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Miriam Capri is Associate Professor at DIMEC with qualification for Full Professor position. She is authorship of more than 180 articles (orcid.org/0000-0001-9077-0401) focused on immunosenescence and human aging in international and peer-reviewing journals. To date (June 2024), she has a total citations of 17605-Hi: 68 in Google Scholar and she ranks within the TOP ITALIAN SCIENTIST WOMAN (https://topitalianscientists.org/TIS_HTML/Top_Italian_Women_Scientists_Biomedical_Sciences-101-200.htm). In Scopus she has 12189 cit and Hi 59. She is author of 18 book chapters on the above cited topics. Her academic/research activity evaluation has the highest level at Alma Mater Studiorum. She is currently a member of the editorial board of Aging Research Reviews, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development and Frontiers in Viral Immunology. She is also Associate Editors in Frontiers in Endocrinology/Aging. She is usually involved in the activity of referee for many international journals on human aging.
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