Foto del docente

Miriam Capri

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-02/A Experimental Medicine and Pathophysiology

Curriculum vitae

Academic Career

1991 : Graduated at ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, University of Bologna, in Biology.

1993-1997: Ph.D in Experimental Pathology at the University of Bologna: "Immunological effects of electromagnetic fields at 50 Hz, in vitro and in vivo studies."

1999-2000: Post-Ph.D fellowship at the University of Ancona; "Study of oxidative-stress mediated apoptosis and mitochondrial functionality in a model of successful ageing: health centenarians".

2001-2003: European fellowship in the REFLEX project: "Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low energy electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure using sensitive in vitro methods"; scientific direction of WP4: "Effects on Human Immune System".

2002: Nomination in the Quality Assessment and Assurance Committee (QUAAC) of the European Project RAMP: "Risk assessment for exposure of nervous system cells to mobile phone electromagnetic fields: from in vitro to in vivo studies"

2006: Permanent position at the University of Bologna as Assistant Professor (Faculty of Medicine).

2014: Positive judgement in the national competition for associated professor position (Sector A06).

2015: Member of CENTRO DI STUDIO E RICERCA -CSR- for Aging Studies, President is Prof Marco Zoli (DIMEC- University of Bologna).

2019: Second positive judgement in the national competition for associated professor position (ASN 06/A2- PATOLOGIA GENERALE E PATOLOGIA CLINICA)

2019: one month Research Fellowship at DLR- Aerospatial Medicine Centre- in Cologne  - Head: Prof Dr. Joern Rittweger

2021: Associate Professor (SSD. MED/04) at DIMES- Alma Mater Studiorum. Teacher of Immunology and Immunopatology, CAMPUS BOLOGNA, RAVENNA and FORLI'.

2022: Member of the team of Coordination in Alma Mater Studiorum for PNRR-PE8 on AGING.

2023: Positive judgement in the national competition for Full Professor position (Sector A06)

Research Activities

20002003: scientific collaboration in the EU project (FP5) REFLEX (Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field –EMF- Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods); scientific collaboration in the WP7 of the EU project (FP5) CEMFEC: “Combined Effects of Electromagnetic Fields with Environmental Carcinogens”

2007-2010: Coordinator of a scientific and local project at the University of Bologna entitled “ Post-operative Delirium: risk factors and Genetics”

2008-2013: scientific collaboration on the EU project MARK-AGE (FP7), to establish biomarkers of aging; PI of the project with TELECOM to study Radiofrequencies effects in vitro.

2009-2013: Scientific collaboration in the EU project (FP7) MYOAGE "Understanding and Combating Age‐related Muscle weakness";

2010-2012: PRIN2008-Scientific collaboration in the national project coordinated by Professor Grazi: “Pretransplant liver biological age and age-mismatch between donor and recipient as new predictors of transplant outcome”

2011-2016: Scientific collaboration in the EU project NU-AGE (FP7) (New dietary strategy addressing the specific need of the elderly population for healthy ageing in Europe.

2013-2017: Scientific collaboration in the EU project COBRA(FP7) ﴾Comorbidity in relation to AIDS﴿; scientific collaboration in EU project MISSION T2D (Multiscale Immune System Simulator for the ONset of Type 2 diabetes integrating, genetic, metabolic and nutritional data).

2013-2018: scientific collaboration in the EU (FP7) HUMAN project ﴾Health and the Understanding of Metabolism, Aging and Nutrition﴿.

2014-2016: Coordinator of the local project FARBlinea2 entitled "HOST-MICROBE INTERACTIONS AND HUMAN LONGEVITY: metagenomics OF GENOMICS AND SEMI-SUPER centenarians" Collaboration to the Project "Finalizzato": Tregs and Transplantation.

2014-2016: PI of project funded by FONDAZIONE DEL MONTE on inflammatory myopathies.

2015-2017: PI of a project with Nestec Ltd ﴾Lausanne, CH ﴿‐Pro‐Age on human frailty.

2017-2019: project funded by FONDAZIONE CARIPLO with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (PI: University of Insubria) entitled: Amyloidogenesi, a highly evolutionary conserved mechanism, as contribution to INFLAMM-AGING and Frialty syndrome.

2020-2021: FONDAZIONE CARISBO, PI of the project: “Firma molecolare della patologia carotidea: microRNAs circolanti e rischio cerebrovascolare” – code: 2019-0538, within the PhD program in Surgery Science.

2021: PI  - Call for Spin-Off- winner of a grant for a cofunding of a research fellowship.

2021-2024: PI of the project "MetaMuscle" funded by Italian Space Agency-ASI

2022: PI, winner of the project  AlmaIdea -linea B for a research fellowship.

2023: PNRR-PE8: involved in the project AGE.IT, spoke 3 WP2 and WP3

Teaching activities

1993- 2000: laboratory activities for teaching support (Biotechnology-Medicine) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

20002006: laboratory activities for teaching support (Biotechnology) at the University of Bologna.

2006-2008: Teacher of Tecnologie Microarrays- Bioinformatica, at the University of Bologna

2008-2011: Teacher of "Microarray Technologies/Genome Scale Investigation" at the MASTER degree in Bioinformatics (English language), at the University of Bologna;

2010-2011: Teacher of IMMUNOPATOLOGIA - 3 cfu –in MALATTIE DEL SANGUE, DEL SISTEMA IMMUNITARIO E PREVENZIONE (C.I.), at the University of Bologna

2010-2024: Teacher of “DNA/RNA Dynamics” -6 cfu- SCHOOL OF SCIENCE- Master degree in Bioinformatics (English language), at the University of Bologna.

2015-2024: Teacher of IMMUNOLOGIA (module)- 5 cfu- in PATOLOGIA MOLECOLARE-IMMUNOLOGIA (C.I.)- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE- in Medicina e Chirurgia, at the University of Bologna.

2019-2024: Teacher of IMMUNOLOGY (module 2)-total 5 cfu - integrated course in  BASIC MECHANISMS OF DISEASE (I.C.) in the Master Course of Medicine & Surgery

2021-2023: Teacher of IMMUNOLOGY (module I)- 5 cfu- in PATOLOGIA MOLECOLARE-IMMUNOLOGIA (C.I.)- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE- in Medicina e Chirurgia, at the University of Bologna, CAMPUS of FORLI'.

2021-2024: Teacher of IMMUNOPATOLOGY- 5 cfu- in PATOLOGIA MOLECOLARE-IMMUNOLOGIA (C.I.)- SCHOOL OF MEDICINE- in Medicina e Chirurgia, at the University of Bologna, CAMPUS of RAVENNA.

2022: Teacher of Immunology in the  MASTER of "Farmacia Clinica Oncologica 4.0 - 5867"


Seminars, dissemination, speaker at National/International Congresses

The most relevant events are the following:

2023:  Invited Speaker-  International Symposium in Bochum-Germania January 26-27th: "The liver aging: epigenetic signatures and biomarkers in transplant setting"

2022: Interview for a local newpaper in Forlì (18/01/2022); Interview for a newspaper called CorofarHealth- distributed in Romagna and Bologna city.

2019: Invited Speaker, “Healthy Life and Longevity” conference in Tel Aviv;  Dicember 2nd-3rd- Circulating cell-free DNA and microRNAs.

2019: Dissemination with an interview at the local TV (TRC) in the program “Detto tra noi”, February 20 (12 p.m.-12.30 p.m.) with the interviewer Mariangela Ciavarella on the biomarkers of human aging.The interview was required after the publication of a paper on centenarians with mediatic impact (Teo, Capri et al., 2019- pubblicata su Aging Cells).

2018: Haematologica XV Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology Rimini, Italy, October 18-20, 2018 Abstract book: Toward the identification of a micrornas-based signature of circulating microparticoles from triple negative and JAK2 (V617F) mutated patients with myelofibrosis. Barone M, Cristina M et al., poster session.

2018: Invited Seminar (Settembre 25th)- School of Medicine at the University of Forence, Specialty in Geriatrics, “Invecchiamento umano e microRNAs”

2018: Invited Speaker –International Congress of Immunology. September 2018- Ouro Preto (Brasil): “Aging beyond chronological age: focus on inflammaging and immunobiography”

2018: Invited Speaker –International Congress on Aging Theories. June 2018- Reswoz (Polonia): “Inflammaging and Garb-aging trajectories”

2017: Invited Seminar in Koln, DLR- Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Head of the Department Prof Joern Rittwerg 17 Ottobre 2017- “Human ageing and microRNAs: the contribution of muscle tissue”

2017: Invited Seminar, Università dell’Insubria a Varese, March 3rd 2017 Prof.ssa Magda De Eguilor - “L’Invecchiamento umano e il ruolo dei microRNAs”

2016: Workshop in Dayton, OHIO, Air force laboratory, October 29th –November 5th 2016, “Stress, human aging and age –related diseases: may prolonged air flight affect health status and accelerate ageing process?”

2016:Dissemination, invited speaker with Brescia citizens - I pomeriggi della Medicina- a Brescia, 26 Aprile 2016, “TERRE DI CENTENARI”

2015: Invited Speaker, Congress in Corvallis (OR, USA) - Diet and Optimum Health- 9-12 September, “Metagenomics and metabolomics in centenarians and their offspring: two new pieces of the inflamm-aging puzzle”

2015: Invited Speaker , Congress in Milano - Dietary needs of healthy and frail older people, Milano Bicocca- linked to EXPO 2015, August 3rd 2015,“Inflammaging and diet”

2014: Congress - UNIMED-Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo- Università La Sapienza Roma, 30 September 2014 –“Progetto PROSIT”

2013: Gordon Conference a LesDiableret (CH) 14th-19th April 2013 – (Poster Session) “The cognitive and functional status at the oldest ages: new highlights from data on Italian nonagenarians, centenarians and semi-supercentenarians

2012: Congress in Belo Horizonte, (Brasile) Dicember 13th-14th 2012: “miRs are sistemic and tissue-specific biomarkers of ageing”

2012: Conference in Bologna, 13 Ottobre 2012, Società Medica Chirurgica: “Longevità e Medicina Personalizzata”

2012: Dissemination, Conference with Ex-Alumni, Pavia, November 22th 2012, I Giovedì del Collegio Cairoli, “Invecchiamento e Longevità: Malattia e Immortalità

2012: Meeting for expert scientists, Atene, May 3rd 2012, Panel of Expert on Longevity: “Genes of Longevity: is it an endless quest?” M. Capri & C. Franceschi

2011: Congress in Bologna, Dicembre 14th 2011, SysBioHealth: “Systemic and organ-specific biomarkers of ageing: the case of liver”

2011: Congress in Rome, Giugno 2011- 13th World Congress on Menopause “Gender differences in aging and longevity: an omics perspective”

2010: Conference in Bologna, Ottobre 10th 2010, Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi, “Age and Inflammageing in Post-operative delirium”

2010: Invited seminar in Torino, Gennaio 21st 2010 TELECOM Lab, “Radiofrequenze (telefonia mobile) ed espressione dei geni umani: possibili interazioni?”

2007: Congress in Rome, 2nd World Congress. Gender Specific Medicine and Ageing, March 8th-11th 2007: “Inflamm-aging, gender and longevity”

2006: National Congress in Torino 38 SIBioC –September 19th-22th 2006, “Il profilo immunologico di rischio nell’anziano è predittivo di fragilità, morbilità e mortalità”

2006: National Congress in Torino, 38 SIBioC – September 19th-22th 2006, “La Longevità”

2006: National Congress in Perugia, 60° SIIARTI- October 10th-13th 2006, Perugia, “Delirium Post- Operatorio: basi Genetiche”

1997: Speaker at the International Congress in Bologna: Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, June 8th-13th 1997, “Chronic exposure to 50 Hz-sinusoidal electric and magnetic fields: phenotypical study of immune system cells in an in vivo model”

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