guy Debord (Pisa: ETS) 222 pp.
  • 2008 Non solo dive. Pioniere del cinema italiano (Bologna: Cineteca di Bologna), 528 pp.
  • 2004 Fantômas. La vita plurale di un antieroe (Udine: Il principe costante), 270 pp.